Firstly, kalideoscope map is boring, it's the most straightforward map, meaning no cover, no levolution. And it's with every map in 2042, the most boring I would say would be manifest.
The problems I feels:
1. There is hovercraft but no streams or river in any map, basically no water and land fight.
In bf4 there were land and water fights which made it more fun.
2. No levolution ( for which bf is always my favorite, map changing destruction. The levolution will bring changes to map dynamically, and will give it more battlefield look, If cyclone comes then, the center dome building should be destroyed or a building point either A1 or F1 should fall, levolution brings so much dynamic to the game. This could be added to all the maps, changing capture points after levolution.
3. I know working on skins and player character are hard and removing them would be waste of hardwork, but it would be good if old style class characters would come with modern look and all the abilities of the specialist rather than introducing new characters, it would save time on other important factors like new guns and maps.
4. A little more detail in destruction physics and overall, will give a more aesthetic look of what battlefield is known for.
One positive point that I like about this game is, even though I am playing on gtx 1060, the game doesnt laga and gets ping of around 65 to 70, which I could not get in bf V dont know for what reason.
I know how it feels, when hard work is criticized brutaly but this is how we grow, it would be great if u could bring changes fast. Love from someone who is playing this game from bf 1942.