9 years ago
BAttlefield 1 medals bug!!!
Tracking medals isn't working for me e. Keeps showing the expired ones. And when it does show new ones, it's only two out of the five and it reverts back to the old ones before I can do anything.
- 9 years ago
@0GRONIN wrote:
I really don't get why this is taking so long to sort, as this must be a server side bug...
100 of threads about this on BF forums, that are just ignored for a good 48 hours now
The issue is not being ignored, it is being reported by the Battlefield forum moderators and EA CMs to DICE as a bug. Bug reports can be posted here on the official BF1 Bug forum: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/battlefield-1-bug-reports-en