3 years ago
The Question of Aim Assist
Okay, I'm finally putting this here, because I am really, really at a loss. How powerful is the console aim assist? From my POV, it might as well be a legalised aimbot. Currently, I have to resort...
Aim assist has been cranked up so much that it has become quite close to an actual aimbot, same with CoD. It's a skill equalizer and it has greatly lowered the skill curve. No program should do the aiming for you, it's just a legalized form of cheating to appease the console crowd.
FPS games with a controller is always sub-optimal, but there are much better and more fair ways to improve purely through a player's own effort and compete with M+K, like gyro aiming for one.
lol NO. I'm on PS5 and can confirm that the game doesn't aim for you in any sensible sense - the sticky aim assist (which is pretty much reduced sensitivity when the crosshair is on/near target) is nothing like an aimbot and the snap on aim assist seems to only kick in when the target is moving realy fast/ there are multiple moving targets close together/ the crosshair is really close to the target. The player has to do most of the job.
Except this isn't lining up with my bulk experience. I was testing aa setup in solo mode with the SWS. Short barrel, stubby grip, holo sight etc. Came across some bots inside the ship. Go into aim, fire, small movement from the bot makes the shot miss. Adjust, fire. Small movement makes it miss again. Getting the shot to connect with them with a quick scope in meant, on average, throwing down a few rounds. Now contrast this with a console player who, using the same setup, instantly beaned me in the head from a lower position, as I barely appeared near a railing, for a split second. That is not a fluke occurrence either. Something is letting them land shots more consistently, more quickly, than you can with mouse and keyboard. We're also talking about players under the rank of 30, sometimes under the rank of 10, pulling off these amazing headshots all the time. And the common denominator is that they are always on console.
Furthermore, in a round I just finished, I was grappling up the side of the ship, swinging to the side as I do to make myself a harder target. In that moment it takes to go up, a Rank 9 on console hit and killed me instantly...from 150m, with an M5A3 that only had a TV2 scope as an attachment.
@Moab23 wrote:Except this isn't lining up with my bulk experience. I was testing aa setup in solo mode with the SWS. Short barrel, stubby grip, holo sight etc. Came across some bots inside the ship. Go into aim, fire, small movement from the bot makes the shot miss. Adjust, fire. Small movement makes it miss again. Getting the shot to connect with them with a quick scope in meant, on average, throwing down a few rounds. Now contrast this with a console player who, using the same setup, instantly beaned me in the head from a lower position, as I barely appeared near a railing, for a split second. That is not a fluke occurrence either. Something is letting them land shots more consistently, more quickly, than you can with mouse and keyboard. We're also talking about players under the rank of 30, sometimes under the rank of 10, pulling off these amazing headshots all the time. And the common denominator is that they are always on console.
Furthermore, in a round I just finished, I was grappling up the side of the ship, swinging to the side as I do to make myself a harder target. In that moment it takes to go up, a Rank 9 on console hit and killed me instantly...from 150m, with an M5A3 that only had a TV2 scope as an attachment.
Just to be clear - you are complaining aim assist is really strong except when you test it and you can't hit a shot?
If I remember correctly, DICE confirmed that snap on aim assist is turned OFF while using sniper rifles. In my experience, I've to be super accurate when using snipers, shotguns and semi auto/burst guns - the game definitely does NOT aim for me. I also see lots of players claiming that the sticky aim assist makes sniping harder.
Many have reported getting killed instantly (by someone on different platform than them - eg pc vs console or console vs pc), which is probably because of bad netcode. Also, mnk combined with aim assist on console is definitely op
And BTW, what's your accuracy on the ARs, DMRs and snipers?