Which maps presently provide a poor opening experience because of the location of the Base Spawn? : This one for me is renewal, on 128p BT, both main bases on the initial spawn are directly next to each other and 9/10 end up with the defenders getting camped and unable to leave main spawn, moving the defenders initial main base to behind the mid gate in the wall would be a better compromise IMO.
How do you feel about the current balance between Infantry and Vehicles in Breakthrough? There are too many vehicles and chaos on the objectives. The 64 Player version is much better but still too many vehicles sadly.
Have you played 64 player Breakthrough, and do you feel that this is the better way to experience the mode? It is but it still needs improvements. Lack of cover while attacking/defending the objective makes for a mediocre experience.
On which maps and Flags do you see the most immediate need for more line of sight blockers?
- Breakaway: E1 Objective is too far away from everything else. B1+B2 are very difficult to access without a helicopter due to lack of cover. F1 + F2 are too far away to bother going back
- Renewal: A1+A2 to C1 has a massive open space that can not be pushed. B1 is too far from the action. E1 should come a little closer to the middle of the map. C1 could be updated with a bigger building with multiple stories or more smaller buildings scattered around.
- Manifest: B objectives are the main focus. More buildings should be added. C1+D1 are a walking simulator to get to from B objectives even with a parachute.
- Hourglass: The whole map lacks complete cover. The fight should take place mostly inside the city, and not in the desert. E objectives are too far away to the right. Lack of cover makes it difficult to be pushed.
- Discarded: B1 + B2 objectives are too far away from the action. They should be brought closer. Same thing with A1 + E1. The map is too open around the broken ship in the middle.
- Orbital: Team spawns are too far away. E1 has too much open space around it. It is difficult to be pushed
Do you have specific areas on maps that currently stand out to you as lacking cover? All of the above.
Do you have thoughts on how we can better define traveling paths between objectives to keep combat focused? More tunnels like the tunnel between B1 - B2 on Orbital. More towers to parachute from. More ropes to rappel around.
Do you see improvement opportunities to make it easier to understand how to get from one objective to the next? Unarmed transport vehicles should be autospawning around each map like the trucks next to C1 on Renewal. More of the prop vehicles should be drivable. In the beginning of a round, unarmed transport vehicles like buggies, motorbikes etc. should be available for the players that failed to spawn on a vehicle. Its a huge punishment to have to walk from spawn to other objectives.