Forum Discussion
@Z3nMestar1 Of course you will, you don't want to play where they use that because you want to have an unfair advantage, but you and others like you using cheap M&K on console want to have your crutch and advantage over controller players that can't react nearly as fast compared to a M&K. Also those devices especially shouldn't be allowed when the devices ya'll use can essentially make guns have zero recoil and control the fire rate of a weapon it's just blatant cheating and hopefully DICE finds a way to detect it and puts a stop to the bad PC players that need an advantage on console 🙂
- 4 years ago
Greetings, like you, I am also waiting for a response from EA. I think this topic of console functionalities is very important. Games like COD have had no problem integrating command and k & m players, as they make adjustments with aiming assists that level the game. I think #DICE can take those experiences and power just as much as k & m and controls be a beautiful community. We hope a prompt and positive response to this thread. Thank you
- 4 years ago
Seems like we have to wait a bit more to find out my friend..
- 4 years ago
I wish the devs were more transparent regarding this feature. Is it being worked on? Is there any reason to not add this? As long as M&K users are limited to crossplay lobbies this should be a perfectly fine feature to have in game.
Oh, and potentially less XIM users joining a console lobby.
- Lancelot_du_Lac4 years agoSeasoned Ace@FireExhauster Xim/Titan/Chronos are incompatible with PS5, due to the requirement to use a DualSense controller on all games designed for the PS5. Apparently, the encryption is unbreakable.
- 4 years ago@Lancelot_du_Lac it is true if third party controllers follow suit. If the encryption is broken and they don't bother changing it then I'd assume XIM and Cronus numbers will rise back up.
- Lancelot_du_Lac4 years agoSeasoned Ace@FireExhauster A quick look at the Xim/Titan/Cronus forums confirm that there will be no support for PS5 in the foreseeable future. Many users are moving to Xbox because the controllers are backwards compatible.
Third party controllers will eventually appear (licenced by Sony), but nothing I have seen on the horizon. PS5 is becoming a closed environment, a bit like Apple. - OskooI_0074 years agoSeasoned Ace
Apparently XIM works on ps5 with remote play now. Supposedly the input lag is low on gigabit lan ethernet and using the TV hooked up to ps5 instead of the remote play TV.
- 4 years ago@OskooI_007 There was a firmware update that allowed the DS4 controller to be used on PS4 games on the 5, could that be what you are on about?
- Lancelot_du_Lac4 years agoSeasoned Ace
Emulators will still work on PS5, if the game is a PS4 generation. Games designed for PS5 i.e. use DualSense controller, will not work with an emulator (this includes scuff controllers).
- OskooI_0074 years agoSeasoned Ace
@Trokey66 wrote:
@OskooI_007There was a firmware update that allowed the DS4 controller to be used on PS4 games on the 5, could that be what you are on about?Remote play is a Sony app where you stream games from your ps5 over your home network to a PC or smart phone running the remote play app. XIM is using remote play to send controller inputs to the ps5 over ethernet instead of USB.
Apparently Sony doesn't require a DualSense 5 controller for remote play.
- 4 years ago
Cheaters are going to cheat anyway. They will find another way. It is not fair for us to not have kb&m support because of it. Imagine if PC players are not allowed to play this game because it is easy to cheat with pc. It is not fair. Please add kb&m support. If devs add kb&m support then people don't need to buy adapters to play. The biggest reason people pay big money to buy adapters is to play game with kb&m and aim assist will come as bonus and since they paid money anyway, they will not care about turning it off for extra advantage. But if kb&m is supported they will not even buy the adapter. Very small percentage of people will cheat because they are born cheaters and it is not fair that we have to pay price for it. Halo has input based lobbies and also has kb&m support for consoles and there wasn't any major issues at all that even their new multiplayer game has this feature and it is free to play. Adapter users should be banned. kb&m support should not be turned off for that. We are fair players who want to play fair games with device we are comfortable on and because of a small number of people's actions we shouldn't face the punishment. This is a multiplayer FPS game with crossplay which is why we are asking this support. If it was spiderman or a single player game then it is more fun on controller.
- 4 years ago@NoTimeToDecide I agree 100%
- 4 years ago
@NoTimeToDecide wrote:Cheaters are going to cheat anyway. They will find another way. It is not fair for us to not have kb&m support because of it. Imagine if PC players are not allowed to play this game because it is easy to cheat with pc. It is not fair. Please add kb&m support. If devs add kb&m support then people don't need to buy adapters to play. The biggest reason people pay big money to buy adapters is to play game with kb&m and aim assist will come as bonus and since they paid money anyway, they will not care about turning it off for extra advantage. But if kb&m is supported they will not even buy the adapter. Very small percentage of people will cheat because they are born cheaters and it is not fair that we have to pay price for it. Halo has input based lobbies and also has kb&m support for consoles and there wasn't any major issues at all that even their new multiplayer game has this feature and it is free to play. Adapter users should be banned. kb&m support should not be turned off for that. We are fair players who want to play fair games with device we are comfortable on and because of a small number of people's actions we shouldn't face the punishment. This is a multiplayer FPS game with crossplay which is why we are asking this support. If it was spiderman or a single player game then it is more fun on controller.
Controllers vs controllers is a FAIR playing field. If console players want to use MnK then have them only queue up with PC players only in cross play. It should be DISABLED if cross play is disabled. This prevents an unfair advantage in a FPS game when most people are using controllers on console. That is the best solution. Saying "cheaters are going to cheat" is completely ignorant and it does not solve anything.
- 4 years ago@IKniveZI Yes exactly thats what we want too. Put us in crossplay lobby if we use kb&m support for consoles. By cheaters I mean adapter users. if kb&m is natively available then less people buy adapters and less cheaters. But some will still buy adapters because they are cheaters and they should be banned. thats what i mean.
- ZjemCiKolege4 years agoSeasoned Veteran@IKniveZI input based matchmaking that's a thing 🙂
- 4 years ago@Schnurrnado Signed!
- 4 years ago
@SrMaybe2042 thanks for uploading that screenshot, i saw that and was the main reason i preordered. so unfortunate its taken away at release
- 4 years ago
- 4 years ago
Hats off to all of you who are still able to ask nicely for the mouse and keyboard implementation and say "thank you" to EA / Dice.
I really wish I would have your patience...I really do. But frankly speaking by this time I just feel treated like a piece of * as this thread is up for half a year now and EA / Dice is still not taking this community seriously.
So from my point of view EA / Dice don't deserve to be treated with respect either.
It's a pity that many of you who would love to see native mnk support (or even NEED it to have fun in this game (like myself)) have already paid for the game so that you have lost your "power" to show them that we don't want to be treated like this.
I know...this may sound a little bit overreacting to some of you but I'm really fed up with the behaviour of EA / Dice.
As already written some days ago: If they would just say "No, we won't implement native mnk support for consoles." we could move on to other games and forget about this joke that they call "Battlefield 2042".
But of course in this case they won't miss the sales to some poor souls that are willing to try to play with a controller instead of mnk just to realize that it's not for them. And as we all know this is what it's all about for them: Money!
And the funniest part is: I still would buy this game to form an own opinion on it even if I see all the negative threads here. All they have to do is allow the native mnk support for consoles...
Anyway...I'll take a look to this thread every other day to see whether EA / Dice is finally getting their * together.
Until then...all the best to all of you and enjoy the Christmas time! 🙂
- 4 years ago
115 pgs and 16k signatures.... you'd think they'd realize that at least 10%-20% of that would play consistently if m&k were added. 16-3200 more players, for battlefield, wouldn't be bad. Not counting all the m&k cod kids who would jump ship.
- 4 years ago
I saw some random streamer today who played Battlefield with MKB in PC, but suddenly when he wanted to drive a heli, he took his controller and started playing with it…and switches back to mkb when he is playing as an infantry…This is the choice we want..If they have, why cant we have ??
- 4 years ago
EA dice talk to us please
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