Forum Discussion
How difficult is it for EA to resolve this problem that has been going on for over a year? I can't play BF2042 online with any of my friends, whenever one tries to connect to the server the other gets disconnected.
If it really becomes impossible to play BF2042 like this, unfortunately I will have to give up playing this game with my friends to play other games that work like Call of Duty.
We are still waiting for an EA solution.
I think I tried every possible fix mentioned under the Sun and none of them work ☹️
After exactly 5minutes of game play I get the 4688822970:-4685921B error message.
What's worse BFV is affected too :'(
- 8 months ago
late to the issue, this just started for me two weeks or so ago. same error code. I can every now and then join a game and play for however long I stay on.
- 7 months ago
OK guys
Try this, it worked for me when all the other fixes failed.
First, for my network adapter in IPv4 properties I changed my DNS from my ISP router, Automatic DHCP will assign this normally same as you default gateway.
- The change I made was to manually set the DNS to as primary and as secondary
The other change I made was to disable IPv6
Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections right click on your Ethernet adapter > Properties and scroll through the list and uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP /IPv6)
- If you used IPv6 only then don't do this obviously
Make sure to open your CMD in admin and ipconfig /flushdns
It's been working for me since.
Let me know if this worked for you guys 🙂
- 4 months ago
None of the suggested solutions work. Nil changes to PC made. Previously working fine since game released and now all of a sudden this error is occuring. EA whats the fix? Your game is causing this not hardware/port configuration as it's worked fine since the game was released until now.
- 3 months ago
Hi all,
I resorted to EA support who fixed the issue within half an hour. Solution:
1. Uninstall EA play app then reinstall.
2. Verify game intergrity on steam when it's closed.
3. Disable EA in game overlay.
Now works fine. No need to play around with ports and DNS etc.