Hello there, my feedback to the maps (posted in multiple threads earlier):
- Maps are plain, there is no real and useful elevation that could be useful as cover. If there is something with "height" it is mostly a building that destroys every tactical aspect of the game (see next point)
- Introduction of zones is a somewhat "ok" addition, but implemented poorly, as there are zones with only one flag, while other zones have 3 flags. Why should anyone ever cap the zone with 3 flags? Another point is the unbalanced map design with poorly placed capping zone. Here a few examples:
- Kaleidoscope, where the "main attraction / D" of the game has only 1 flag and is almost unnecessary to the whole match itself. Seems like the new layout here is slightly better, but to be honest still pretty bad. Why are there 3 checkpoints and 2 sectors in the corner area? Who designed this nonsense? Make the d-flag important and put the other sectors closer to it. Also give D-zone at least 3 capping zones, if you want it to be the center of the map.
- Hourglass, with the somewhat interesting stadium that is just there for no reason. The stadium should be THE main flag of the whole map, where the fight is. Just put it in the middle of the map, put some refugee camps outside of it and let the people fight.
- Breakaway, why is the mountain checkpoint even in the game? Never seen that one in 100+ hours and i don't even want to go there.
- Renewal, too clean, too flat, filled with "nothing". Why can't we destroy the map? Why are there so many "points of interests"? Same thing as with the other maps, just make the border patrol the center of the map. Remove most of the void between the flags and place the buildings closer to the border. Completely remove that checkpoint behind the mountain. Put in small elevation, rocks, trees and maybe some destroyed gear.
- Maps are soulless and lack detail. I would guess that on almost every map around 50% is filled with "nothing". This is a bad design, if you don't want to have many details or you can't do it because of hardware limitations, then just decrease the map size. Most of the problems are based on this point, because the maps are just boring and poorly designed.
- Reduce vehicle counter, no one needs 3 attack choppers in a 64 player match on each side. Make it easy: one plane, one attack or scout chopper and one transport chopper with massively reduced firepower. Same with attacking vehicles. Reduce the amount of heavy armed vehicles and increase the amount of light / not armed transport vehicles (like quads or the buggys in BF3/4 or the jeeps in BF1/V)
Those are my main points, other points would be too detailed as you are only looking for "map related" stuff. So I don't want to start with other problems that play into this as well (e.g. specialists like Mackkay or Squirrel Girl aka Sundance).
Thanks for reading this, i hope we can see improvements. Sadly already dissapointed as you are only talking about Kaleidoscope, which is just one of the worst maps i have ever played in my Battlefield career since BF3. In my opinion, this map could only be safed if it is completely redesigned.