Product: Battlefield 2042
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4 Pro
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Game Menu
In which game menu were you when the bug occurred? The berry initial load screen
Please select your region Australia
On which server did this happen? It’s before it gets to a server
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 1 Jan 22
Summarize your bug Start game, gets to the initial screen with Floating Cruiser MFS-04 on screen with “Press X” . Press X and get Connecting to Online Services with the flashing rotating boxes. The screen fadesto blank and back about every 15 seconds. After a few minutes I get the error Unable to load persistence data. Error code: 15: 1302P: 1300P:-7A. Start game, gets to the initial screen with Floating Cruiser MFS-04 on screen with “Press X” . Press X and get Connecting to Online Services with the flashing rotating boxes. The screen fadesto blank and back about every 15 seconds. After a few minutes I get the error Unable to load persistence data. Error code: 15: 1302P: 1300P:-7A. This screen has an X OK button witch takes me back to the prev menu. From here it’s just an endless loop of the same Connecting to Servers, error code, again again again. This screen has an X OK button witch takes me back to the prev menu. From here it’s just an endless loop of the same Connecting to Servers, error code, again again again.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Load the game
What happens when the bug occurs? Start game, gets to the initial screen with Floating Cruiser MFS-04 on screen with “Press X” . Press X and get Connecting to Online Services with the flashing rotating boxes. The screen fadesto blank and back about every 15 seconds. After a few minutes I get the error Unable to load persistence data. Error code: 15: 1302P: 1300P:-7A. This screen has an X OK button witch takes me back to the prev menu. From here it’s just an endless loop of the same Connecting to Servers, error code, again again again.
What should be happening instead? The game should be connecting to a server and loading
It just never actually starts the game