3 years ago
The Question of Aim Assist
Okay, I'm finally putting this here, because I am really, really at a loss. How powerful is the console aim assist? From my POV, it might as well be a legalised aimbot. Currently, I have to resort...
Yes, I've noticed the same thing since this latest patch (1.2 I think) where they said they "fixed" aim-assist it feels like they may have gone overboard just a little.
I've been getting beamed at long distance from console players with similar scenarios as you described, same weapons but it feels like an aim-bot on the other end of it while I am shooting BBs I guess. We can spot each other at the same time, both shoot at the same time yet invariably I end up on the losing end of the gunfight with my opponent still having 30-40% health left.
I am NOT blaming the console players themselves just to be clear I just think EA/Dice might have "fixed" it just a bit too much is all.
It may be that cross-play just will never work correctly between PC and consoles as @AngrySquid270 said.
Glad I'm not the only one noticing this. Its infuriating when other players in a match just troll and say it doesn't happen when it clearly is, and throw out the usual round of 'git good' and 'skill issue' responses. Sadly it seems the new season is off to the same thing. Getting instantly clapped by console players. All under rank of 40, all headshots. Rank 9 instantly capped me through the new deployed weapon, at 100m, with a suppressed M5A3 using close quarters ammo. Instantly.
Console users basically now have snap aim assist and it’s beyond comical now!
Don’t get hoodwinked by these console players the aim assist is on call of duty levels now!
An update of interest to this topic: I turned off crossplay for the first time in a while tonight, as a test. Not as many players, and more bots, but I died much less than I would in a comparative match with console players. Aside from a few questionable players (namely being able to instantly locate you without any scanning or spotting evident), I didn't get beaned in the head anywhere near as frequently, and the frequency was waaay down in close quarters, white knuckle fights. It felt considerably more balanced.
Nice! 👍
@Sc0tch_Whiskey wrote:
@Ironhead841This from Florian not long ago,
Florian - DRUNKKZ3
Tomorrow's update should introduce improvements with input responsiveness globally as well as performance boosts (framerate), more specifically for high end PCs.
Update 3.0.0 should help a bit with mouse input too although we're still investigating more mouse/controller aiming input latency and consistency improvements. We will share more information on this in the near future
Thanks for sharing, will look forward to testing. 👍
Performance felt somewhat better today, but I'm still encountering issues, especially the later in the night I play. Questionable players zooming ahead of everyone else by dozens of kills to hardly any deaths, frequently standing in open areas picking off everyone in sight. One of these was an alleged 'competitive' player, according to the one defending him. Extra curious when the one defending was on the other team and they both ended up being miles ahead of anyone else with virtually no deaths. Further curiosity in both of their Battlefield tracker pages being set to private. Much like another 'competitive' player I saw recently, they seemed to know exact positions of players that weren't visible or making themselves known. Its never a case of them taking a cursory search and spotting something. They know someone is there before they actually see them without any gadgets or abilities. I'm convinced this is how they outpace vehicle players fighting tense combat around contested flags with lots of players, and how they die so little.
After that it was literally Xbox central, and just constant headshots. Died to one PC player in that match. Everything else was an XBox player. Including one who ate up full hi power magazines like they were sweets and blew your head off with one shot. Another did the same thing. Get close to a console player, and you more or less can't win, considering the latter player killed me from full health whilst they were at 6hp and still being shot.
Also have players tossing C5 about twice the distance I can, now that they've reduced the throw range. Another aspect is vault weapons being uber powerful in enemy hands and middling in mine. A-91 took over a full mag on nearly every player. Capped by one in five shots. Guy with an XM8 mows down everyone and goes 97-16. I shoot the same guy twice in a row after being revived (and they blew my head off instantly with the M16, go figure), and he still won't go down, and proceeds to blow my head off instantly with the otherwise useless M16 again. Sometimes I really wish I knew what server I'm being connected to that seems to make my experience differ vastly compared to Youtubers living in the UK, who seem to have zero latency effects regardless of the server they're on, and never any hit registration issues.
Anyway. Patch is good, map is good, but the same problems remain to taint the gameplay, especially regarding terrible teamplay that resulted in 12 straight match losses for the exact same reasons (enemy team obliterates any vehicle with a vengeance and literally dozens of players going for it; my team won't do anything).