Forum Discussion
Wrong as I can play the game when its on, go look up how you turn it off then make a comment otherwise u looked stupid mate.
@Sci0nEasy on there.
I am sure you are frustrated, however @CyberDyme is trying to help by first understanding what your issue is.
Have you reported the issue as a bug? We are talking it out still.
- 4 years ago
It is simple, you have to play with crossplay on, you can not just flip it off in the games settings which is anticonsumer.
So if i turn it off as it says in setting on the console you will not find a game as no one will turn it off this way = anticonsumer.
I ll make it easy for you, on Playstion 5 this is easy to turn on an off. so its simple the games playuer base on xbox is forced to play agasint hackers.
- 4 years ago
Well then thay better give us mouse and keybord support then even the odds with the PC crowed
- Tylytys4 years agoNew Scout
I play on console because I don't want use mouse and keyboard.
Cross play only between consoles dice/ea
- 4 years ago
See I don't mind that but only if ur getting paired up with other pc players not console.
- 4 years ago
fix the cross_play on xbox!!!
we won't play with PC
wo need cross-play like apex_legends!!!! - 4 years ago
You should turn it off in game but have to do it on actual console which is lazy joke since other games mange. But once you do no more lag fest. But of course have to remember to turn it back on for other games
- 4 years ago
The issue is by turning it off in the Xbox Settings your placed into a isolated pool of players who have also disabled this setting.
Since their are very few people who have done this you can't find any games. Worse doing this impacts all your games with Crossplay.
Their are two pools;
Those who have turned it Off
Those who have it On (Default)
Basically EA / DICE messed up.
- 4 years ago
Maybe everyone should someone research as to why you can't toggle it off and on in game:
Until Microsoft allows game developers to turn off crossplay per game, this is likely to remain a huge headache as more and more games forego balance in favor of more simplistic player pool systems.
- 4 years ago
@CantGetRight following note published on the Xbox support page here
Note Some games that offer cross play give you the option to turn it off. Check the game’s settings if you want to play only with people using the same device that you’re using. - 4 years ago@FrEaKCH82 So it seems like DICE could add it and just didn’t? Says to check the games settings…
- 4 years ago@JIHADxJEEPER Yes, this is my view and my understanding.
- 4 years ago
Oh, and we have this here...
Feedback on Twitter from a Dice producer!
This is something we're looking at as well.
- 4 years ago@FrEaKCH82 I hope they look fast, I’m finding 0 games now even at peak hours.
- 4 years ago@FrEaKCH82 this is actually great!!! A step in the right direction. Here is the link to the tweet, guys please if you have twitter, just shoot over with some civilized replies to voice your input on this, we need to ride this kinda momentum to get some answers.. - 4 years ago@ThatSlimGuy At least there may be some hope! And please everyone be civil if you reply, we all want the game to succeed but being toxic won't help.
- 4 years ago@HillbillyJohn highly agree. Wish this worked similar to forums in the sense of sticking info we have to main posts and such. Just at least people can see there is movement on it even if small parts!
- 4 years ago@ThatSlimGuy I just checked the games reviews in the Microsoft store and and out of a little over 1,800, 72% gave it one star. Dice really needs to address the Xbox community or they're going to lose it.
- 4 years ago@HillbillyJohn yeah at this point I think who ever made the decision has to look at reversing it. Now articles are coming out with reference to Halo and them also forcing lobbies for console and PC. While they do have ranked, the other half of it is PC vs Xbox, and people are posting videos of aim bot cheaters they coming up against on Xbox.. so this could reach boiling point with both games..
- 4 years ago@ThatSlimGuy hope they can sort it man its good there looking into it as it really does need sorting out
- 4 years ago@rizzo777 just get over to the tweet and post a message over there to get the knowledge of how many people don't like this - 4 years ago@ThatSlimGuy Yeah I already did mate I commented in the last 20 minutes.
- 4 years ago@ThatSlimGuy I've had some issues with Halo as well.
- 4 years ago
They want you to get the full graphics experience…
when turned [OFF] however, because I’m sure the majority has it turned on, you literally sit wait it to find others. I turned mine off then after 5-7 minutes of waiting for a match, turned it back on.
sad times.
- 4 years ago@StanimalNSons I'm confused, how does having it on affect graphics?
- 4 years ago@HillbillyJohn I remember reading that people had less stutter with cross-play disabled, vs not enabled.
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