Forum Discussion
Title. I've been getting this error on PC since early March in 2042 and it still hasn't been fixed. During that time, I could play BFV without issue - and right after it got the EA Anti-Cheat update, the same issue started popping up for me in BFV as well. Rarely can I play a full game, and it almost always kick me out mid-game, or even when I'm just idling in Menu. It's entirely random, I've tried flushing and registering DNS, reinstalling windows, and numerous other solutions (even carried my PC to my friend's place) - same thing happens.
DICE please, acknowledge this problem. I live in Germany and my ISP is Vodafone. I know I'm not the only one having this problem.
Same issue here...
- 9 months ago
I'm also having the same issue and I can't play neither Battlefield V nor 2042 as I'm getting kicked out of the game after about 5 minutes.