obviously poorly optimized hardware utilization, and it seems to affect many people. looking at any external fps monitor may fool you into believing your fps are fine (eg. steam overlays tells me im running at 80-120+ fps, although it is barely playable), as already mentioned by somebody earlier, perfoverlay.drawfps 1 shows the true gpu & cpu rendering performance, which reveals that the cpu is bottlenecking, while the gpu either runs fine (my case), or consequently is underused.
experiencing the same independently of the graphics settings, even on med/high, cpu is bottlenecking with huge frametimes (30+ms) and consequently low fps (<30fps), while the gpu is rendering perfectly fine (<15ms; 75+fps)
some analyses/reviews already mentioned this today:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysCTNdPbweo (min 16:30 onwards)
my suggestion, at least as a temporary workaround, would be to offer pc players an option to play on 64 player servers, since the devs seem to be aware of the performance issues, why they have restricted last-gen consoles to 64 players only; my thread on this here: