Forum Discussion
OK guys
Try this, it worked for me when all the other fixes failed.
First, for my network adapter in IPv4 properties I changed my DNS from my ISP router, Automatic DHCP will assign this normally same as you default gateway.
- The change I made was to manually set the DNS to as primary and as secondary
The other change I made was to disable IPv6
Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections right click on your Ethernet adapter > Properties and scroll through the list and uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP /IPv6)
- If you used IPv6 only then don't do this obviously
Make sure to open your CMD in admin and ipconfig /flushdns
It's been working for me since.
Let me know if this worked for you guys 🙂
- 7 months ago
figured I would try to play this morning and everything seems OK, at least for me. Of course I didn't do anything so maybe it finally got fixed, intentionally or otherwise by EA. Small sample size so far as I only played one map and transitioned to the next one, then quit. We'll see if it's really fixed when I try again later today, keeping my fingers crossed.
- 7 months ago
well that didn't last long. I guess a new anticheat update f'd it up again for me.