Poor opening experiences:
Practically every map. Especially heinous with hourglass, renewal, manifest, and discarded. I always make sure to spawn in a vehicle since the force-spawned infantry on these maps (but also literally every map!) have to run hundreds of meters to get to an already-capped flag. The next flag on these maps? several hundred additional meters away, and guess what, the vehicles are already there and capping them! infantry have nothing to do at the start of the map and have to run for MINUTES to get to possible infantry action (supposing vehicles or boltes dont gun them down). Infantry should have access to large troop transports (seating like 10 players) at the spawn to at least get close to action, since in-map vehicles are four seater pickups or two person quads and theres maybe 1 on the first point. It literally makes more sense to respawn at the beginning of a match as infantry rather than waste the time running to already-capped points. If the infantry could do anything at all to contribute somehow to an initial game start, maybe this (respawning to get near action) wouldn't happen. Again, I think they need big troop transports that can be used to deploy closer to action since all your transport vehicles that are actually in game are used as offensive vehicles with little to no room for the intended purpose, TRANSPORTING. (bolte, cough cough, MAV, cough cough, not that anybody uses it because it sucks but it also has no seats for infantry to just sit in).
Maps that are hard to get back into the fight?
practically every map, but again, hourglass, renewal, discarded, maybe not manifest due to proliferation of hard cover, but also kaleidoscope. Not only do infantry face the same problem of hundred-meter runs across zero cover, but there is also no spawn camping prevention for vehicles, especially air vehicles. Helicopters and jets can spawn trap all the enemy vehicles from being effective and rain fire down on exposed infantry. This is part of a larger problem with the map design, wherein there is no cover from helicopters, for infantry OR vehicles. a tank has nowhere to hide from an attack helicopter or a jet, and an infantry soldier can only hope to hide in a bush to avoid the wrath of these air vehicles. and then a bolte will probably just run them over anyways.
Balance of vehicles and infantry in breakthrough:
cannot speak too extensively on this, but I have played both versions, and the lack of vehicle symmetry makes breakthrough terrible to play, in my opinion. Air vehicles, once again, dominate the maps, and since attackers have way more of all vehicles (sometimes without competition??? orbital comes to mind for this on early flags) it becomes a farming simulator for the attacking side even if it is not making an appreciable impact on the progress of the attacking team. Both teams should have similar vehicle counts, as the defender vehicles will end up spending their entire time getting ganked by multiple enemy vehicles or desperately trying to take them out 1 on 1 pretty much continuously, instead of actively defending points. Perhaps vehicle respawns should be very slow to incentivize destroying a teams vehicles for a temporary tactical advantage.
64p breakthrough:
it is better, but the chaos of 128p is actually also fun in different ways. much like the squad rush gamemode was a very intimate and tactical take on rush, and everybody seemed to enjoy it at the time, generally the less players the more fun and impactful the gamemode feels for individuals.
maps and flags needing LOS blockers:
Renewal has extremely poor cover on the green fields side of the map, where infantry moving to points are quite often crossing very open fields where the only cover is a ditch or simply going prone, neither of which is particularly viable. On both sides of the map, there exists basically no air cover besides the few scattered buildings, some of which don't even have points attached to them in 128p cq.
Hourglass is the biggest offender besides Kaleidoscope, with an amazing amount of nothingness in 80% of the map. the city portion has barely any passable cover, only buildings protect from helos, not many large pieces of cover to maneuver and hide behind. The open desert and especially the highway flag cap have literally no cover except one side or the other of a dune, and need the most LOS blockers. You should really look at the concept art for this map, as it showed a lot more buildings out in the playable dunes area that players could use as cover and LOS blockers. The two buildings with a crane by them in the one corner of the map is the most useless allocation of buildings and cover in this map, its almost insulting how useless it is and how much better it would have been placed like anywhere else. All the cap points outside of the city should have small to medium sized buildings that infantry can use, take hard cover in, and most importantly, maneuver through between flags and sectors. All the cover out there sans the stadium is soft cover, almost always leveled completely a bit into the match, and provides no protection from air or ground vehicles since they can plow through or destroy all of it. The same goes for the cap points themselves, either no hard cover (esp from air), or extremely predictable LOS blocking positions that are of no use against vehicles. The cap areas should be bigger perhaps, but most importantly block LOS for air AND ground vehicles.
Manifest and discarded and breakaway also all suffer from a distinct lack of aerial cover in some of the outside points, such as the ships on manifest, the top and areas surrounding the ship on discarded, and the points for the US spawn / iceberg cap point on breakaway.
Specific areas on maps that lack cover:
Kaleidoscope: all of it. Expanded underground metro tunnels or more man-made hard cover structures all over the park, some use for the vehicle tunnels underneath? No aerial cover. No vehicle cover. No infantry cover. it is just field and rooftop.
Breakaway: US spawn iceberg lacks aerial cover especially, and not much infantry cover. same goes for the suicidal C point (no air cover barely any ground cover). The point in the ice floes area likewise has barely any cover, no air cover. Why is 2/3 of this map not used? why does E point or whatever (the radar station) exist? it is like a trailer piece only, no practical fights over it, only one way up without a air vehicle, nothing to even basejump to below it (another point? a facility? something to fight over?)
Hourglass: as stated, needs tons of work and cover. Im imagining half flooded buildings out in the dunes, with basements and lower levels that run under the sand to one another for infantry fighting and cover, some more un-covered in sand areas with vehicles, streets, and buildings to fight in and take cover.
discarded: another 90% empty nothing map, where points are the only places with cover, so assaulting them is terrible. More built up areas and facilities maybe?
Orbital: needs more ways to cross the rocket street, the only viable way is under ground. needs a lot more clutter, maybe some extra facilities scattered around.
Renewal: desert side has no cover, no buildings, you just get farmed by air vehicles.
Improvement opportunities for travelling to objectives:
make transport vehicles actually transport people. bolte is an offensive vehicle not a transport. As stated earlier, teams should have access to large troop transports that actually, you know, transport troops. Im talking at least 10 people, or some smaller vehicles that offer little to no defenses in exchange for many player slots. Perhaps they could be mobile spawn points, weak but good for getting to the fight quickly? Your dedicated transport vehicles such as the MAV and air vehicles offer only offensive seats, small capacity, and barely pass as "transports" since people end up occupying every seat to shoot at stuff. they should be able to move players without having them sit in gunner seats. same goes for bolte, and the LATv4 / hovercraft are primarily used as offensive vehicles and not point A to point B transports. The call in system and vehicle categories need to be revised in such a way that players can actually call in and use transports, for transporting. Every call in is a heavily offensive vehicle, not a quick solution for moving to a point. Why cant we call in light transports like ATVs or jeeps that function ONLY to move around? It boggles my mind that the bolte is even considered a transport with 2 seats and an arsenal of offensive capabilities. It should be in an assault vehicle category separate from tanks and transports.
Dice, I hope you read this, I want this franchise to succeed but this game needs some serious heavy lifting in a TON of areas.