4 years ago
Endless Matchmaking - Waiting For Players
Hi, It started approximately 2 weeks ago, I click play on Breakthrough (128 players) and I could not find a game at all, I do get a game or two in Conquest (128 players) after long hours of queue. I tried turning crossplay off and on but still couldn't find a game at all, I also tried leaving it on matchmaking for 3 hours straight (non-stop)
Join Game
>Waiting for more players
>Jumps to the main menu
>Waiting for more players
>Jumps to the main menu
>Waiting for more players
>Jumps to the main menu
Is there any tweak I can work on or there's nothing I can do about it? I tried searching on the internet but I couldn't find any tweak that works, I do want to play this game but I guess there's no luck for me.