We have just posted an update on our current design direction for Battlefield 2042 Maps. Read the full update, here.
In this update on map design we've outlined several questions for you on where we'd appreciate hearing your feedback. We first encourage you to read the original post in full so you have the proper context. We've also listed all of the questions posed in our blog today, in this thread, with the intent for you to take what's posted there as a thought starter for us to have an open discussion on this first topic around our existing maps.
Please do feel free to jump in with your thoughts and feedback.
Which maps presently provide a poor opening experience because of the location of the Base Spawn?
Which maps are making it harder to get back into the fight in an all cap scenario?
How do you feel about the current balance between Infantry and Vehicles in Breakthrough?
Have you played 64 player Breakthrough, and do you feel that this is the better way to experience the mode?
On which maps and Flags do you see the most immediate need for more line of sight blockers?
Do you have specific areas on maps that currently stand out to you as lacking cover?
Do you have thoughts on how we can better define traveling paths between objectives to keep combat focused?
Do you see improvement opportunities to make it easier to understand how to get from one objective to the next?
We invite you to share your thoughts, feelings and responses with us not just on these topics, but anything else you feel is related as well. We’ll of course also be reading your comments across multiple hubs of community such as Discord, Reddit, and Social Media. If you have posted your thoughts on another platform, don't be shy to link to them here so that we've seen them.
Please represent your thoughts and feelings based on your experience, preferences, and expectations for our future Updates. We ask you to be respectful of those who are taking the time to share their feedback, and to be mindful of our Forum Rules. Our moderation team will be active throughout the thread to help keep the conversation focused on our topic, and those seeking to be disruptive to that goal will be appropriately sanctioned.
Thanks again for providing your feedback around Map Design.
It's been a week since we posted this feedback request to you. That means we'll now close this thread so we can start compiling all your thoughts and comments. Again, we really appreciate that you've taken the time to have this discussion with us.
Once we're done reading through everything, we'll follow-up with what we've learned and next steps.
62 person breakthrough: yes, i like this a lot more. would love to see both 128 and 64 person versions stick around.
maps that need help: Hourglass. It's way too easy for someone to take a Wildcat and just sit on the dunes over C and B points and just suppress all infantry in sight. They will be too far away to get SOFLAM lock, and too far to reliably hit with rockets. Once again, broken mobile AA.
First of all, I appreciate the structured approach you are taking. Nevertheless, I'm wondering why there is no update on all other topics, that are way more problematic than map design:
community response to specialists is absolutely negative
it totally kills immersion to be surrounded by several players that look exactly alike while clearly they don't look like soldiers
I never played a game that crashed that much on PC, all other BF titles hardly ever crash
performance is horrible compared top other titles with better graphics
the low amount of weapons and the lack of absolute standard equipment (e. g. flash bang grenades) is not acceptable
the decision to remove gaining XP in Portal modes against bots basically killed Portal, there is no way you create a Portal experience and wait a day until you have enough players for a 128player match - not sure how that was supposed to work
no server browser is is an absolute no-go for a game that is in such a bad state, it makes no sense that we have to join random matches until we find a map that is not completely broken --> at least give us the option to decide on which map we want to play
description on which stats a weapon and attachment has is in most cases misleading or wrong, there should be much more and accurate information available in-game
To the map design questions:
Breakthrough 64 is the best compromise between performance impact and compensation of flawed map design
128 players clearly causes a significant hit on fps and stability
Vehicles in general are really not balanced, you constantly get run over by the Bolte or killed by the easy-mode Littlebird. In combination with the bugged anti-vehicle weapons, gameplay clearly favors vehicles and vehicle camping. There is hardly a way to avoid vehicle heavy areas. Additionally, damaging vehicles or piloting attack vehicles is not rewarding enough - only for the player that actually gets the kill
Too many invisible walls that can be abused and tree stumps your vehicle can get stuck on - better remove those (or their hitbox) completely
Snow maps give a big advantage to players with the white colored skins like "Snow Burn"
On nearly all maps the opening in Breakthrough is really annoying for attackers without a vehicle, it would be better to have more transport vehicles but less attack vehicles
additionally, the maps look far to clean and undamaged - it's supposed to be an apocalyptic war-zone and not something that gets cleaned and freshly painted every week
Bringing back classes would solve any and every problem that battlefield is facing right now. But no fr. Give us maps like BF4 where you know what you routes to take or like BF5. We need an operation locker is something. All seriousness y’all should focus on bringing back classes. The maps can wait.
"Man, no clue why it took two full months to put this post together but oh well. Feedback I have at the moment -
Infantry vs. vehicle balance on breakthrough - It's garbage. Hot, utter, massive garbage. There are too many vehicles that can spawn and infantry have little counter to them outside of some lame C5 drones or hacking them, which is only available to a one character consistently.
If both teams can "handle" armor/air the matches are fairly fine, but it requires your armor/air and their armor/air to largely be matched. If you CAN'T or they CAN'T, it's a steamroll where armor/air just wipes the floor with the other team with little to no recourse. It snowballs and it feels like *.
Beyond that half the vehicles feel like garbage to play against. Bolte is a prime offender since it's easy to position it defensively so you can't shoot the driver/gunner and is quick enough to evade most anti armor rounds. Vehicles in general feel like garbage
And that's it for now. I'm not sure why you're asking this, though, even from what little reading I've done this is all * that's been discussed extensively while the game still had a community.
Now the community is dead and y'all are expecting to get tons of qualitative feedback and it's way, way, way too late. All that's being shown off for the "bigger work" is a few capture points moved around? Like, that's bad, DICE. It honestly looks like nobody is working on this game.
At least the blog post is nice. To respond to that -
Traversal: Still blown away that the game ended up being a "walking simulator" and nobody on the team noticed. This was apparent literally within the first few matches in open beta. How'd y'all not notice?
Intensity: May, maybe y'all should have listened to DICE from a decade ago when they said 128 players wasn't fun (I think it is) and is hard to design around. Maybe don't get super ambitious if you don't have an experienced team.
LoS: I'm glad you feel and hear us, I'm not sure how this was missed in internal testing either since it's GLARINGLY OBVIOUS WITHIN A FEW MATCHES.
Paths: Why should we have confidence y'all can figure this out when you thought capture points on top of rooftops in breakthrough was a good idea?
Cover: Basically the same issue as LoS.
I mean, we're 3 months into the year and you still need more time to move capture locations and spawn points? You're just starting feedback now?
Does anyone at DICE even actually work on this game or have y'all moved the team onto the next one?
I was expecting a lot more detailed and better delivered communication than this given that y'all haven't said * for a few months but hey, I guess this is better than continued silence.
Lost of, "We agree with your frustrations." not a lot of "We're sorry we delivered a half-baked game with glaringly obvious design flaws and mistakes."
This man sums it up quite nicely. I could not express myself like this due to my language limitations but I completely agree with everything said here. Thank you for the post.
The post from them is very nice but that all. They had so much time to fix stuff, and after 4 months they come up with "Here, we have a small range of fixes incoming". Small?
How are they hoping we can trust in anything they said here?
And another thing I find confusing is why don't they FIRST FOCUS on all the bugs, and then talk about everything else...
I don't know, I was hyped about the recent blog, than I just thing that there is almost nothing in practice... it's all "Trust us" bullcrap.
Until I witness MASSIVE changes I won't change my mind. At least in the TWO MOST PRESENT ISSUES - bugs and performance.
These are my (lengthy) thoughts on the AoW maps of 2042 as a primarily CQL player.
tl;drThe general issue with the 7 ‘All-Out Warfare’ maps in Battlefield 2042 is a lack of variety in terms of gameplay, frustrating vehicle spam resulting from the poor vehicle categorization and overall, an uninteresting experience both from an aesthetic and gameplay perspective.
All of the maps have a very barebones aesthetic which makes it very uninteresting to play and interact with the environment. Every single object in the game is far too pristine and squeaky clean which ruins the immersion that had become a staple of the franchise since Bad Company 2.
Understandably, this might be a direct response to the visibility complaints from Battlefield V where some players complained about not being able to spot enemies due to the highly detailed environments, but with the increased spotting abilities in Battlefield 2042 and some lighting improvements, this probably wouldn’t have been an issue.
The maps in previous games felt a lot more alive and 'war-like', especially with the environmental effects (both audio and visual) that have been lacking in 2042. Smokes and distant gunfire in the background, visual changes to the levels as the round progresses, additional props like destroyed armoured vehicles, abandoned civilian vehicles, etc.
Personally, I don’t find the scale of the maps to be a problem. I fully believe that Conquest plays better when the combat is focused in and around the capture points, with the area in between restricted to smaller skirmishes and mostly travelling.
Travelling between objectives should be supported efficiently with transport vehicles but it should also take time and effort to reach new points in order to better balance the attack/defend flow of Conquest, something that has been missing in games like BF1 and BFV because the capture points were too close to one another, leading to the awful zerg-rushing meta. The dead area between objectives also needs more permanent cover to minimize situations where travelling on foot becomes a death sentence
The biggest issue however lies in the capture points themselves. A lot of the capture points are weirdly placed, and they’re quite uninteresting from a gameplay perspective.
D1 on Hourglass CQL is a good example of a poor capture point. It’s pretty much just a flat bit of land surrounded by houses that are outside the capture radius. Fighting on this capture point is boring because there is nothing interesting going on here. Even if you’re in a vehicle, you are still prone to getting ambushed and attacked from all angles with no way to protect yourself. I would love it if the area was condensed so the houses are part of the capture zone, with more permanent cover scattered in and around the objective.
Other maps face the same problem on various capture points. Some other examples of uninteresting/poor capture points (all on CQL) include:
Kaleidoscope B/C sectors (far too open and copy/paste in terms of layout)
Discarded B1/C1/D1 (extremely open and bland)
Orbital E1 (tiny and restrictive 2 tier layout surrounded by flat ground with zero cover to move around)
Capture points in Conquest should be treated as genuine points of interest and it should make sense to fight over them instead of fighting over a random house. Renewal is one of the maps where you genuinely feel like there is a ton of variety, where each sector has a strong identity and offers a fairly unique experience.
The levels in 2042 suffer from a lack of identity, unlike previous games where there was a clear distinction between infantry/combined arms/vehicle maps, offering something for everyone. Right now, every map is dominated by vehicles and it is pretty much a nightmare for infantry players. However, this isn’t necessarily down to the map design but rather the extremely poor vehicle categorization.
Almost every vehicle in 2042 has powerful weapons and because of the vehicle organization, it results in a high level of vehicle spam. Vehicles like the M5C Bolte are sectioned within the ‘transport’ category, which means there can be anywhere between 5-9 Boltes per side depending on the map. That’s an awful lot of firepower and it results in extremely frustrating moments for infantry players. The same applies to air vehicles.
Instead of nerfing vehicles into the ground and making them useless, I would prefer if the vehicle categories were re-assessed and looked something like this:
Most abundant class of vehicles mainly focused on smaller scale transport
Quadbike / Hovercraft / LATV4
Focused on larger scaled transport and moderate firepower
MAV / Condor
MBT / LAV / Bolte
MBT has the most endurance and firepower to deal with vehicles. LAV acts as a multipurpose vehicle. M5C Bolte acts as a Light Tank with powerful anti-infantry weapons
Attack Helicopter / Scout Helicopter
Stealth Jets
Apart from the vehicle category issues, the maps also suffer from having every vehicle type available on each and every map. Tailoring vehicle types based on maps would really help give the existing maps a strong identity and provide a far more unique experience.
By mixing these vehicle type restrictions, there could be a greater variety of experiences such as Infantry Focus / Tank Focus / Ground Combat / Combined Arms / Vehicle Focus.
Maps like Kaleidoscope and Discarded are obvious candidates for an infantry-focused experience and the current number of vehicles on those maps are extremely frustrating to play against. Having a fewer number of vehicles and limited vehicle types would allow infantry to breathe and move around more comfortably.
Manifest suffers from air vehicle spam and would fare much better if it were a ground combat map that mostly involved tanks and LAVs instead of all vehicles.
Orbital, Renewal, Hourglass and Breakaway would be great choices for more combined arms/vehicle heavy maps. Hourglass in particular could become a tank focused map while Breakaway allows for a greater number of vehicles due to its size and layout.
An example of an ‘Infantry Focused’ vehicle layout
First... ok. You understand there are problems with the map layout and too long ways without cover.
Your fix is : change the locations of the points.
Ok, thats the easiest way with minimal work. The same way this whole game is made of (and a cause why it flopped)
A really good solution would be: create covers, destructible buildings, change the terrain, spawn more civilian vehicles for transport on the maps.
That requires work, sure.
Second: You seem to be focussed on kaleidoscope. ok, you have to start with a map.
But you want to release those changes "in season 1!". You didnt even wrote at the start of season one, only while the first season is running. You seriously need ANOTHER 3 MONTH to change the capture points???
I dont have words for this. I thought about giving a longer specific feedback on the maps, but you still dont get what the gameplay should be, it would be ignored anyway.
@iBurnTires Given the presence of the tuk tuk in the trailers, I'm shocked there's not more available small, non-combat ground transport like this.
It's one thing Planetside 2 got right with its big maps - easy access to quad bikes so players who had to travel longer distances didn't need to hitch a ride with someone else or respawn to spawn closer to where the action was.
@Tommyfare If all they hope to improve is Kaleidoscope for S1, this game isn't gonna survive. All the maps need improvements and the broader game needs improvements before they kick off S1 and hope to bring in new/returning players and have them spend any money on this game.
Moving capture points feels like moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic.
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