Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
13 years ago

I don't receive "password reset" email from any ea, origin and battlelog services for 4 hours.

I don't receive "password reset" email from any ea, origin and battle services for 4 hours. First: I don't know why but I can't connect to my original account (/edit by admin: please do not post private information in a public board), it seems that password is changed like it was in summer ( pass was changed but I DIDN'T changed it, and I just reseted my password) I didn't write to ea because several of my friends had same problem. Second I DON'T GET ANY PASS RESET EMAILS FROM any EA, ORIGIN, BATTLELOG services for 4 hours.


  • ietxmmyrus's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hey all,

    if you do not receive any email to reset your password, this might have any of those reasons:

    - The mail was marked as spam, please check all your folders

    - The mail was marked as spam and the email provider filtered the mail so you don't receive it at all

    - You have an old email in your account and are checking the wrong inbox

    - The account has been compromised and the email address has been changed, but the username hasn't

    Regardless of what the reason is, please get in touch with EA Help to find out why this occurs in the first place and maybe update the email address afterwards.

98 Replies

  • You have to do this: From the EASPORTS contact us page click help with a game, select a game, scroll to the bottom and hit contact us, select your platform, select manage your account, select hacked account, scroll to the bottom and hit select contact option, select "Sign in so we can give you a customized experience. Trouble signing in, click here", enter your name and email address, select next, then scroll to the bottom and select to receive a call! Once you enter in your information and phone number EA will call you and ask to have them email you a password reset link! Cheers!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago

    Good news!!

    When this happened to me, and I was sure of my credentials, I typed in my id for Origin instead of my actual email. This works for me, I hope I fixed your problem, and good luck if it didn't ☹️

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago

    I tried that already and I still haven't received an email back. And I did that on my empty account that works but doesn't have my games from my other one.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago

    this isn't a minor problem because it is taking far too long to fix. I think EA's system has been H-A-C-K-E-D and someone rigged our accounts. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! We've just entered the era of Cyber Warfare!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago

    @Damokkles wrote:

    So, I got disconnected from my EA account on my android phone as well as on my actual Origin account and could not log in.

    Like everybody else I have been trying to reset my password and for two days no emails.

    Tried to find a solutiin but no luck

    | went on the self help support and choose the option cannot connect to my account and got a box saying that it will take about 20 to 30 minutes before I get an answer.

    And now I just got an email which is great either because I submitted so many of them and was going to bother a CSR or because I tried it from swtor ( solution from ).

    But anyway back in 🙂

    I love Steam and hate Origin. Origin can take a flying leap off a cliff as far as I'm concerned. They better be glad they have BF3, bunch of incompetent idiots.

  • ive had this very problem and im still figuring it out but i recommend trying every password you use and if that doesnt work then idk

  • EA_Blueberry's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    7 years ago

    Reset password emails can sometimes be delayed. If the password reset email doesn't show up within 15 minutes, try resetting the password from the following websites below.

    Double-check the folders you have for your email provider. Sometimes it can be sent to the spam, junk, promotion, or social folder. 

    Still can't get the password reset email? Contact our Live-Support team below for assistance with your account.

    Click here to speak with an EA Advisor

    This post is 6 years old so I'll be locking it down for new replies. Reviving, updating or bumping old, outdated and irrelevant threads is not helpful for our community. It's best to check when the thread was created before you hit post, just to make sure it's not 2 years old for example.