Forum Discussion
By all accounts your anticheat client should be able to reach our backend, and yet, nothing is happening there.
Can you try adding an exclusion to the Windows Firewall explicitly for C:\Program Files\EA\AC\EAAntiCheat.GameService.exe and the GameServiceLauncher.exe that can be found in your game install directory?
If on Steam, the default should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042\EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe.
Try that and let me know if it improves your disconnect outcome. Would also be helpful if you could share MSInfo and let me know what, if any, anti-virus or anti-malware software you're running besides Windows Defender.
We cover around the top 20 vendors in our own testing, but we can't account for everything, so just trying to check if it's perhaps an incompatibility somewhere!
Here you go boss, attached the MSInfo as promised.
- AntiCheatWard9 months agoSeasoned Scout
@CLOWNVID-19 Thanks for that, will take a look shortly.
Confirming, when was the last time you were able to play without the frequent disconnects?
- 9 months ago
I was able to play back in February/March, then I took a break from the game and returned about 10 days ago and since then I'm not able to play.
- 9 months ago
@AntiCheatWard Any news about the error? ☹️
- 9 months ago
@AntiCheatWard I was hoping that they fixed the error after this new update, but I still have the same problem.
- 9 months ago@Kammiiii We won't be seeing the fix any time soon considering that some players have this issue for months, if not years...
- AntiCheatWard8 months agoSeasoned Scout
Hey folks,
Apologies for the radio silence, it's been busy over here & then I had PTO and forgot to follow-up.
Wanted to check in on how this is going and if there's been any change on your side.
Transparently, there's nothing in the application that could error out this way. It's clear that there's something locally going on either on your machine or in your network that's preventing the network traffic going through - and without that network traffic completing, you're not going to be able to play.
This is working as intended - if EA anticheat servers can't see you, you won't get to play Battlefield. We can't protect the integrity of the game environment if someone can easily evade anti-cheat.
Based on the number of users who experience the same issue you are though, I can't say that there's something wrong on our side.
Can you go to Windows Control Panel and check "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Defender Firewall\Allowed apps" and verify that EAAntiCheat.GameService.exe and EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe are both allowed on your networks?
This is not something we can configure for you on our end.
- 8 months ago
@AntiCheatWardBoth services are allowed there. This is not an issue on our end since no other application or game is affected apart from EA ones.
I've even tried using 3 different ISPs and no, it is not a network issue nor a PC issue on our end.
The issue comes from the AntiCheat itself as the steam ships a wrong version and thus the game tries to use the wrong version which results in the error.
When we try to verify the game files on Steam, there are always 3 corrupted files and all 3 are related to the AntiCheat and, when we click on repair, Steam downloads the wrong versions that aren't up to date. - AntiCheatWard8 months agoSeasoned Scout
That's unrelated, but I'll explain how that works.
The "Repair" button on the EA app or the "Verify game files" button in Steam is just checking that the files on the disk are the ones that match the manifest file on the CDN for the respective storefront.
EA anticheat self updates independently of the game manifest file. When you are running the "Repair" or "Verify game files" you're just rolling back those 3 EA anticheat files (The EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe and the 2 DLLs for the launcher) back to the version that shipped with that specific game patch.
This is not a meaningful test, of any kind, to determine that the files are in a bad state. It's just a basic CRC match of the file on disk to the file on the storefront CDN. Of course they won't match.
The issue you're experiencing is 100% a networking issue. It's either in your network or in between your network and ours.
But we can be sure that it's not an entire internet issue, as you've correctly pointed out that you can access the game, but you still get disconnected.
You can communicate with the game, but not our backend, which points to a configuration or networking issue with your machine. I can confirm that players from the same physical location in the world are playing just fine, so it's definitely not a regional or routing issue, to be sure.
I'm happy to help you continue troubleshooting this, if you like.
Next steps would be to grab a pathping to the EA anticheat backend, as well as things like nslookup to ensure that your local DNS cache can look up where to even communicate.
Do you want to keep troubleshooting? 🙂 - 8 months ago@AntiCheatWard Sounds good, let's continue 🙂
- AntiCheatWard8 months agoSeasoned Scout@CLOWNVID-19
Right then.
Can you perform the following commands in the Windows command prompt? (Run -> cmd, or Press the win key on your keyboard, in the start menu search Command, and launch the command prompt).
It should take a few moments and return "Non-authoritative answers" for what IP addresses you see for the service. Paste the results back to me or take a screenshot.
Similarly, run a pathping in command prompt:
Since pathping includes things like your IP address, which you should not post publicly on the Answers HQ, feel free to message that one to me directly here on the forums.
The US office is closed tomorrow for the 4th of July, but I'll take a peek at any replies and get back to you Friday or Monday at the latest.
Thanks! - 8 months ago
Here's the nslookup result and I've sent the pathping results to you via private message 🙂
- 8 months ago
I hope you can resolve your issue as I have been experiencing the same issue
- 8 months ago
Hello again,
I don't know if this helps, but I can play normally after the following:
1. Uninstall EA Anti-cheat.
2. Reboot
3. Install EA Anti-cheat.
4. Update EA Anti-cheat.
If I exit the Battlefield 2042 application and restart the Battlefield 2042 application, the connection issue re-occurs. To play again, I have to do steps 1-4 again.
- 8 months ago
Since im having the same problem i will also be contributing by sending you guys the screenshot and posting one here.
I have also done all the steps mentioned in all the threads but to no avail. - 8 months ago
Im having the same issues...... 1 thing I've noticed..... it takes 45 seconds to get the error and 10 seconds to reconnect. And it's consistent over and over.
- 8 months ago
Can verify..... this works..... and apparently..... is a "Thing" EA, something is WRONG with your AC Program!
2 ptHello again,
I don't know if this helps, but I can play normally after the following:
1. Uninstall EA Anti-cheat.
2. Reboot
3. Install EA Anti-cheat.
4. Update EA Anti-cheat.
If I exit the Battlefield 2042 application and restart the Battlefield 2042 application, the connection issue re-occurs. To play again, I have to do steps 1-4 again.
- 8 months ago
Here is more info to add to this mystery, When I start the game from the EA App, it then creates a Folder called "Game", in it is "httpcache" inside it is a lot of GARBAGE in this folder...... 44 items/files that are just numbers with no file extension. "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Game\httpcache\"
So when I start the game using the EA APP, as soon as it creates the "Game" folder, I immediately DELETE it. Whoa and behold ..... I can actually Play the game!!!! I do notice that the game loads MUCH MUCH slower, but I'm happy to say I can get in the game.
@AntiCheatWard , I have proven multiple times now that this "Work Around" works to get me in the game, Hopefuly others read this and try for themselves and help prove me right, so this is a local PC issue that either your AC software or the Game itself is messing with our computers...... What is it and Why?? Can we get a "Coder" from EA to chime in on this??
Looking forward to any type of reply, because this is ridiculous, and this started for me at the beginning of Season 7 of the game.
- 8 months ago
Yep! This works. It solved my issues and allows me to play as well.
- AntiCheatWard8 months agoSeasoned Scout@Test4echo3 Well, that's an incredible find. The pathpings I received via DM were showing network traffic dropping at local ISPs, and I was working through trying to chat with our network engineering folks to figure that out further or how to even escalate out to the local ISPs.
I honestly have no idea what that folder is in relation to the EA app and why it would get created, it's not something we are generating within EA anticheat.
Let me reach out to the EA app team to figure out if this is something from their side, and we'll continue debugging.
Appreciate your patience on this, everyone. - 8 months ago@AntiCheatWard I've just tried the possible fix provided by the player but, unfortunately, it did not help and I was still getting disconnected.
- 8 months ago
@CLOWNVID-19 pay close attention to your TEMP folder, I forgot to add that it will try and recreate that “Game” folder again.
Also, try uninstalling the anti cheat first, reboot, when you log back in, open your %temp% folder and delete everything in it…. But don’t close the window on that folder….. keep it open. Now start the game from the EA App and wait for the AC UAC window to pop up and ask you to install AC. Keep a close eye on your %temp% folder for the “Game” folder to be created, as soon as you see it “Delete” it and wait for the game to load. It’s not a fool proof fix…. It might take you 2 or 3 times to make it work….. but so far for me…. It works.
@AntiCheatWard thanks for the follow up and the comment, I hope this gets resolved soon
- 8 months ago
WARNING PLAYERS!!!! I got this email from EA, blocking access to Battlefield. I HAVE NEVER CHEATED! Help @AntiCheatWard, @l4sof1 ! Please!!
Installing and deleting files must cheater activity. I have only followed actions taken by others in this thread. I also noted my attempts. This is rubbing salt in an open wound!
- 8 months ago
@2004RoadKing Are you saying that by deleting the “Game” folder in your user %TEMP% folder has gotten you banned?? If so, How many games have you played before you got banned?? I’ve played at least 3+ hours of this game since I found this “work around” to play the game. And if I do get banned, my lousy game stats should prove I don’t cheat. Hopefully you get unbanned and this issue gets fixed sometime soon!
- 8 months ago@Test4echo3 Yes, at least that and the other steps I provided earlier. I played a lot of time yesterday, I'm guessing a dozen???
- 8 months ago
Well, A new day, a new struggle to play the game. What was working yesterday, apparently no longer works today 😑. What I noticed today is that the “Game” folder is first created when the blank “dos/cmd” screen first pops up (it looks like the battlefield executable starts) to get the game started. So I delete the folder, once I get connected to “connecting to online services” is when the second “Game” folder is created again…… so again….. I delete it. Well after going thru all the motions….. the game will just keep dropping me 45 seconds after connecting to online services……… the 10 seconds to reconnect…… 45 seconds until I drop again.
I’m at a loss as to what this game or the EA App is injecting into my PC but something is going on. I’m not a programmer who can debug this game, but I’ve been in IT a long time to know how to troubleshoot applications and networking but, right now I feel like a Beta Tester who is going crazy trying to figure out what’s wrong with my equipment when In reality….. it’s something a programmer did to this game that is singling out a type of nic card or processor or even a weird DLL that only a few of us out in game land might just happen to have on our gaming rigs.
By the time I actually do get in game, if ever again now, I’m too GD exhausted to even want to play 😑. EA, I’ll help troubleshoot this issue more…… but this is getting old and tiresome now.
@AntiCheatWard I have a real sneaky suspicion that one (possible more) of the programmers for the Game or the App made some type of change(s) to the game and didn’t tell you boys & girls in the Anti-Cheat department about it. Now people like @2004RoadKing, myself and god knows how many other players out there who have just given up on trying to play are affected by this issue. I’ll gladly open my PC (RDP, Windows Quick Assist, TeamViewer) to you or a support person at EA to try and nail down this very annoying issue and get a fix once and for all.
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