@Neovisi0n "random is not controlled"
Do you mean recoil or spread.
BF4 had what some called visual recoil it meant barrel and scope actual had different recoil and spread.
BF1 did not have this but had increase spread which could be controlled by ROF.
Had the most realistic bullet performance.
BF5 switch this to recoil which can be controlled by player(programs) and had a non-centre return which is important factor for a follow up shoot on slow ROF weapons.
You say guns need inaccuracy(recoil) that is the one thing many guns have improved over time. Precision(spread) is starting to be overcome with smart bullets and yes the spread cone is real. If you want you can look up precision and accuracy to see what I am talking about.
Anyway we need to look at what guns do in game, spread is applied to the bullet before and when the bullet is in flight. Recoil is applied to the weapon(next bullet) after the bullet is fired.
We need to stop looking at a one type fits all scheme.
Let's look at the first shot facts like movement(spread), position(spread) and weapon barrelling(spread) are factors for pre-fire. Drag, gravity, distance are flight issues.
When you have a zero spread with huge recoil weapon will have the same precision at 100m or 10,000m. So sniper rifle no matter how much random recoil is used will never become inaccurate.
Adding spread to low ROF weapons is a must. This spread will also help limit range.
While a no spread and some recoil sound good for high ROF. There is a serious problem.
That is single fire mode and burst control would make these weapon way more accurate then a single fire weapons. So a level of spread is going to be needed.
DICE needs to look at 2 settings for modern weapons for select fire mode or create a level of spread that makes slight worse in single fire than single shot weapons.
I leave it there as more detail information is required.