How to Complete Weekly Mission Tasks
Weekly Tasks
While most of the Weekly Tasks are fairly self-explanatory, there are some which either aren’t quite so straightforward or can seem fairly daunting at first glance. Hopefully this little guide will be of some help to people in knowing how to complete them.
Due to the changing nature of tasks I’ll try adding to this if Dice throw anything new or unusual at us, but hopefully most of the bases have been covered.
Remember that you don't need to complete any other the three in a particular order - you can work on them all at the same time, or simply focus on one before moving on to the next. You'll also see a notification appear in game when you complete one of the three, so you know you can tick that one off of the list.
- Ribbons.
- Gamemodes.
- Kill Enemies.
- Melee Kills.
- Resupply and Heal.
- Repairs.
- Capture or Neutralise Objectives.
- Damage Enemies.
- Revives.
- Disrupt Enemies with EMP.
- Earn Defensive Bonus.
- Marksman Kills
- Defensive Kills and Assists in Conquest
- Objectives Fortified
Earn X Number of a Certain Ribbon
OK so this one should be pretty obvious: earn whatever ribbon you need to earn. A lot of these tasks will be focused on the Intel, Wingman or Logistics ribbons, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility that Objective and Combat ones might be thrown in there too. So, what do you need to do to earn them?
Intel: This ribbon is earned through actions such as spotting (SOFLAM and the Proximity grenades are ideal for this, but any form of spotting via gadgets or abilities should count), using the EMP when flying the OV-P drone and so on.
Logistics: This one is nice and simple as you earn it by healing and resupplying teammates, as well as repairing vehicles.
Wingman: You earn this one by reviving teammates and for assists. Spotting assists should also count for the Wingman ribbon in most cases.
Objective: Just play the objective (PTFO!) and capture or defend flags.
Combat: Kill enemies and destroy vehicles.
This one sounds super simple but it can get a bit confusing if a random gamemode you’re not familiar with is thrown at you. Often, to slightly complicate matters, the modes you’ll be asked to play won’t be Conquest or Breakthrough in All Out War and will instead be a limited-time one. Generally speaking you will be heading over to Portal for these, so take a look at the featured modes shown on the main menu (where you can choose between All Out War, Portal and Hazard Zone).
In the past there have been tasks where you’ll have an objective which is only achievable in a specific mode. For example, arming or defusing MCOMs in Rush.
Usually you will be able to complete this one by killing a certain number of enemies or vehicles. Just do your best to reach whatever number is required and have fun on the way.
There may be some variations with this one, such as using a specific class of weapon, gadget or even a certain mode, but the principle remains the same.
This one sounds simple in principal as you just need to melee enemies, however, some players have been caught out in the past as you may need to trigger the takedown animation for it to count. Other times you can simply stab away without triggering the animation and can also bash people with Dozer’s shield.
Literally the title says: throw ammo or health crates at everybody until you hit the required number. Angel’s crate and Falck’s syrette pistol should also count for this.
Another simple nice and simple one as you just need to repair friendly vehicles. Sometimes tankers can make this one trickier than necessary, as they seem to like driving away the very moment you hop out with a torch in hand, but it also counts when you repair the Sentry Turret. If you can find the ‘sweet spot’ when you’re the passenger in a helicopter then you can do that too.
Capture or Neutralise Objectives
Don’t think this one needs too much explaining – simply capture or neutralise objectives in Conquest or Breakthrough.
Another nice and simple one as you just need to damage enemies. Usually with this one you’ll be asked to use primary weapons but it could also be with secondary weapons or vehicles.
Again, I don’t think this one needs too much explaining. You can either do it as Angel, Falck or via the buddy revive system. Sometimes even being revived yourself will count too.
For this one you can either use Capser’s OV-P drone and target vehicles or the EMP grenades on soldiers and/or vehicles.
This one seems to be Conquest-centric as it doesn't appear to work in Breakthrough. To earn the bonus you need to kill enemies who are within a sector which your team controls.
This mission is completed by getting headshot kills with sniper or marksman rifles from a distance of 200m+. Get ready for some sniper battles!
Here's a video showing a way to get them:
Defensive Kills and Assists in Conquest
For this particular mission you'll need to control one of two flags in a sector*, and kill enemies attacking your flag.
@Critstopher has kindly confirmed that this doesn't work for single sector flags.
Don't worry, you don't need to travel back to BFV for this one - you just need to use an ammo or med crate (the pouches may work too), Boris' SG-36 Sentry Gun, or Irish's IPS shield. Using these items should trigger the "Objectives Fortified" event award.
I hope you've found this little guide helpful, but if you see anything that needs changing, or if you've even got some tips yourself you'd like to add to help your fellow players out, feel free to either @ me or simply post them in the comments.
See you on the battlefield!