4 years ago
False positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the sa...
The issue with EAC and icue was 2 years ago and it meant you got an error message(flagged) not a permaban and it was temporary. It happened with Asus as well
Some peeps are so gullible. Guys you're not getting banned for using icue.
@WienerBeard wrote:The issue with EAC and icue was 2 years ago and it meant you got an error message(flagged) not a permaban and it was temporary. It happened with Asus as well
Some peeps are so gullible. Guys you're not getting banned for using icue.
You are right @WienerBeard ,
Quick search through a few forums shows both EA folks and Corsair techies confirming they work closely together and that it's usage is not causing any bans by EA moderators.
Hello EA customers,
The intend of this topic is to create awareness about the subject of false-positive bans. So I ask everyone who got a false ban to please post the date of the ban, a quick resume of how you got banned, and how many appeals to EA, and the final result of the appeal. This way we can have a perspective of the number of players affected by this injustice.
Ban Date: 13/Dec/21 4:12 PM UTC
How: No idea, No special apps, no anything out the ordinary, playing for a full month and suddenly banned for cheating. Didn't boost, didn't INTENTIONALLY glitch, can't team kill, no mods, normal hardware. Ban was not done while in game, played normally 2hrs before and received my ban via email. I only played public conquest and almost always left if it was just bots so never even 'farmed'. I think I'm level 91? I just got the bolte tier 1 skin a few days ago :'(
First Appeal, still waiting for a reply
Supplied them with visual proof I do not hack etc...
Date of Ban: December 3rd, 5:45 PM UTC
How got I banned: Got a mail Friday afternoon ("Cheating" resp. "Violating positive Play Charter"), thought it was a joke, logged on and found out it wasn't.
Before Ban: played since Early Release (incl. Closed/Open-Beta), played on Thursday without problem (no bot farming, mostly standard servers AOW and Portal)
Appeals via EA Support: 2 times, no success, response only contain standard text modules that say "used the correct measures"
Appeals via EAC: once, without any response so far
Software: no Corsair or other stuff used/installed (like often mentioned here), using overlays only for FPS counters (Nvidia Geforce Exp / Origin-Client / In-Game) to check how my old HW copes with this game
Origin Account: exists since 2006, containing every PC Battlefield since BF2, several thousand hours in Battlefield games; no cheat/ban history at all
@dopamind I was banned on December 7, 2021 at 4:12 PM
* 180 hours played;
* Level 95 if I remember correctly;
* I reached that level by spotting (proxy grenades) on pvp maps and farming AI bots (solo/coop) mostly;
* I was mainly farming AI bots (solo/coop) for gun attachments (an average of 150 kills per round) the week when I got banned;
* My original post: https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/False-positive-bans/m-p/11081268/highlight/true#M62384;
* I opened 3 appeal cases, all rejected by the so called EA TOS team;
* I opened an appeal case on Easy-Anti cheat website on December 8 if I remember correctly. I am waiting for their response.
Banned on december 3rd 2021 at 5:44 PM UTC.
I have no idea what could have caused it. I received an email on december 3rd informing me that my EA acoount has been banned from Battlefield 2042 on all platforms.
I sent 2 appeals, and to both the support replied to me that my account was involved in cheating and that they will not revert the ban. I sent a third one today and I'm currently waiting for a response.
Fecha de prohibición: 03 / Dec / 21 5:44 PM UTC
I played errucion, I sent 2 appeals I'm still banned, I also played with the AI to unlock accessories
My pererifericos with whom I play
1-Logitech G hub mouse G502 and Headphones G933
2-Telcado Cosair K95
3-Msi Afternburne with Rivatuner overlay
4-Discord for communication with friends
5-Kaspersky Antivirus
6-Virtaul Box for my audit and work studies (kali liux, parrot etc)
BAN 03/Dec/21 5:44 PM UTC
- 90-100 hours played
- Level 60-70
- I reached to that lvl to spotting / killing / ptfo/ gunner on bolt / and in solo/coop opening stuff to tanks weapons.
- Opened 1 case ea site (rejected) and 1 case in eac site (waiting for response)
- Last game i played was testing ntw-50 (that big sniper) Orbital map killed some players who was camping in those tall towers from 300-500metres away. with 8x scope i had to aim way above reticle to hit those shots. thay killed me also with snipers. then i had to go work, next day we planned to go play whit my mates ... (nope got banned)
Programs what i have open when playing : Origin . Steam . Geforce exp . CCleaner . Corsair link . Glorious Core . iCue . Nvidia Brodcast . Steelseries GG. Real temp GT 3.70 . ASUS Gpu Tweak 2 and gpu tweak 2 monitor. X peria companion
i did the same farming thing vs AI but before 4~5 days from the ban
Maybe he help :P
I don't use twitter but I'm tweeting this dude right now, thank you.
I contacted them almost a week ago now.
With logs and a link to this thread.
So far they have not responded.
Ban notification arrived Friday December 3rd 2021, at 17:45 UTC
Not sure on time played but I had just barely unlocked the Bolte so a little over 50.
Playtime was mainly spent in the Normal game getting frustrated at the bugs etc.
Played a fair bit of Solo/Coop to familiarize myself with the weapons and Vehicles (Always with Adv AI).
Played perhaps 2 or 3 games on a Friends Portal Server hoping to populate it.
After that I spent about a week away from the game, as I waited for the game to be patched/fixed, and only attempted to log back into the game AFTER getting an email saying that I was Banned.
*Edit to add*
After the initial dispute, I have been in contact with the EA ToS Team about 4-5 times, with them stating that they have done all they are willing to in regards to looking into the issue and they refuse to overturn the ban.
I also contacted the @EAHelp twitter account, only to be told to contact the ToS Team as they were the only ones who could help.
I have since told them that they are still refusing to do a thorough investigation and have asked them who I need to contact in order to escalate the issue due to the lack of assistance from the ToS Team.
I’m also banned for no reason or I think the only reason is that I far XP/ unlock attachaments with bots, I bought the ultimate version on Steam, now I can't even unlink my Steam on Origin account, I played each version of BF only SP but BF2042 I really liked the MP with 128 players, anyway I make another Origin account and I bought the game again because I really like it. Too bad the EA support is embarrassing and automatically respond with the same copy-paste msg.
Banned on 6 Dec, 2 appels both rejected
Yup, also banned for no reason
Banned on early Access 14/Nov/21 4:37 PM UTC
-Nvidia Experience
-Logitech G Hub
I have these programs installed but not running when playing BF2042
-MSI afterburner
I did not farm bots/AI and I got banned did not have any suspicious activity on my account either
I have made 10 cases gave up because I get auto denied sent an appeal to Easy anti-cheat no reply either
Personally, I don't think EAC is causing the bans but a bug/glitch on EA's side I could be wrong though
Last game before I got banned mid-game: https://streamable.com/7qrwas
@xSniper1982How can you farm when playing solo/coop where on the kaleidoscope map the bots did not even want to help in capturing the c1 point? where, standing behind the elevator alone, you could do a lot of killing and the bots did not even want to come from behind and still happened at the point 🙂 in portal sure this is xp farm but no in solo/coop
playing solo/coop to unlock vehicle upgrades and weapon attachments is not prohibited and badge earning is blocked until t12
what is Bot Farming ??
In some peoples responses here THEY admit, specifically, to bot farming.
I'm not saying that people who legitimately played the solo/coop modes were farming, I'm saying the people who ADMITTED to bot farming were in the wrong, by their own admission.
*Edit to add*
It's when you intentionally use the poor AI design to farm a high number of kills in a short space of time.
It's considered exploiting if you use this method to obtain unlocks etc faster than you otherwise would have.
I only played for less then 1 hour in total of this game. And i remember this was on a portal server... it was a xp farming server but.. i didn't knew that until i noticed i couldn't do damage to the enemies and i was thinking like am i that a bad shot or what the hell is going on here. when i figured out it was a "xp farming" server i just alt-f4'd the game and i was done with it lol..
But if that is why i got banned, than this is a all new low from EA to do so. I didn't know that this was happening because 9/10 of the server names in portal showed up as "Portal Server #2123123" or something....
@xSniper1982Solo farm are servers that are typically set up for easy kills, and on portal servers, but not in coop/solo mode, when a poor intelligence can be killed in massive amounts by playing normally or hiding behind cover while trying to capture a point like many videos about old kaleidoscope c1
anyone for now see console player who get banned?(which wasn't playing pc at all)