7 months ago
How come EA won’t add MnK support, yet every cod past MW2019 has had it?
It makes no sense to me. In the game’s settings you can already turn your aim assist strength to 0. So there would be no issue disabling it when your MnK are connected. My guess is EA is becoming obs...
- 7 months ago
Hey @Pryces_WRLD Going on memory, I don't think Dice gave an in-depth reason why it wasn't added. I seem to remember them saying that they'd monitor balance between KB&M and controller users, but I might be remembering incorrectly.
Personally, I think native support on console with crossplay being split by input method is the way to go.
Anecdotally, you could use a keyboard for movement on Xbox during either the alpha or beta - it was one of the things I tested on mine during one of them.