Hey there...İ actually have a battlefield sickness and when i dont play am gonna ill for a week...So let me share my toughts..
1.When entering combat with a helicopters there is no sense i mean there is no animation like codmw19 or somethin add some animations like soldier moves movements and please add a vibration ont that scene when in helicopter.
2.Ebaa tank-aa missile- is so bad so so bad.if i do that thing i add animation too like when i holding m5a3 and see heli right ? İf i change wapon it needs delay i mean when i see heli just press triangle button 0.50 seconds after i shoot down a helicopter.add some animations too and give delay on that thing like real..
3.weapon recoils are worste then ever...it feels like you holdin up paper weapon...you know what i mean...fix it pleaseeeeeeeeRECOİLS&WEAPON WEİGHT.
4.helicopters (MD540) is so powerful rockets are too powerful maybe reduce the power or decrease the number and increase the power...
5.Spawning---İt had be like bf5-4-1-2142-bc1-2-1942-1943-vietnam...you got me...
6.Zones are like no a1-2..İts only A or B....
7.The storm animation is great i had to say this its greattttt wp.Maybe add a eartquake animation or more realistic rain animation....
8.The announcers are worst..Maybe more badass sound is better especiallly to USA team announcer.
9.And please just please DELETE or CHANGE this am really really sorry but disguisting two characters....DONT BE SAD&AM JUST BETTER THEN ANYONE PLEASEEEEEEEE
10.AND FİNAL----i grow bf games my first game was 1942 i really like dice ea but this game was non complete game.--But i know you guys you did this before and did it again FOREVER SUPPORT---LOVE FROM TURKEY <3