4 years ago
Dear DICE / EA - open letter
Dear DICE / EA, I'm writing this because I don't want you to get the wrong idea/impression. The vast majority of this franchice's fans are looking forward to a modern age tactical mil-sim shooter, ...
Another thread explaining how much you dislike the game, i dislike the game to but trust me, we get nowhere with those topics. If dice would have cared it would have been a change long time ago.
@Daeyon-beidk how much of a change it will be. While I understand how the bf community feels just how much of that 105k that was on Steam were BF vets? How many were CoD, Apex and others trying to keep their player base via killing this game?
Not that many bf vets as the current BF games are no where near that number.
However, I'm sure some tweaks will go their way and at some point you/they should support this game rather than trash everything that they do...
As for the delivery for me it was fine. I had no crashing, very few bugs that were noticeable, game play was intense as it was fun and my i7 7700k RTX 2070 Super was clicking 60 fps on ultra.
I hear a lot of nay say but as long as I find a game I'm good and that's every time I log on every day AoW and at SO114
@k1u73 Like I said, I've never refunded any game before, neither have I felt the urge to, but this time - I do.
I bought CyberPunk 2077 on release, I played for some hours, it looked great, encountered a few bugs which was still okay for me, I just laid it aside because I want to wait for the "Next-gen patch" on the Series X before I continue.
I bought Anthem on release, I played with friends, we had great fun, the end game was lacking content but we still had fun together replaying some of the same missions and I felt like I had my money worth of fun with it. they did promise an overhaul which they later cancelled, too bad, but alas.
As I wrote in my (long) message. bugs/issues/glitches are fixable, I'm sure they will fix them for this game too, but still the game will be fundamentally crippled by the design decisions, unwanted additions, lack of content and missing core functionalities