What this person is writing is something ea should listen to.. he seems very calm about it. And I am NOT close to as calm as he might seem... I am just just pissed
Im in Norway,. And I why did I spend 1000 NOK on this game, when it not even playable for me. I don't want cross play on, for any of my games. (Thats around 100€), and I haven't been able to find a game since I bought it, with crossay off!! I am starting to consider asking for a refund. You know what, I will be demanding a refund! 😡 I don't want to play against PC players where there are tons more cheating/hacking,. Not to mention mnk having a slight upper hand on controller players... This is really starting to * me of honestly. I can hold my own against mnk, bit hackers, you don't have a chance against. Getting killed within seconds is just laughable.. never seen anything like this in other games before. Same * in cod and rainbow six. At least Ubisoft with rainbow six, was smart enough to not mix pc & console at all. Due to this. They even said it themself, that they might consider it in the future, but then players will need to turn it on by themself. The mnk issue is to big for casuals as it is on console with adapters. They did t.want to add to more problems to the mix, by having console.players going against hackers as well.. But EA doesnt seem to care about their players at this point imo.. that is litterally my experience with ea at the moment (from my 2 last purchase from them). And it might end up being my very last purchase ever from EA honestly. No joke.
As I am writing this, I have been waiting for a match for about 10min, just to see if it is able to find one. It found 2 players during 10min. And they ofc left due to having to wait long. Cross play needs to be turned off by default. What a #$#@#* decided that cross play should be enabled by default ???? Casual gamers do t think about turning off cross play, as they don't know better. And people that Want to play with their friends on PC, trust me. They will know how to do so!
I am starting the process of getting a refund, if this is not fixed.serioualy.
I didn't buy the game at launch. Due to very bad reviews and it was a broken game. But a I was stupid enough to buy it now. Definetly going to spread the message on all my social media groups, about this issue. Most people on console (the ones wanting to go against PC players are the ones with friends, or the ones that are using mnk on console, with or without adapters). So I hope I will warn as many people from making the sameistake I did, thinking I could matchmake with Xbox/PS5 players.. or only Xbox for that matter. *THANKS* very much for ruining the experience on yet a other EA game 👎 when I bought the NFS Heat, it wasn't even playable for 4months (litterally couldn't start the game at all and play. Couldn't get past the "press A to continue" in tht game for 4-5.mkths). So I am really starting to wonder.
And no, no chance in hell if I am waiting that long again. This time I am getting a refund, if this is not fixed asap.. This should not even be a problem to begin with!!!!