@Fireblader79 I've been able to use my Microsoft Force Feedback 2 Pro in EVERY Battlefield, but with V (well and I only played 1 an hour,) it didn't come initially, but was in like a few days later. I have mine plugged in now (have to unplug it at night due to the sounds it makes lol,) and it only see's controller's, and this is the 1 game I'm perfectly fine not using the controller. (Even in COD, I'm still keyboard and mouse, while my son will switch to controller.) We both still enjoy playing with this award winning MS flight stick ahead of it's time (and many other configurations out there, that simply work.)
This is not a difficult thing for them to add in, it's honestly just lazy. EA please add joystick support, because I don't want to go back to COD, but I will! 😉 I'm sure there are others that feel that way!