Jet Afterburner change feedback
It's really hard to tell what the reason is behind this change, afterburner now uses up extremely fast, which wont give you any meaningful advantage.
Dogfight has become even more braindead than it had already been, after the update, both sides are flying slowly and bleeding speed at an unacceptable level, and if you use Afterburner, it will be burnt out before the FIRST turn is complete, in addition, if you press "SHIFT" to initiate the afterburner, the entire speeding cycle can not be stopped unless you let go the "W" key. By doing that, you are basically putting the jet into idle mode thus losing even more speed than what you gained from the afterburner.
Ways to improve it is to greatly increase the duration of the afterburner and let it start to help you gain speed by pressing and holding "SHIFT" and STOP the burn by releasing the "SHIFT"