Forum Discussion
Crossplay is available so please allow native mouse and keyboard support too. Put us in different lobby with PC players. Playing FPS games with a controller is really hard for many people. having to fight against my controls really makes it hard to enjoy the game. Call of duty has it and nobody had problems. Please consider.
- A_al_K_pacino_A4 years agoSeasoned Veteran
The only real issue I have with this is how strong aim assist gets when this happens. Playing a very limited amount of cod it almost felt pointless playing, the assist was so strong. I know you can always turn it down but you feel like an idiot when you know you are the only one in the lobby that has done it.
- 4 years ago
Double checking: it's still possible for us PC gamers to opt out of playing with console gamers, right? My CoD: BO4 experience with console gamers wasn't great and I rather play with PC players only.
- 4 years ago
@infantrypeasantConsole users can opt out of crossplay which pretty much everyone will do. Which means most (if not all) of players in a crossplay lobby will be PC. Putting M&K console users with these players should make sure that there is no disparity between the inputs the players in your game use and shouldn't affect controller user experience. Also this ensures crossplay doesn't go to waste.
@A_al_K_pacino_A Controller aim assist will pretty much be the same regardless of whether or not there is M&K support for consoles because crossplay will still exist. I do not think they two are related.
- 4 years ago
@TankerFlanker100% agree. Put them in their own lobbies.
- 4 years ago
I don’t agree with cross play because of the disadvantages console players have against m/k. controller. If it is cross play which I think it is, please give console players to disable cross play.
- 4 years ago
@Ukrainetrain87Controller players have the option to opt out of crossplay lobbies. So it doesn't matter whether or not consoles have M&K support because controller users will be given the option to play in a controller only environment either way. M&K support is for the people who are terrible or are unable to play with a controller and they will not be able to infiltrate controller only lobbies if they decide to plug in a M&K. Or atleast that's what we are preaching for.
- 4 years ago
Games on same level as battlefield like call of duty [even the new one], fortnite, overwatch, halo all support it and all are FPS games. And they are all big and successful games. Siege don't have it because it has no crossplay and mouse in controller lobby is cheating. Pls add mouse and keyboard support to battlefield too.
Also is this where I post so devs can see? Or is this community discussion only?
- 4 years ago
@dZnskiYour concern has been noted in other posts on this forum.
This, being the official Battlefield 2042 forum, is regularly visited and monitored by Community Managers that relay player concerns to the appropriate teams at EA DICE. - WindowsManTv_CZE4 years agoHero+
Hello @dZnski
You are in the right place. 🙂
Always leave your feedback here on AHQ Forum. EA CM's from here are always on the lookout for it. They can send feedback from Players straight to Dev Team so you are more than welcome here.! 🙂 - 4 years ago
Thank you
- 4 years ago@dZnski You are welcome. Hope to see you in the Beta!
- 4 years ago@TankerFlanker That’s the problem, I don’t think they’ll add a filter… I know some people use M&K because they can’t get used to controllers and I’m fine with it but most of those using M&K against controllers (not only in BF) are doing it only to be advantaged and devs doing nothing is the worst part. To me it seems like most players if they have a chance to get an advantage over other players using some kind of cheat or even a glitch or bug they do it instantly, I really don’t get it, I don’t find satisfaction in doing such things.
- 4 years ago
Easy if you turn on M/K you cant turn off crossplay, problem solved
- 4 years ago
What is the reason for not adding kb&m support? It won't take long to add this support and many people want it. They need to add this support asap before they lose players. It is also balanced for console players going against PC and if controller players dont want to go against kb&m they can turn off crossplay.
- 4 years ago@TankerFlanker I play with m&k on bfv and it doesn't give me an advantage, you can check my stats for proof. I just hate HATE using the controller for fps games. HATE with a passion.
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