For those wondering why many of us request Keyboard and Mouse support.
Mainly because you have to have a good system. Compare a $2k PC to the $500 PS5. Most other new games enable K&M that have cross play anyways. Literally not hard as the underlying code supports it and the game code already supports it (Obviously on PC you can use both, K&M and Controller). I know I am over simplifying but at the end of the day I would look att he sales data of the games that do support it. Many of us are trying to go to console because of the GPU prices for PC. A decent GPU is $500 alone and that will get you buy MAYBE a year if you want high graphic settings. Console is always better optimized too, they know the hardware were on PC you could have literally 10,000 plus different setup and DX12 helps, but you also have to rely on and support different drivers along with Nvidia and AMD updating drivers for better performance. I could go on and on with every detail, just use some common sense and google.
Ever play any game on low setting outside of tournament/pro gaming? Most of use play for fun and want to see the game in its glory. Add in that the XBox is even easier to enable. From my limited experience working on games that it's a config setting if your game already has keyboard support (bindings). IE: If your game is on PC it really is a toggle on a config file set to true.