4 years ago
TTK is awful in this game
Make a normal TTK in the game, shooting a clip on one player looks absurd. Players are real like bullet sponges. Also add m&k support on the console (I'm 32 years old, I have a lot of work to do, I ...
TTK feels like it's in a really good spot. I think Hit Reg isn't the best and I definitely notice bullets not registering at times.
The other thing to take into consideration is lag compensation. You're waiting for someone to turn a corner and then they instantly kill you. That's lag comp. On their screen they turn the corner and you're just sitting there staring at them lol. I think games need to stop compensating for people's terrible connections.
Stop using wifi when you're playing shooters people! If possible, I know some people don't have a choice.
I find the TTK in 2042 fine. I used to only play hardcore in BF3 & 4, so was expecting bullet sponges when I started 2042, but I find the default TTK pretty good.