@GiSe87 First of all, I would say that the Battlefield series is not like as you say a Mil Sim, it is a team-based action shooter with tactical elements, so in my opinion you have already disqualified yourself with this statement. And actually, it would not have been worth reading further but hey from time to time you treat yourself to the fun.
If you had read the lore, you would be clear why it is not a real Military base, stationary weapons or things like that, it also explains for me why there are no military structures in the classical sense. Yes, is a conflict between factions USA and Russia (which are the last big factions which fighting for resources) but they do not fight against each other by them self, they let the No-Pats fight for them, it is a proxy-war.
That’s why there is no real battle worn maps. Maybe you give the game website a visit and read it.
If you don’t like the Specialist that’s ok but imho you don’t need to identify with a character in a video game to play it. But hey everybody is different there.
Yes, it is questionable whether you should publish a game with so many bugs but unfortunately it is no longer a rarity but the game for me is not Broken or Unplayable on PC.
Related to “Legacy Features”, I am of the opinion that except for VoIP, these features are not needed or the lack does not affect the game play.
But hey DICE is working on some of these features so maybe be patient and wait what they will bring back into the game.
Classes and Rock Paper Scissor? This isn’t an RTS game…. 😉
And as I've said before in other threads, team play is not the responsibility of the game, game, classes or specialists, you as players are responsible for it. Also, In the rounds that I play there are plenty of Med Kits or Ammunition Drops and many revives.
Imho the maps are good yeah you can complain about it but maybe it is more to learn and adapt how to move and maybe it don’t fit your personal preference and expectation. If you get "sniped away" too often, then you have to change your playing style. Run and Gun doesn't work in Bf2042.
At least you didn't say that BF2042 wants to be like CoD and then bring only Close Quarter Maps as an example.
But unfortunately, I have to stop here even if I could still write a lot more here but after you have written a fourth time that BF is a Tactical Mil-Sim I have to stop
See you on the Battlefield