Mouse Lag / Input Delay
Product: Battlefield 2042
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number RTX 3080 10GB
Enter RAM memory size in GB 32GB
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Multiplayer
Which part of the mode? Breakthrough
Please select your region Europe
On which server did this happen? all of them
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 06.10.2022 ALL Day
Summarize your bug Load into a server, try to move my mouse, mouse input is laggy and feels floaty.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Who knows, plug a mouse in and see if it happens. Logitech G305 is the mouse I use.
What happens when the bug occurs? The mouse input doesnt act as it should, move mouse left, after 500ms the mouse will actually float left.
What should be happening instead? The mouse should be moving my reticle / view at the speed im moving my hand and not floating.
Here is a video of my hand & and the ingame input floating.
So funnily enough, I was getting another issue this morning when trying to launch the game where it would just stick on a small black box screen.
Fix: Delete settings folder in ~/Documents/BF2042/
I was then able to join a game after re-doing all my settings, and I didnt experience the floaty mouse issue as shown in the video.
Will keep playing to confirm it fixed the issue. (for now)