Forum Discussion
Crossplay is available so please allow native mouse and keyboard support too. Put us in different lobby with PC players. Playing FPS games with a controller is really hard for many people. having to fight against my controls really makes it hard to enjoy the game. Call of duty has it and nobody had problems. Please consider.
- OskooI_0074 years agoSeasoned Ace
Yes to playing on PlayStation 5 with a mouse, but no to being put in PC lobbies due to all the cheaters on PC.
- 4 years ago
@OskooI_007but isn't playing on consoles with m&k a bit cheaty itself? Certainly gives a rather unfair advantage.
- 4 years ago
I dont think so.It will create a more diverse experience and given the gpu market,many pc gamer like me want to switch to but not having keyboard and mouse support is holding me back
- 4 years ago@OskooI_007 That's kind of the trade off you get your M&K on console but you're not allowed to have your unfair advantage using it against controller users so it's a take it or leave it kind of situation, and idk why people keep bringing up CoD look at the amount of cheaters it has still, and then the news about cheats already for 2042 they'll have.
Imo I say NO to m&k playing against controller users, it's not a level playing field and input based lobbies are definitely needed if they do even add it, and pretty sure someone mentioned games requiring the dual sense on PS5 not too sure if that's accurate but yeah it's the way it should be. - 4 years ago
Don't blame everything on cheats, sometimes you just suck. Yes eventually we will get PC cheaters, but not every PC gamer is a cheater, plus it usually takes time for them to be able to make cheats for a new game.
- 4 years ago@BaronVonGoon I get put into console lobbys still if I use XIM and it feel like cheating and I don't want ruin controller games. I don't care going against pc if I can use mouse too. I can't use controller in fps games. It is very unfun for me.
@Oskool_007 seperate lobby to M&K console users makes match wait time longer. Yes PC has cheaters but ea might bring anticheat. If not I can play portal where admin is kicking hackers. I want to use m&k not for advantage over other people but because it is comfortable for me. - Lancelot_du_Lac4 years agoSeasoned Ace
@BaronVonGoonAt this stage, Xim/Cronus/Titan do not work on PS5 version of games. They can't bypass the DualSense requirement (Sony requirement that all PS5-specific games must use DualSense controller) and the communication protocol can’t be cracked because all packets are encrypted and timestamped.
Will have to wait and see if K&M are native to console versions of BF2042. My guess is no for PS5.- 4 years ago@Lancelot_du_Lac A quick Google search reveals that a XIM Apex PS5 firmware update was released 8 months ago......
- Lancelot_du_Lac4 years agoSeasoned Ace@Trokey66 Had a deeper look at the Xim forums about this. The firmware update was only for 3rd party controllers, and only applies to PS4 games played on PS5. All new PS5 games require a DualSense controller.
To quote a MVP on the Xim forums:
"Cronus will have the same problem. No-one can bypass the DualSense requirement and the communication protocol can’t be cracked because all packets are encrypted and timestamped.
XIM APEX never fully supported PS5 and no new game support was promised...
We’ve been warning about this happening on PS5 for over a year. If you want next-gen game support for XIM, get an Xbox."
And from the Titan forums:
"… the DualSense's controller communication protocol with the PS5 console. It looks uncrackable due to encryption and timestamped packets. So a DualSense won't be spoofed, which is needed to launch PS5 games...
Call of Duty and Battlefield will both have "Trigger Effects Required", which means only a DualSense controller directly connected to the console will work."
- 4 years ago@BaronVonGoon Oh you mean the cheating device that eliminates recoil and changes semi automatic weapons to pretty much full auto? The pathetic cheaters device that they need for consoles.
- 4 years ago
Xim Apex no longer works on PS5 games supporting the Dualsense requirement.
So no, it is no longer an option. Even the competitors game is the same. We want native K&M support yesterday. It's 2021! Come on now!
- 4 years ago
- You do realise that’s cheating using a xim apex because it tricks the console into thinking your using a controller so not only do you have mouse and keyboard, but you also have aim assist, which means it’s an automatic top of the leaderboard, most kills least deaths in every shooter you play, why should you be able to pay money to instantly be the best at the game. Just play the game with either mnk or controller, I’ve played both mnk and controller, I was a top tier controller player who used to assume that anyone who could kill me consistently and not just get lucky or play like a little b was using a mnk and that it’s not fair to do that, but since switching to pc I realised that mnk is not a huge advantage at all, in fact most shooters these days (being targeted at the average player and the average player is not good) have such strong aim assist that controller actually has an just have to be good with controller, which most people aren’t, I know a secret to having top tier aim on console overnight but i genuinely don’t want people to know it, the last thing I want is more genuinely good players with aim assist
- 4 years ago@MclovinOnPcIn720 Yes xim is unfair but if the game does not have m&k support I have no choice except to buy it or not play the game at all. I don't like using xim that's why I'm asking devs for this support
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