Forum Discussion
Crossplay is available so please allow native mouse and keyboard support too. Put us in different lobby with PC players. Playing FPS games with a controller is really hard for many people. having to fight against my controls really makes it hard to enjoy the game. Call of duty has it and nobody had problems. Please consider.
- EA_Darko4 years ago
Community Manager
Thanks @xC4rbon for taking the time to share your feedback with the community.
Darko- 4 years agoM&K support for FPS games is becoming a standard nowadays. A lot of games have implemented it with great success and battlefield is slow to the party. This support genuinely helps a lot of people if done right.
I'm literally moving around the map and letting aim assist get me the kills and it doesn't feel engaging to me. Turning off aim assist would make me look stupid in a lobby where it's in abundance. And I'm not here to blame aim assist.. controllers need it. But it just isn't very engaging or rewarding to get kills personally.
Why not just allow it temporarily and then see the results? Disable it while you study the results. What better investigation is possible than to allow players to get hands on with it and get live data? Keyboard already works so it's just the mouse. If it breaks the game then fine, turn it off. But take the chance please. @EA_Atic @EA_Darko- 4 years ago
When you opt in for Cross play, it matchmakes with the PC players where you get shot like anything with the MKB advantage. If you opt-out of the Crossplay, you literally play with AI all the time.
What's the point in playing this game then ? Is this what you call Fairplay ? Common EA please let M&K on consoles
- 4 years ago
Could we also get Gyro Motion aiming similar to what XIM is doing with the new XIM Nexus controller? I know the Ps5 has motion Gyro's built in and its up to developers to utilize this feature. I see no reason why its not possible.
- 4 years ago@EA_Darko Plaese support M&K,Using the Gamepad to fight against the PC is a disaster,Unable to shoot accurately and inflexible,Handling vehicles is also a big problem
- 4 years ago
Why devs don't give more option for people who want to play in crossplay lobby. Controller is very difficult for many players to use. Controller is good for game like rocket league but it is not good for fps. Please allow me to choose input to what I want only in a crossplay lobby for consoles.
- 4 years ago@xC4rbon If they dont just use a Xim Apex. You can go 80-10 in a conquest round, it's not native but its the next best thing. I've played in pc and honestly its not much of a difference.
- OskooI_0074 years agoSeasoned Ace
Yes to playing on PlayStation 5 with a mouse, but no to being put in PC lobbies due to all the cheaters on PC.
- 4 years ago
@OskooI_007but isn't playing on consoles with m&k a bit cheaty itself? Certainly gives a rather unfair advantage.
- 4 years ago@BaronVonGoon I get put into console lobbys still if I use XIM and it feel like cheating and I don't want ruin controller games. I don't care going against pc if I can use mouse too. I can't use controller in fps games. It is very unfun for me.
@Oskool_007 seperate lobby to M&K console users makes match wait time longer. Yes PC has cheaters but ea might bring anticheat. If not I can play portal where admin is kicking hackers. I want to use m&k not for advantage over other people but because it is comfortable for me. - Lancelot_du_Lac4 years agoSeasoned Ace
@BaronVonGoonAt this stage, Xim/Cronus/Titan do not work on PS5 version of games. They can't bypass the DualSense requirement (Sony requirement that all PS5-specific games must use DualSense controller) and the communication protocol can’t be cracked because all packets are encrypted and timestamped.
Will have to wait and see if K&M are native to console versions of BF2042. My guess is no for PS5.- 4 years ago@Lancelot_du_Lac A quick Google search reveals that a XIM Apex PS5 firmware update was released 8 months ago......
- 4 years ago
@EA - Please allow native M+K Support on PS5. As the guys mentioned this works on Warzone and COD Cold War and it is very much enjoyable. Shooters with controllers are not really a thing for me and many others.
On a side note, would you be able to share if M+K will be available soon? I would say that this information should be shared fast so we can have time to pre-order the game being given that we have this information. As it would be a shame to either loose pre-order content becaouse the information is released too late or pre-ordering the content and not being able to get a refund for it as we then find out that it won't have the necessary support.
Please add this as with next-gen consoles this should just be a default thing for all shooters of course with the choice of picking what you want, either M+K or controller. However more of us are into M+K support and it is not fair to play with a controller against players that have M+K on PC. Not to mention that the highest possible framerate you can get on PC is way more outstanding than PS5 with 240hz monitors and hardwares when on PS5 you can get a top of 120 fps with a 120hz monitor if the game supports it.So playing against PC players that also have higher frame rates and also M+K with a controller is not really fair for us.
Looking forward to your response! Please make this game great! <3- 4 years ago
Guy, i will create a new topic with your comment
- 4 years ago@xC4rbon As long as you're all put into an input based lobby with only other m&k users then I don't have a problem with this, but you shouldn't be allowed to go against controller users while using a m&k.
- A_al_K_pacino_A4 years agoSeasoned Veteran
The only real issue I have with this is how strong aim assist gets when this happens. Playing a very limited amount of cod it almost felt pointless playing, the assist was so strong. I know you can always turn it down but you feel like an idiot when you know you are the only one in the lobby that has done it.
- 4 years ago
Double checking: it's still possible for us PC gamers to opt out of playing with console gamers, right? My CoD: BO4 experience with console gamers wasn't great and I rather play with PC players only.
- 4 years ago
@TankerFlanker100% agree. Put them in their own lobbies.
- 4 years ago
I don’t agree with cross play because of the disadvantages console players have against m/k. controller. If it is cross play which I think it is, please give console players to disable cross play.
- 4 years ago
Games on same level as battlefield like call of duty [even the new one], fortnite, overwatch, halo all support it and all are FPS games. And they are all big and successful games. Siege don't have it because it has no crossplay and mouse in controller lobby is cheating. Pls add mouse and keyboard support to battlefield too.
Also is this where I post so devs can see? Or is this community discussion only?
- 4 years ago
@dZnskiYour concern has been noted in other posts on this forum.
This, being the official Battlefield 2042 forum, is regularly visited and monitored by Community Managers that relay player concerns to the appropriate teams at EA DICE.
- 4 years ago
I think M&K support for consoles should be added in a way that doesn't victimize controller players. If controller users opt out of playing with M&K then they shouldn't go against them. The best way is to put M&K console users in a crossplay lobby (against PCs) and deny them the option to opt out. They will be prone to going against cheaters but it's no different to what PC players experience. Using M&K does come with a price and it's something only the user should be willing to pay and not anyone else. If I use M&K on consoles I will do so fully knowing that I am prone to cheaters. No one else should take the bullet.
Like OP said, I hope the devs consider adding in this support. Here's hoping. Most of us who want M&K support are PC players and are quite used to this hacking epidemic.
- 3 years ago
- DigitalHype3 years agoSeasoned Ace
It's a problem sometimes refered to as the "Tyranny of the default". Default settings are what 90%+ of the console players are going to have enabled. Most people don't even look at configuration options. This is true even on PC (but to a lesser extent).
But, the reality is that PC players need console players. With all of the issues and lack of content, there simply aren't enough people playing the game to support the PC playerbase by itself.
- 4 years ago
Yes allow kb&m support for the console please. Overwatch and the new cod also has this support. Controller is only good for third person kind of games. FPS is good with kb&m so please add support.
- 4 years ago
EA mentioned battlefield 2042 was unfair to support keyboard and mouse on console. What the meaning unfair. They dont cross play with pc player. Pc player also using keyboard and mouse.
Pls allows console player to use keyboard and mouse. Just not allowed the aim assist for the player switch controller to keyboard and mouse.
[edited topic title as "2043" was mentioned]
- Its_Travis_1994 years agoHero+
>> It won't be supported at launch, but they still investigating the options they have to make it available.
See official statement below regarding this topic:
"We’ve heard your questions about mouse and keyboard support for consoles. We can confirm that we won’t be supporting this on consoles at the launch of Battlefield 2042, but we are still investigating the various options about making that available, and how it may impact cross-play. If that ever changes, you’ll hear it from us first."
Read more here:
- 3 years ago@Its_Travis_199 Are there still no support for mouse and keyboard? Have there been any recent news about this?
- ElliotLH4 years agoHero+
Hi @Gendash28 EA haven't outright said they think supporting native mouse and keyboard is unfair, in fact they've said they'll be investigating "the various options about making that available, and how it may impact cross-play" (
While there's no guarantee that it'll be added down the line it could well be at some point in the future.Edit: Travis is a faster typer than I am 😆
- Its_Travis_1994 years agoHero+
@ElliotLH Oops 👿😛
Lol, that happens to all of us, when start typing as there is no answer yet and as you post it and page refreshes there are actually comments already.
- 4 years ago
Hi guys! Please allow native M+K Support on consoles.
As everybody mentioned this works on Warzone and COD games since 2019, and it is very much enjoyable. Shooters with controllers are not really a thing for me and many others.
On a side note, we received the notice that K+M will not be enabled at launch, this is so sad.
Please add this as with next-gen consoles this should just be a default thing for all shooters of course with the choice of picking what you want, either M+K or controller. However more of us are into M+K support and it is not fair to play with a controller against players that have M+K on PC. Not to mention that the highest possible framerate you can get on PC is way more outstanding than PS5 with 240hz monitors and hardwares when on PS5 you can get a top of 120 fps with a 120hz monitor if the game supports it. So playing againts PC player that also have higher frame rates and also M+K with a controller is not really fair for us.
Finally, the big question is the value of computers on the market. The cost VS benefit of new generation consoles is much better than investing in a PC. Guys, I'm not alone in this appeal, the world market begs you to add native support.
Looking forward to your response! Please make this game great! <3
(Commentary copied and adapted from: Rezz-_-DnB)
- 4 years ago
All good if they remove auto-aim or variants of that for consoles.
- 4 years ago
@infantrypeasant lol expect legal aimbot levels due to being crossplay with KB/M....
- 4 years ago
I saw yesterday that Dice confirmed there will not be mouse and keyboard support at launch for consoles. This is really disappointing for me and a lot of other people who currently enjoy playing with mouse and keyboard on other big titles like Call of Duty on consoles.
The other big issue I have with the game not supporting this is it creates an unbalanced approach to cross play. I and many other people have friends on both console and PC that play together. If we can play together with PC players then why restrict whether or not we can use the same inputs as PC players? It doesn't help that PC players can use both controller and m+k.
Let the players use the input devices they choose, regardless of console or PC. It doesn't necessarily create an unfair advantage as people used to think. Some of the best COD players use controller on PC. Let's move forward with innovation, not backwards.
- Its_Travis_1994 years agoHero+
It won't be supported at launch, but they'll still work on it to make it available.
See below the official Infos regarding this topic:
"We’ve heard your questions about mouse and keyboard support for consoles. We can confirm that we won’t be supporting this on consoles at the launch of Battlefield 2042, but we are still investigating the various options about making that available, and how it may impact cross-play. If that ever changes, you’ll hear it from us first."
So it's not entirely sure that it won't come at all!
Read more here:
- 4 years ago
Please enable mouse and keyboard support in consoles.
This is a staple in other crossplay FPS games and should be for BF2042 as well.
I understand the MnK vs Controller discussion, but in a game that has crossplay at its root, where you certainly will meet MnK as well as controller players in the game, it really shouldn't matter which input a player chooses to use on console.
Especially when PC players have the choice to use MnK or controller, but console players are limited to using a controller.
If the match will have MnK players mixed with controller players anyway, why would it be an issue which platform they're using? Why would it be an issue for console players to use MnK?And if you believe that console players being able to use MnK would create an imbalance in non-crossplay lobbies (for players who choose to disable crossplay), which would be a fair concern, then please make it so that:
1 - If you play on console with crossplay on, you should be able to choose your input (it really doesn't affect other players because it will be a mixed input lobby regardless).
2 - If you play on console with crossplay off, then the game disables MnK support and you would be limited to using a controller, to make it a level playing field for everyone in the non-crossplay lobby.If MnK is not allowed despite there is crossplay against PC players, then LOTS OF PEOPLE will definitely not buy the game since MOST OF PLAYERS use consoles.
- 4 years ago
Am looking forwards to the beta so much to try this game with friends! All I need to know is this:
Will Mouse And Keyboard be supported for the Beta on Xbox Series X? The keyboard worked on Tech but not the mouse, so I do hope they got the problem sorted to test it properly!!! :D
- 4 years ago
@CemtexxSince EA DICE announced that keyboard and mouse will not be supported at launch, I would not expect it to be in the Open Beta either.
- 4 years ago
That's annoying as it was partially supported in the Tech ☹️
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