Hi Elliot and Patt,
I just wanted to check in, if there is any progress on the Bradley issue. I had repeated contact with EA Help. The past two weeks.
It basically just goes in circles since it's almost always someone else responding and apperantly not reading the previous correspondence. Which always at some point redirects me here.
On the servers the Bradley is falgged as 'Unlocked' since the moment I fullfilled the requirements. But that didn't really do much. I unlocked multiple skins, badges and attachments since without issue. So my guess is the problem originates from the change in unlock requirements.
I have an idea how this might be fixed, but I don't know if thats possible, since I don't know the backend. Is there a way to reset my progress on unlocking the Bradley and/or setting it back to 'Locked'? That way I could retry unlocking it. Mayve that would work. If thats possible I will suggest it to the EA Help team.
I'll keep pestering until something happens either way and keep you guys up posted if anything productive happens.