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Carbonic's avatar
12 years ago

Known Battlefield 4 Issues and Next Steps (Updated: Mar 25)

Taken from the BF4 Control Room on the Battlelog forums - source:


Update #46 (Mar 31) PC Game Update Notes

Similar to the notes from console update below, with just the following addition:


PC Mantle

  • Mantle now requires Catalyst 14.2 or later drivers.
  • Fixed multiple crashes.
  • Fixed memory leak when switching between windowed and full screen.
  • Optimized memory management which can reduce amount of performance stalls when video memory is overcommitted.
  • Improved performance when vsync is used.
  • Fixed bug with offset mouse cursor when using full screen and horizontal windows taskbar.
  • Multi-GPU: Added initial support for frame pacing for smoother frame rate in full screen mode, enabled by default. Can be disabled in console / User.cfg with “RenderDevice.FramePacingMethod 0”.
  • Multi-GPU: Fixed black screen when starting on machine with multiple GPUs where the weakest GPU has the display attached to it.
  • Multi-GPU: Fixed intermittent crash when switching between windowed and full screen mode when having multiple GPUs

PC DirectX

  • Fixed bug with borderless window not covering entire screen when starting up



Update #45 (Mar 25/27) PS4, PS3, Xbox One, X360 Game Update Notes


  • General stability improvements 
  • Fix for a crash that could occur when players were customizing vehicles. 
  • Fix for an issue in the Rush game mode where end-of-round screen would always indicate that there were 60 minutes left of the game. 
  • Fix for an issue where the splash damage for IFV shells, Helicopter rockets, and Mortar rounds was unable to destroy deployed equipment. 
  • Fix for an issue that could cause the quad bike to explode when it hit indestructible objects. 
  • Fix for an issue that would cause sniper rifles to display too much bloom when aiming in snowy conditions, especially the outside areas of Operation Locker. 
  • Fix for an issue where the ECM would sometimes fail to jam incoming missiles. 
  • Shortened the take-off distances for jets to match the length of the runways in Second Assault maps. 
  • Fix for going above ceiling exploits in Operation Metro. 
  • Fix for a new MAV riding exploit. 
  • Fix for kill camera jittering/strobing sometimes if colliding with other world objects or terrain. 
  • Fix for soldiers getting catapulted when walking on steep surfaces 


  • Fix for an issue where the kill camera would display the incorrect killer. 
  • Fix for an issue where the kill card won’t show up when playing on servers which have the kill camera turned off. 
  • Fixed an issue where other soldiers would appear to fire in the wrong direction when turning quickly. 
  • Fix for weapons firing twice, or not at all in some instances. 
  • Fix for an issue where explosions didn’t do any damage to infantry and vehicles that were outside of the combat area. 
  • Fix for an issue where late-joining players wouldn’t correctly experience Levolution events on Paracel Storm and Flood Zone. 
  • Fix for an issue that could cause packet loss. 


  • Added Gold Battlepacks as rewards for Class Service Stars, allowing players that have reached the max Rank to continue earning new Battlepacks. 


  • Increased the damage of the normal buckshot against targets with Body Armor. 
  • Reduced the vertical recoil of the M4 and M16A4 to give these burst fire weapons a tighter burst accuracy in their mid- to long range role. 
  • Reduced the side-to-side and first shot recoil of the G36C. This weapon now has the lowest side-to-side recoil of the carbines, giving it a clear controllable low rate of fire role, especially when compared to the AK5C, Type-95B-1 and the AKU-12. 
  • Tweaked the detonation time of the 40mm LVG so it bounces less before going off. The maximum damage has however been reduced to 80 like the RGO. 
  • Reduced the number of how many 40mm HE and LVG rounds players can carry, from 4 to 3. 
  • Increased the time it takes to get new 40mm round from ammo boxes. The time is longer for HE and LVG grenades and shorter for utility grenades like SMK and FLASH. 


  • Increased the time it takes to get new RGO IMPACT, V40 MINI, M84 FLASHBANG and M18 SMOKE grenades from ammo boxes. Since the player now carries more of these grenades, the resupply delay needed to be longer to prevent grenade spamming. 


  • Significantly improved the suppression from mounted vehicle weapons, including miniguns, HMGs, LMGs, and all shells types for all armored vehicles. 


  • Further reduced the repair rate for the Scout Helicopters and the Transport Helicopters. 
  • Significantly increased the damage of Transport Helicopter miniguns. 
  • Changed the flight ceilings on Gulf of Oman, Caspian Border and Operation Firestorm to better match the height of the structures in those levels. 
  • Adjusted the damage of the 25mm and 30mm cannons for both Attacks Jets and Mobile AA to be equal in Damage Per Second to the 20mm default weapons. These weapons were clearly poorer choices in all circumstances, and their different rates of fire are intended to be the player's choice factor for these weapon systems. 


  • Increased the splash damage and the range at which the JDAM bombs can achieve max splash damage. The JDAM's power was not properly balanced with its difficulty to use. The JDAM remains a primarily anti-vehicle weapon, though this change will increase the effectiveness against all targets. 
  • Increased the accuracy and direct hit damage of the AC130 40mm cannons. 40mm cannons can now be used to fire pinpoint shots in 2-3 round bursts, enabling them to provide accurate fire on infantry and vehicle targets. Their velocity has also been marginally increased to aid their accuracy. 
  • Increased the splash damage and range of the AC130 25mm cannons. These cannons now do approximately 50% more damage, in a slightly increased area of impact. The increased damage as well as increased suppression effects will allow the 25mm cannon to fill its role as an area of effect weapon against infantry.


Update #45 (Mar 18) R30 Server Update

  • Players will no longer be able to pick up deployed AA mines 
  • Players will no longer be able to equip an AA mine together with rocket launchers 
  • Fix for an issue where players could have two Javelin projectiles in the air at the same time 
  • Javelin damage has been reduced from 34% to 30% 
  • Active Radar cone on the Ground Active Radar Missiles has been reduced from 5 degrees to 2 degrees 
  • Reduced the resupply time of the Flares from 25 to 20 seconds 
  • Reduced the resupply time of the ECM from 30 to 25 seconds 
  • Increased the resupply time of Active Protection from 30 to 35 seconds 
  • Bullpup weapons with 1x sights should now all properly benefit from increased movement speed while aiming down the sight 
  • Increased the damage of the CBJ-MS all ranges to better balance its low rate of fire 
  • Reduced the direct damage of the Attack Helicopter Zuni rockets as they were slightly too powerful after the last adjustment - as a result that last increase has been toned down to 50% 
  • Increased the side to side recoil of the AWS to balance it with other 800 RPM LMGs and keep its unique firing behavior 
  • Reduced the damage of the FIM-92 Stinger and SA-18 IGLA to 35% from 45% against Scout, Attack Helicopters and jets 
  • Toned down the helicopter flip caused by FIM-92 Stinger, SA-18 IGLA and Starstreak HVM-2 impacts


 For UPDATE #1 to #44, click on the spoiler below.


Update #44 (Mar 11) R29 Server Update

  • Fix for missing audio on Squad/Team Deathmatch when playing on high ticket Ranked Servers 
  • Fix for vehicleSpawnDelay and roundTimeLimit being part of presets locked settings 

Update #43 (Mar 6) Consoles & PC Game Update Notes 

  • Several crash fixes and stability improvements 
  • Fixed an issue with data re-sending that was causing rubber banding on some servers 
  • Increased the maximum rank to 120 
  • Fixed an issue with the kill camera triggering before game client would display the last portion of damage being dealt, giving players the impression that they died too early 
  • Fixed issue with blood effects, damage indicators, and health bar updates in the HUD being out of sync. This issue meant that players would sometimes miss information about being shot at, or get the impression of too few hits occurring for the amount of bullets that hit. 
  • Tweaked the speed, dispersion, and re-arm duration of the IFV and MBT projectiles 
  • Tweaked timing for how long the kill feed stays on screen 
  • Fixed an issue where the message "Joining Server" sometimes didn't appear when the user tried to join the server 
  • Added default player slots to server browser filters 
  • Fix for an issue on Silk Road where players could deform the terrain to create a big, water-filled hole 
  • Fix for a bug that occurred with the end-of-round camera if the player was in the bomber in China Rising 
  • Fix for an issue on Rogue Transmission where it was impossible to capture a flag while riding the quad bike 
  • Prevented players from interacting with an M-COM on Siege of Shanghai after it had been destroyed 
  • Fixed an issue where audio for disarming M-COMs could get stuck in an infinite loop 
  • Added minimap details for missing carriers in Rush on Paracel Storm and Hainan Resort 
  • Fix for an exploit that would allow players to shoot two tank shells with not enough delay between shots 
  • Removed a bug where squads would get split up when transitioning between Conquest and Air Superiority 
  • Fixed an issue where Defuse could get stuck in an unplayable state between rounds 
  • Removed a bug that would cause players to sometimes get stuck in the killcam after having been killed 
  • Fixed an issue with revive icon not being grayed out in-game on map and minimap, when the player died after getting revived in Defuse 
  • General improvements and bug fixes for the Battledash and Mission create screens 
  • Fixed a bug where red laser dots would get stuck on textures 
  • Zoom dispersion fix. When zooming in while firing the dispersion did not lower to the new max value 
  • Fixed a bug where the enemy health always displayed as full in the kill-cam 
  • Fixed an issue in Defuse so killed bomb carrier can’t plant a bomb in the next round without picking up a new bomb 
  • The MAV has been updated to prevent players from exploiting it 
  • Improved repair rates for vehicles with different base healths 
  • Tweaked volume balance and other ambiance parameters on the majority of base game and China Rising maps 
  • Improved the track vehicles wheel friction so vehicles don’t get stuck at relatively minor hills 
  • Fixed an issue with faulty zoom levels that occurred when using click to zoom in. While sprinting and zooming, will mess up the zoom levels, from hip to zoom. 
  • Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water 


  • Added a chat feature, allowing spectators to take part of the chat of the match they’re spectating 
  • Fix for the EMP/Proxy Attack effects being visible in Spectator Mode 
  • Removed the black screen that was visible when switching between cameras and players in Spectator Mode 
  • Removed squad colors in Spectator Mode, now only the red and blue team colors are visible 
  • Decreased the user interface clutter in Spectator Mode by removing health pack, ammo pack and revive icons 
  • Tweaked the 1st person view in Spectator Mode so that spectators now see exactly what players see and nothing else 
  • Added a functionality in Spectator Mode so that, when going into Freecam from 1st or 3rd person mode, the first static freecam will be moved to behind the previously spectated player 
  • Added the possibility in Spectator Mode to ‘fire’ at a player from Freecam to go into 1st person view of that player 
  • Spectators can now see which player on the scoreboard that carries the bomb in the Obliteration and Defuse game modes 

NOTE: For in-depth details on all the balancing tweaks below, head to our "Balancing BF4" articles. 


  • Increased the number of M84 FLASHBANG and HAND FLARES the player can carry from 2 to 3. 
  • Increased the effect of M84 FLASHBANG grenades on friendly and enemy players. 
  • Increased the maximum damage for the RGO from 67 to 80, however reduced the range of explosion. 
  • Reduced the visual and audio effect for the detonation of the V40 Mini to highlight its smaller blast when compared to other grenades. Decreased the maximum damage from 80 to 60, and decreased the range at which maximum damage is applied. 


  • Increased the aimed accuracy of the M1911 to make it a viable choice once the COMPACT 45 has been unlocked. 
  • Increased the close range damage of the M1911, QSZ-92, FN57, CZ-75 and COMPACT 45. 
  • Reduced the delay between pressing the trigger and the bullet firing for the M412 REX and .44 MAGNUM. 
  • Increased the magazine capacity of the QSZ-92 to 20 rounds. Additionally reduced the recoil of the QSZ-92 to give it a clear difference from the FN57. 
  • Corrected a small error with the COMPACT 45 accuracy when crouched or prone. 


  • Increased the accuracy of pump action shotguns (870 MCS, HAWK 12g, SPAS-12, and UTS 15) while on the move and aiming. 
  • Reduced the long range damage of the MTAR to bring it in line with the rest of the Carbines. 
  • Adjusted the way inaccuracy is handled when transitioning from Hip fire to Aimed fire. 
  • The Heavy Barrel’s Accuracy bonus now also applies on the move, at a reduced bonus. This should give the Heavy Barrel a wider role for players who desire accuracy while aimed in all situations. 
  • Synchronized the timing of the aim down the sights animation of sniper rifles with their ability to fire with full accuracy. Players no longer need to wait for additional time after the aiming animation plays to get accurate shots. There is still a delay to achieve full accuracy, so Quick Scoping is still not possible. 
  • The SRS bolt action time has been tweaked and the rate of fire has been lowered 
  • The GOL bolt action time has been tweaked 
  • The muzzle velocity for the MP7 has been reduced 
  • The MTAR21 muzzle velocity has been reduced 
  • Updated the handling of the 1x scopes for Type95B1, A91, SteyrAug, SAR21, QBZ951, FAMAS, UTAS, MTAR, L85A2, and F2000 
  • Updated rate of fire for the RGP7 and NLAW 


  • Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4. 
  • Reduced the velocity of the MAA’s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON. 
  • Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed. 
  • Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired. 
  • Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change. 
  • Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types. 
  • Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS. 
  • Reduced the “intelligence” of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed. 
  • Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds. 
  • Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE. 
  • Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential



Update #42 (Feb 25) R26 & R27 Server Update Notes


  • Included various server optimizations 
  • Fix for a server crash that could occur when loading Second Assault maps 
  • Added a player.onDisconnect RCON event that let’s server owners and anti-cheat notify players why they were disconnected from a server


  • Fix for missing audio on Squad/Team Deathmatch after one of the squads/teams reached the 100% ticket count

Update #41 (Feb 25) PC Game Update Notes  

We've deployed a new game update for the PC version of Battlefield 4. Among other items, this update addresses the so called "sound loop crash" that caused the game to freeze.

  • Fix for the so called “sound loop crash” issue that caused the game to freeze 
  • Fix for an issue that sometimes prevented players from shooting while in the gunner position of a vehicle 
  • Fix for the headshot icon appearing incorrectly at non-headshot deaths, such as suicide or dying of an explosion 
  • General stability improvements

Update #40 (Feb 13) PC Game Update Notes  

  • General stability improvements 
  • Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to, a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash 
  • Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch 
  • Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted 
  • Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive 
  • Fix for an invisible wall that was incorrectly present in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311 
  • Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds weren’t properly matching the actual number of impacts 
  • Fix for an issue where the “Draw” message would not display on-screen once a Conquest round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets 
  • Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldn’t scroll on dog tags 
  • Fix for missing grass physics in terrain 


  • Fix for a crash that would occur when activating full screen in portrait mode 
  • Fix for stuttering that could appear during video sequences on multi-GPU PCs 
  • Fix for a memory system leak that could cause stalls, which would result in frames taking longer to process 
  • Reduced the amount of stalls that occurred when running with high graphics setting that require more GPU memory than is currently available 
  • Fixed screenshots on multi-GPU PCs



Update #39 (Jan 30) - PC Game Update Notes 
Mantle Support 
The new Mantle renderer has been added in Battlefield 4. Most players can expect a performance increase by using this new low-level graphics API. Check out this news post for the full details on Mantle, what the requirements are to run it, and how to enable it. 

CPU/GPU performance and monitoring 

  • Tweaked and improved CPU multi-core utilization to try and avoid stuttering and low framerate due to stalls that happened on some CPU and OS configurations. 
  • Users can now configure and control themselves how many CPU cores should be used in the game with the new “Thread.MaxProcessorCount” settings in User.cfg. 
  • “Render.DrawScreenInfo 1” now also shows information about which CPU and GPU is in the system, how many GPUs & CPU cores are used and which renderer (DirectX 11 or Mantle) is active 
  • Added new “PerfOverlay.FrameFileLogEnable” command that records frame times on CPU & GPU and logs out to a .csv file 
  • AMD Catalyst driver 13.12 (or later) is now recommended instead of 13.9 
  • Enabled tile-based compute shader lighting optimization on Nvidia for improved GPU performance (already active on AMD GPUs) 
  • Improved performance with rendering and spotlights for all GPUs, primarily in in-door environments 

DMR Balance Tweaks 

  • Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. The amount of the damage increase varies from weapon to weapon, according to its intended range, rate of fire, and damage. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon. 

Other Items 

  • Significantly reduced the duration of the black screen when spawning in, and fixed the issue with players getting killed before being in-game 
  • Greatly reduced the risk of crosshairs disappearing, which would also result in hit markers disappearing 
  • Added a headshot icon on the killcard. This should help identify instances where players are correctly killed by one shot 
  • Fixed an issue in Squad Deathmatch where the “Win/Lose” text was overlapping 
  • Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the SOFLAM 
  • Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the MAV 
  • Fixed the gameplay code to properly track the FOV (Field of View) changes in the options menu 
  • Fixed an issue where chat would break when entering "false" or "true" in the chat window 
  • Fixed an out-of-helicopter glitch in Air Superiority where players could spawn on the ground and play as infantry 
  • Fixed the misaligned crosshairs on the T90 MBT 
  • Added setting to tweak joystick dead zone 
  • Various minor crash fixes

 Update #38 (Jan 27) Game Update, Balancing, and Multiplayer Experience

Upcoming Game Update 
We are aiming to get a new update live for all platforms at the end of January/beginning of February (timing might change.) This update will include a number of stability improvements, tweaks, and fixes. We will get back to you with the change notes as the update goes live. 

Upcoming Gameplay Balancing 
We are actively looking for your feedback on a couple of core gameplay balancing items. Head to this Battlefield Blog post to make your voice heard. In the upcoming weeks, we will also share a large number of balancing tweaks that we are making to Battlefield 4 in future updates, including changes to DMR performance, anti-air, and more. 

BF4 Multiplayer Experience 
We are looking to improve a number of items to further enhance the overall multiplayer experience. We will share more details on this in February. In the meantime, thanks for your feedback on items that you have helped us identify.


Update #37 (Jan 13) - PC Game Update Notes

  • Various fixes for improving general stability 
  • Fixed a memory leak issue occurring after level shutdowns, which could result in a out-of-memory crash in longer play sessions 
  • Additional fix for the "sound loop" deadlock when running High/Ultra graphics settings 
  • Added a warning for using Legacy AMD drivers that were out of date 
  • Fixed a player feedback timing issue where blood was appearing before other damage indicators, and before damage was actually done 
  • Fixed a bug where players’ rank icons on the scoreboard would not be updated 
  • Fix for Asian users unable to start Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 on Windows 8.1 
  • Normalized repair rates across all vehicles. 
  • Fixed problem with killer health in kill card not being correctly updated (showing 100% health even though the soldier was hurt) 
  • Fix for friendly marker not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members 
  • Fixed a bug where a Main Battle Tank Coaxial HMG ammo box was occasionally blocking the driver’s camera 
  • Increased damage by 25% for the Stealth Jet 20mm cannons. 
  • Stealth Jets now have more similar handling attributes to each other. F35 & J-20 are slightly more agile, Su-50 is less agile. 
  • Attack Jets now have more similar handling attributes to each other, and all 3 are now slightly less agile than earlier 
  • Fixed camera glitch when switching weapons while moving in crouch 
  • Fixed an occasional bug where players could experience intermittent engine sound dropouts when driving wheeled IFVs 
  • Fix for player spawning under the map when deploying on Lancang Dam 
  • Fixed flickering in map and minimap on Rogue Transmission and Operation Locker

Update #36 (Jan 9) The Road Ahead 

Just a short note that we are finalizing the next game update for multiple platforms, aiming to release them later this month. Stay tuned for the full details in the Battlefield 4 Control Room.


Update #35 (Dec 20) - PC Game Update Notes 

  • Fix for terrain flickering when using SLI/CrossFire setup 
  • Fix for three of the top crash issues on the PC platform 
  • Fix for case when soldier can die with 1 HP instead of 0 
  • Fix for the issue where the revive UI could be permanently shown after accepting a revive

If the game update doesn't start automatically for you, you can trigger it by going into the Origin Client, right clicking Battlefield 4 and selecting "Check for updates". Patch notes below. 

Servers are also updating to a new server version (R17)  throughout the day. 

Update #34 (Dec 20) - R17 Server Update Notes 

  • Fix for two server crashes 
  • Fix for a graphical bug that could occur when players accepted a revive within 1 second 
  • Server performance optimizations

You can find the previous notes here: [PC] Game Update Notes [Dec 16]

Update #33 (Dec 19) - Xbox One Game Update Notes 

  • Reduced the probability of the “Kill trade” issue (see below for details). 
  • Fixed a common crash that could occur during gameplay. 
  • Fixed an issue that could corrupt save files in the single player campaign. 
  • Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression. 
  • Fix for a graphical glitch that could appear on terrain. 
  • Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “roadkilling” opponents. 
  • Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's minigun would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped. 
  • Servers that friends are playing on now have a higher priority in the server list. 
  • Server Browser is no longer showing empty or full servers by default. 
  • Balancing jet handling across all stealth and attack jet classes. 
  • Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb. If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers. 
  • Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. Note that you might see a graphical bug on-screen after being revived when accepting a revive within 1 second. This graphical bug will be removed in the next patch. 
  • Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode. 
  • Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early. 
  • Raised the first-person camera slightly for walking in crouch to more accurately reflect the actual position of the character. 
  • Fixed an issue with the party chat app not working. 
  • Fixed an issue in the in-game Battlelog where non-ASCII characters would display incorrectly. 
  • Fixed an issue when maps were not loading properly while player didn’t have the game in full screen. 

Update #32 (Dec 17) - PS4 Game Update Notes

We’ve rolled out a new PS4 game update and will continue to make improvements based on your feedback. The update includes fixes with the aim to increase the general stability of the game, and eliminates bugs that you may have experienced. 

Dec 17 PS4 Game Update Notes

  • Reduced the probability of the “Kill trade” issue (see below for details). 
  • Fixed a common crash that could occur during round transition. 
  • Fixed a crash that could happen for players that had lots of friends. 
  • Fixed a problem where the “end of round” screen was adding up scores several times in the rank bar, resulting in the rank bar showing a higher value or rank than players really had. 
  • Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression. 
  • Fix for a graphical glitch that could appear on terrain. 
  • Fixed an engine audio dropout that could happen when driving IFV’s. 
  • Fix for a camera glitch that could occur when players were switching weapons while moving in crouched stance. 
  • Fixed an animation bug for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike to make sure that the character is pointing in the direction where the player is actually aiming. 
  • Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's minigun would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped. 
  • Tweaked the War Tape audio setting to remove distortion. 
  • Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “roadkilling” opponents. 
  • Servers with users playing on them are now by default placed on the top in the Server Browser. 
  • Servers that friends are playing on have a higher priority in the server list. 
  • Server Browser is no longer showing empty or full servers by default. 
  • Servers that are completely empty will be shown only when the “Empty” option is checked in the Server Browser filter. 
  • Server Browser filter will count a server as full if all “Soldier” slots are occupied, unless the “Free Commander” slot is checked. 
  • Balancing jet handling across all stealth and attack jet classes. 
  • Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb. If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. Note that you might see a graphical bug on-screen after being revived when accepting a revive within 1 second. This graphical bug will be removed in the next patch. 
  • Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out. 
  • Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode. 
  • Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early. 
  • Raised the first-person camera slightly for walking in crouch to more accurately reflect the actual position of the character. 
  • Lowered IED explosion sound to not bottom out the HDR. 
  • General stability improvements. 


Update #31 (Dec 17) - PS3 Game Update Notes 

  • General stability improvements. 
  • Fixed one of the most frequently occurring crashes that could happen during round transition. 
  • Reduced the probability of the “Kill trade” issue (see below for details). 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when bringing up the scoreboard. 
  • Fix for player tags not always showing quickly enough. This could often lead to confusion or team kills on Hardcore servers. 
  • Populated servers are now by default placed on the top in the Server Browser, where previously empty servers would be shown.
  • Servers that friends are playing on have a higher priority in the server list. 
  • Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen after being killed. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. Note that you might see a graphical bug on-screen after being revived when accepting a revive within 1 second. This graphical bug will be removed in the next patch. 
  • Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early. 
  • Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer runs out. 
  • Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “road killing” opponents. 
  • Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's miniguns would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped. 
  • Balanced vehicle miniguns to do more damage versus infantry. 
  • Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression. 
  • Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb. If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in infinite loading when connecting to a server. 
  • Fix for side gunners in attack boats and transport helicopters experiencing jitter when aiming. 
  • Fixed the issue with Levolution events sometimes not being triggered properly when playing the Rush, Defuse, Obliteration and Team/Squad Deathmatch game modes. 
  • Removed the SCAR-H and Ace 52 damage tweaks that were included in a previous patch. 

Update #30 (Dec 17) - Xbox 360 Game Update Notes 

  • General stability improvements. 
  • Fixed one of the most frequently occurring crashes that could happen during round transition. 
  • Reduced the probability of the “Kill trade” issue (see below for details). 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when bringing up the scoreboard. 
  • Fix for player tags not always showing quickly enough. This could often lead to confusion or team kills on Hardcore servers. 
  • Populated servers are now by default placed on the top in the Server Browser, where previously empty servers would be shown.
  • Servers that friends are playing on have a higher priority in the server list. 
  • Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen after being killed. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. Note that you might see a graphical bug on-screen after being revived when accepting a revive within 1 second. This graphical bug will be removed in the next patch. 
  • Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early. 
  • Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer runs out. 
  • Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “road killing” opponents. 
  • Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's miniguns would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped. 
  • Balanced vehicle miniguns to do more damage versus infantry. 
  • Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression. 
  • Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb. If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in infinite loading when connecting to a server. 
  • Fix for side gunners in attack boats and transport helicopters experiencing jitter when aiming. 
  • Fixed the issue with Levolution events sometimes not being triggered properly when playing the Rush, Defuse, Obliteration and Team/Squad Deathmatch game modes. 
  • Removed the SCAR-H and Ace 52 damage tweaks that were included in a previous patch. 



Update #29 (Dec 16) - PC Game Update Notes 

We’ve rolled out a new PC game update and will continue to make improvements based on your feedback. The update includes fixes with the aim to increase the general stability of the game, and eliminates bugs that you may have experienced. It also includes an improvement to the so called “Netcode”. 


UPDATE: We have noticed that players who have SLI enabled on their graphics card may experience graphical flickering. Also, we're looking into the issue where the revive bar would get stuck on-screen in some instances. Both of these have our attention, and we're investigating them.

Dec 16 PC Game Update Notes 

  • Fix for a crash that would cause the game to stall, resulting in a sound loop. This should eliminate most of the problems relating to this. 
  • Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “roadkilling” opponents. 
  • Fixed one of the issues related to the so called “Netcode” (see below for details) 
  • Fix for player tags not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members. 
  • Fix for graphical flickering appearing on terrain. 
  • Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode. 
  • Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out. -Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen after being killed. 
  • Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. 
  • Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression. 
  • Made the NVidia 331.82 driver version mandatory for all players. 
  • Disabled DirectX 11.1 on NVidia cards that have outdated drivers. 
  • Fixed driver version not being properly detected on NVidia Optimus systems. 
  • Fixed a minor crash that could occur when bringing up the scoreboard. 
  • Fix for the issue where the game would get stuck in loading screen when players tried to join a Second Assault map without actually owning Second Assault. 

“Netcode” improvement 
We’ve addressed the so-called “Kill trading”. This refers to when two players fire at each other and, seemingly, both die at the same time. The time window where a bullet could cause damage from an already dead player is now calculated as intended, decreasing the timeframe when players with high latency could get a kill, even though they should be dead according to the server. This should reduce the probability of kill trading.


Update #28 (Dec 16) - R16 Server Update Notes

We will be rolling out a new server update throughout the day. 
  • Fix for some of the more common server crashes 
  • Overall performance enhancements 
  • UCAV ammo replenish time was set from 20 to 90 seconds 
  • Round time limit intervals were added for the different server types

Update #27 (Dec 13) - Xbox One Game Update Notes 

We are now rolling out a new game update on Xbox One, and are already working on the next update based on your feedback. This update includes a number of stability improvements that should fix some of the most common crashes. 

  • Fixed three common crashes that could occur during map transitions 
  • Fixed a common crash that could occur when using the in-game Battlelog in the "end of round" screen 
  • Fixed two crashes related to destroying vehicles 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the player lost connection to a server 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the scoreboard 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when players were using the voice chat 
  • Optimized performance when shooting destroyed Levolution objects on some levels 
  • Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks 
  • Fixed the "one-hit kill" bug where damage from a single bullet sometimes was applied multiple times. This could lead to firefights where normal rifles sometimes dealt one-shot kills, which is not as designed 
  • Fixed a memory leak that could lead to crashes at certain points 
  • Further reduced the probability of getting a corrupt save file in the single player campaign 
  • Fixed the audio drop outs that could occur when playing on large maps. Typical map affected was Golmud Railway in Conquest with 64 players. Ambient sound would sometimes cut out, like foley sounds from player running, vehicle engine sounds, vehicle movement sounds, and map ambient sounds 
  • Fixed an issue with going online after resuming your Xbox One from suspended mode 
  • Fixed some issues with the handling of Xbox One parties 
  • Made the icons used to signal voice chat status more reliable

Update #26 (Dec 12) - PS4:  "CE-34878-0 crash" 

We know that players on PS4 can get the "CE-34878-0 crash" error message. This is in fact a general error code that you can receive when the game has crashed for a number of different reasons that are not related. 

You can help us to identify these individual issues by providing a few details in the crash report (we read all of them.) For example what game mode you were playing and on what map you crashed. Doing this will help us a lot to reproduce the issues and investigate fixes for them in upcoming patches. 

We are working hard to increase the stability of the game, and you can always find the latest information here in the BF4 Control Room. Many thanks for your support!

Update #25 (Dec 11) - PS4 Game Update Notes 

  • General stability fixes that should remove a large amount of the client crashes we are currently seeing on the PS4 
  • Fixed the audio drop outs that could occur when playing on large maps. Typical map affected was Golmud Railway in Conquest with 64 players. Ambient sound would sometimes cut out, like foley sounds from player running, vehicle engine sounds, vehicle movement sounds, and map ambient sounds 
  • Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks 
  • Further reduced the probability of getting a corrupt save file by doing miscellaneous changes to the save file system. These include removing the save file saving again when quitting multiplayer 
  • Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when bringing up the in-game Battlelog during round transition 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the BattleScreen 
  • Fixed a random crash related to destroying vehicles 
  • Fixed minor destruction issues in the terrain

 Update #24 (Dec 11) - Upcoming Xbox One Game Update

Here's a quick update on the state of the next Xbox One game update. The update that was originally meant to go live the week of Dec 2 was delayed, but we decided to bring those fixes to the next upcoming Xbox One update. 

This new combined Xbox One patch is currently in testing and certification, and we will release it as soon as possible. We are hoping to get it live late this week or early next week. We will keep you updated. 

We will share the full change notes for this patch as it goes live. It will focus on stability and some of the feedback we’ve seen from the community, including a fix for the one-hit kill bug and Commander EMP blur effect.


Update #23 (Dec 10) - Top Issues Tracker

Check out the link to the new Top Issues Tracker for Battlefield 4 that DICE just implemented. 



Update #22 (Dec 9) - PC Game Update Notes 

Shot behind cover when changing stance

Sometimes the character stance could get into a multiple frame desync and be part of the problem where you got shot even though your character was actually behind cover. This would mostly affect players doing transitions into crouch and prone as well as moving when crouched. The impact was smaller in a standing stance. This bug fix eliminates this particular desync issue.

We have also increased the camera height when crouching and moving to more accurately reflect the actual height of your soldier in that stance (the first person camera was too low when crouching and moving, resulting in that you had a poor representation of how much of your soldier that was actually out of cover.)


  • Fixed one of the most frequently occurring client crashes 
  • Fixed broken collision on containers with open doors. The bug previously made grenades bounce back even though the doors were open. 
  • Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win the round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb, if the bomb was disarmed in the previous round. 
  • Miscellaneous stability fixes further reducing the number of client crashes 
  • Fixed side gunner jitter when aiming in attack boats & transport helicopters 
  • Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission) 
  • Fixed broken aiming for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike 
  • Fixed a bug where the sound when capturing a flag was not playing correctly 
  • Removed a bug that would double save during MP round transition and SP level transition. This fix will reduce the occurrence of corrupted save files.



 Update #21 (Dec 9) - R15 Server Update Notes  

  • Various server side crash fixes, including the top seen crashes on R14 
  • Activated the reservedSlotsList.aggressiveJoin command that enables VIP players and server administrators directly joining full servers 
  • Client patch compatibility to make servers compatible with the Dec 09 client update



Update #20 (Dec 2) - PC / PS4 Game Update

PC: The upcoming PC game update will launch December 3, to coincide with the launch of the expansion pack Battlefield 4 China Rising for Premium members on all platforms.

The game update will start to roll out at 1AM PST/10AM UTC Dec 3, followed by the actual China Rising content around 2AM PST/11AM UTC. You can expect some downtime around these times as servers are being prepared to support this new content.

The change list for this PC game update is the same as previously announced (see update #19 below.)

 As ususal, we will continue to iterate on stability and tweak the game based on your feedback. Stay tuned.

PS4: The next PS4 game update will go live on Dec 3. It will go live in the afternoon EU time, and you might experience a short downtime while the update is being deployed (basically, if you're online when the update is deployed, you might get kicked from the server and unable to reconnect in a few minutes.) 

This update was scheduled to go live as quickly as possible to fix the so-called "one-shot kill bug", where bullets were sometimes applying damage multiple times to a character. We are simultaneously working hard on a number of top issues that we will address as soon as possible in the next update that we will be able to detail later. As always, you can find the latest information here in the Battlefield 4 Control Room. 

Dec 3 PS4 Game Update Notes 

  • Fixed the "one-hit kill" bug where bullets were sometimes applying their damage multiple times to a character. This could lead to firefights where normal rifles sometimes dealt one-shot kills, which is not as designed. 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when having a very large amounts of Friends 
  • Enabled audio in PS4 video captures


Update #19 (Nov 27) - Next PC Game Update Patch Notes (Date TBC)

 We are verifying the upcoming PC patch and making sure it is good to go. We are aiming to get this patch out the week of Dec 2. Right now, we don’t have a set date for it, but here’s what it will include. Stay tuned for more updates in the Battlefield 4 Control Room. 

PC Game Update Notes 

  •  Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks 
  • Fixed the audio bug where audio sometimes randomly dropped out while playing on certain multiplayer maps (typically Golmud Railway and Hainan Resort) 
  • Fixed the "one-hit kill bug" where occasionally damage from a single bullet was applied multiple times 
  • Fixed a common crash that would occur when exiting from the Single Player Campaign to Main Menu 
  • Tweaked the network and computer performance screen to show proper values. Players can now test their computer and network connection and get recommendations if they need to adjust something to improve their gameplay experience.

Update #18 (Nov 26) - PS4 Game Update

We have now rolled out a game update for PS4. With this update, we’ve included a number of fixes that should further decrease the amount of crashes and increase the overall stability of the game. We will continue to increase stability going forward, stay tuned. 


  • Fixed common crashes that could occur when changing weapons or maps 
  • Reduced the probability of a corrupted save file in the single player campaign 
  • Fixed a crash occurring when resuming the single player campaign 
  • Fixed a bug where accessing PlayStation Plus subscription resulted in a connection error 
  • Improved performance when shooting at destroyed Levolution objects

Update #17 (Nov 25) - R12 Server Update Notes 

  • Fixed several of the most commonly occuring server crashes (This should benefit all platforms) 
  • Fixed an issue where the cruise missile in Commander Mode was not launching when playing on Paracel Storm (in Obliteration mode) 
  • Fixed so that a player's skill is no longer negatively affected when playing as Commander 
  • Fixed an aircraft IR flares exploit where players could use the flares multiple times before reloading by exiting/re-entering the aircraft 
  • Fixed an issue with Ranked servers on Xbox One running with a 1% ticket count 
  • Defined a range of 25-400% for vehicle respawn delays on Ranked servers

Update #16 (Nov 21) - X360 Game Update Live 

We released a new game update for Battlefield 4 on X360 today (nov 21). When you start up your game, you should get a notification asking if you want to take the update. Clocking in at ~260MB, this Multiplayer Update has a few stability improvements and crash fixes, coupled with miscellaneous minor tweaks. We will get back to you later with a more detailed patch note for this update. In the meantime, let us know in the comments how this update is working for you. 

We will continue to update the game on all platforms to increase stability. Stay tuned for more information as we have it. 


Update #15 (Nov 21) - PC Server Update R11 Rolling Out 
We are roling out a new server update on PC with some minor tweaks and a crash fix. Full change list below. We are also aiming to have a new PC game update live next week. Stay tuned for more on that. 


  • Fixed a common server crash 
  • Fixed an exploit where a player could get unlimited ammo on mortars by redeploying them 
  • Fixed an issue where your score displayed in the scoreboard was cut in half during double xp events 
  • Removed the possibility for server admins to kick players on official servers by using PunkBuster 
  • Game mode counter can now be set up to 400% for Ranked servers and 500% for Unranked servers. In addition, idle time out can now be set up to 86 400 (24 hours) for both server types 


We have temporarily disabled Commander Mode on PS4 to increase network stability. One reason to some of the crashes we have been seeing on PS4 is tied to Commander Mode, so we have chosen to disable Commander Mode on PS4 for now while working on a fix for the root cause of this issue. This will increase network stability while we are fixing the issue. Stay tuned for more updates. 


Update #13 (Nov 18) - PS4 STABILITY ISSUES 

We are aware of the frequent crashes in Battlefield 4 on PlayStation 4. We are hard at work identifying these issues and are hoping to get a game update out early next week. Stay tuned for more details as we can confirm them, and thanks for your patience! 

We have an upcoming game update for BF4 on X360 that is currently undergoing final testing. We are hoping to get this update live soon, and will let you know as soon as it has passed final stages of testing and is ready for deployment. 

We have a new game update in the works for BF4 on PC aimed at fixing a number of remaining issues in the game. We will have more details on the contents of this update and a rough timing estimate at a later date. You can always find the latest information on upcoming updates in this thread. 


Update #12 (Nov 14-3) - PC Client Patch Notes 

In the November 14 PC game update, we fixed a number of issues that we have been seeing in the game. The main focus in this update is on crash fixes, and you can find a detailed list of the fixes below. We will continue our efforts to eliminate issues we find in the game, so stay tuned for more updates. Let us know how this update works for you. 

-Fixed a crash that would occur randomly during gameplay. 
-Fixed a crash that would occur when an object is destroyed. 
-Every time that a player exited a vehicle, there was a small chance that the server would crash. This has been fixed. 
-Fixed an occasional crash during SP gameplay. 
-Fixed a crash that would occur during level loading. 
-Sometimes the game would attempt to load a model at the same time as it was being thrown out of memory. This has been fixed. 
-Sometimes the game would crash after removing old bullet holes/scratch marks in the world. This has been fixed. 
-Sometimes when a player or enemy was sitting in the jeep gunner entry and got killed, his body would rest on the vehicle in such a way that the physics simulation would require lots of CPU usage. This has been solved. 
-Fixed a crash occurring on Flood Zone when playing Conquest Large. 
-Fixed a common crash relating to surface shaders. 
-Fixed a crash on Test Range that could occur when using sniper rifles. 
-Fixed a common crash that occurred during map transition. 
-Fixed a crash that occurred when bringing up Battlescreen in-game on the Test Range. 
-Fixed a memory allocation bug that could lead to crashing. 
-Fixed a single player crash that could sometimes occur when being killed by AI enemies. 
-Fixed an issue where the game would get stuck in infinite loading if you got disconnected while trying to access online content. 
-Fixed an issue in single player in the South China Sea mission where the game would crash when idle for more than 60 minutes. 
-Fixed an issue where the game would get stuck in infinite loading if you used Win+L to lock your PC during loading. 

Eliminated a network sync bug 
If you’ve been experiencing situations in multiplayer where it appears that you are taking damage from enemies through walls, you might have been the victim of a network sync bug. In this game update, we have identified and eliminated one such bug that caused this type of gameplay experience. We are continuing to work on more multiplayer optimizations concerning network performance. 

Improved Network Smoothing 
We have made some improvements to the ”Network Smoothing” functionality that you can find in the OPTIONS>GAMEPLAY menu. The Network Smoothing slider governs a group of settings that aim to produce a tighter multiplayer experience based on your specific packet loss situation. 

Removed network lag 
In certain specific situations, network lag would be introduced when interacting with objects in the game. This has been experienced by some players during melee combat, when climbing ladders, and when operating stationary weapons. The cause for these specific network lag situations has been solved. 


  • Removed the scout helicopter at the final base for the defenders in Rush mode on Siege of Shanghai 
  • Adjusted a Conquest flag position on Zavod 311 that was obstructing vehicles. 
  • At Hainan Resort in Rush mode, defenders were given too much armor at the first base. We have removed the defender IFV at the first base, added an attacker IFV at the first base, and increased the spawn delay on the defender IFV at the third base. 
  • Fixed so that there is 1 revive per round Defuse, as opposed to 1 per set. 
  • Removed all previously placed C4 and mines after a round of Defuse to eliminate the possibility to affect the next round. 


  • Fixed an issue where the in-game Battlelog would get distorted when a Commander launched an EMP attack. 
  • Fixed a floating container on Golmud Railway near flag C in Domination. 
  • Fixed an issue with the minimap in Rush mode. 
  • Fixed an issue in Obliteration mode where the red light flash and beep sound was not played when the bomb carrier was moving. 
  • Fixed an issue in Defuse where the bomb model sometimes did not display on the bomb carrier. 
  • Fixed minor graphical alignment issues in the Spectator Mode camera layout. 
  • Fixed an issue in Spectator Mode where the spectator's view incorrectly would get distorted during an EMP deployment from a Commander. 


  • Fixed a bug that occasionally killed all sounds on the server if you fired the QBU-88 with an attached silencer. 
  • Fixed the issue where pressing B would bring up the console. 
  • Fixed an issue where the EMP effect lasted for too long on soldiers. 
  • Fixed an issue with an area you couldn't traverse near one of the M-COM stations in Rush mode on Siege of Shanghai. 
  • Fixed an issue relating to player skill levels. Fixed an issue in Obliteration mode where the bomb would temporarily be placed in the sky after the bomb carrier was killed when swimming or in a water-based vehicle. 
  • Fixed an occasional jitter in the kill camera. 
  • Fixed so that Russian special characters are displayed properly in the chat window. 
  • Fixed so that the System Performance Test option is working as expected. 
  • Fixed a bug where a rank-up message would loop in-game 
  • Moved a machine gun position on Lancang Dam that was placed on top of a building that can collapse. 
  • Added sound when navigating the scoreboard in the End of Round screen. 
  • Fixed a broken ladder in Siege of Shanghai. 
  • Adjusted vehicle spawn locations on Dawnbreaker in Conquest mode to alleviate traffic jam. 
  • Fixed a flickering-issue on Siege of Shanghai when using NVidia drivers 331.52. 
  • Fixed a bug on Golmud Railway where a destroyed house at flag A would block gunfire. 
  • Fixed a Ticket count issue in Rush mode. 
  • Commanders can no longer erroneously try to get match-made into a game of Domination. 
  • If the user restarts checkpoint during the End Scene , he will receive an old objective along with the credits. 
  • Fixed a destruction issue on Flood Zone. 
  • Fixed a Rhib boat issue in one of the single player missions. 
  • Fixed an issue where players would respawn after getting killed and have no main weapon available. 
  • Fixed so you won't see the emblem of a user that you have blocked. 
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't smash through the railings with a quad bike on the Dawnbreaker map. 
  • Added clickable buttons to the in-game Battlelog. 
  • Fixed a bug in single player where the player is killed if he climbs after Irish too fast up the ladder in one of the missions. 
  • Various other minor issues.

UPDATE #11 (Nov 14-2):  Server Update R10 rolling out 

We are seeing a lot of server crashes at the moment. These are being solved by rolling out a new server patch on PC (Server Update R10). It will take a few hours for this new server version to propagate, but it should be with most servers in a matter of a couple of hours. If you are getting error messages referring to the China Rising expansion pack when trying to join a multiplayer server, please try another server. This error will only appear if a server has not yet updated from server version R9 to R10. 

UPDATE #10 (Nov 14): PC game update is now live! 

Details on what the patch includes will be posted in a couple of hours. 


UPDATE #9:  (Nov 13) PC Game Update Goes Live Nov 14 
We are happy to report that the PC Battlefield 4 game update will go live tomorrow, November 14. The main focus of this update is threefold: 

1) Reduce the number of crashes 
We believe this update will solve a large portion of the most commonly occuring game crashes, and the improvement in overall stability should make a big difference for many players. 

2) Eliminate a network sync bug 
If you’ve been experiencing situations in multiplayer where it appears that you are taking damage from enemies through walls, you might have been the victim of a network sync bug. In this game update, we have identified and eliminated one such bug that caused this type of gameplay experience. We are continuing to work on more multiplayer optimizations concerning network performance. 

3) Improve Network Smoothing 

We have made some improvements to the ”Network Smoothing” functionality that you can find in the OPTIONS>GAMEPLAY menu. The Network Smoothing slider governs a group of settings that aim to produce a tighter multiplayer experience based on your specific packet loss situation. 

If you’ve been experimenting with the Network Smoothing slider earlier, it might now yield better results. If you haven’t tried it before, please explore this setting and set it to the lowest value you can without experiencing graphical glitches in the game. By setting it lower, you can get a tighter multiplayer experience, depending on your specific network situation. 

More details upcoming 
Besides the above mentioned focus areas, this PC game update contains a number of other fixes and tweaks that we will detail once it’s live. 

This game update for PC goes live around 10AM UTC/2AM PST November 14. Your Origin Client should acknowledge and automatically download this update for you, as usual. Otherwise, you can right click your game in the client and select ”Check for Update”. There will be a Battlelog maintenance downtime for about an hour as this update goes live. During this time multiplayer on PC will be unavailable. 

We will release full patch notes for this game update later, but the three items mentioned above are by far the most important changes in this update. We understand that stability has been rocky for some players, and hope that this update will make the game run smoother and more stable for you. Let us know in the comments below. 


UPDATE #8 (Nov 12):  Client patch (PC) 
The PC client patch for Battlefield 4 will go live in the near future and fixes a number of different issues you have helped us to identify, including a number of the most common crashes and freezes. We will get back to you with a full fix list and a specific date for this update soon. 

Maintenance downtime (All platforms) 
Nov 13, we have a planned maintenance starting at 9AM UTC/1AM PST. The maintenance will last for 2-3 hours and multiplayer for Battlefield 4 will be unavailable on all platforms in increments during this window. This maintenance is done in preparation for the upcoming client patches. 

Console Server Update (PS3/X360) 
During the Nov 13 maintenance window mentioned above, we will roll out the latest server update for X360 and PS3. This server update will include the following fixes: 
• Temporarily disabled the ”Indirect Fire” and ”Perimeter Defense” Field Upgrades on PS3 as they caused the game to crash when spawning. This is a temporary workaround while we work to solve the issue altogether. 
• Fixed a number of dog tags that were showing up as blank in-game. 
• Lowered the damage caused by Mobile AA Active Radar missiles to aircraft. The previous damage was incorrectly set too high. 
• Improved server crash reporting and performance tracking on all platforms. This should further help us identify and fix server crashes going forward. 

Upcoming console client patches (PS3/X360) 
We are testing and finalizing upcoming client patches for PS3 and X360. We will be able to give you an ETA on these at a later date. You can always find the latest info in this thread. 

Upcoming Live Scoreboard (PC) 
We will introduce Live Scoreboards in the PC server browser on Battlelog in the upcoming days. It will let you see the current status in the ongoing round on a server before you join, such as the number of remaining targets in a round of Obliteration. We will be able to give you specific date on this feature soon.  


UPDATE #7 (Nov 12): Server Update R8 rolling out 
We recently deployed the R8 Server Update. It should be propagating throughout servers in the upcoming hours. You can find the change notes below. 

R8 Update Notes: 
*Fixed a number of dog tags that were showing up as blank in-game. 
*Lowered the damage caused by Mobile AA Active Radar missiles to aircraft. The previous damage was incorrectly set too high. 
*Improved server crash reporting and performance tracking on all platforms. This should further help us identify and fix server crashes going forward. 


UPDATE (status) #6 (Nov 7): R8 Server Update in the Works
We are working hard to deliver the next server update as quickly as possible to improve stability.

Client Update in the Works
We are also working on upcoming client patches for Battlefield 4 on all platforms. These will contain fixes for crashes and address a number of other issues that you have been feedbacking to us. Patch notes will be posted as we get closer to releasing these updates.


UPDATE #5 (Nov 6): R7 Server Update Rolled Out 
We just rolled out a new server update for Battlefield 4 that should fix some of the most common server crashes across all platforms. Let us know if this patch improves server stability for you. Patch notes below: 

  • Fixed two of the most common server crashes (All platforms) 
  • The "admin.say" command should now work properly (PC) 
  • The "vars.preset" command should now work better in conjunction with other vars settings (PC) (It is now easier for server admins to set a server preset) 
  • Fixed a bug in the queue system regarding GUID (PC) 
  • Fixed various minor bugs (PC) 

Update #4 (Nov 4): Fix for the most common server crash:

We've now rolled out a new server update (R6) across all platforms. The update included a confirmed fix for the most common server crash


UPDATE #3 (Nov 3): Fixing server crashes 

New server update (R6) was rolled out across all platforms to fix the most common server crash. 

UPDATE #2 (Nov 3): Fixing the server queues on PC 
We're rolling out a server update on PC with a fix for the join queue. As this new server version starts to populate servers, you will notice that server queues on PC will be available again in Battlefield 4. Note that it might take some time before the majority of PC servers are equipped with this fix (up to 24h). 


Relaying a message from the team here at DICE:

UPDATE (Nov 3): Server crashes 
We have identified an issue where the game server will crash and disconnect players, causing them to lose any stats gathered during that specific round. We have a fix in progress to address this issue in a server update and will let you know once it's ready to roll out. 


Since the launch of Battlefield 4, some fans playing online have been experiencing various issues with the game. Thanks to your feedback, many of these problems have been resolved, but there are still a number of bugs that we are actively working on. Below you will find a list of some of the resolved issues, as well as some of the issues we are prioritizing at the moment and what we’re doing to address them.


Game crashes and freezes

Players on all formats have been experiencing game crashes and freezes while playing. We have logs of the most frequently occurring client crashes, and we are actively working to Obliterate the cause of these crashes in upcoming updates.

Note that crashes come in different types, and therefore this is technically not one single issue. There are two kinds of crashes and two types of updates that can address them: server-side updates that we can release on the fly (four of these have already been released since launch), and game client updates that require more in-depth testing and certification before they can go live.

We have found and eliminated some of the server-side crashes on PC in the latest server update (version R4) that went live November 1. There is also a planned client update on PC in the near future where we are aiming to eliminate as many of the client-related crashes as possible.

Progress in Multiplayer Lost
Players have reported losing their progress in multiplayer. This is probably related to crashes stopping the game reports from being sent to Battlelog. We are still investigating this issue in more detail. Note that your progress sometimes can seem to be reset during server maintenance windows. In these cases, your stats will be just fine and reappear later.

Single Player Save File Corrupted
We are still investigating the issue of single player save files being corrupted for some players. If you have experienced this problem, please describe below the steps leading up to the save file being corrupted, your platform (PC, PS3 or X360), and when the issue occurred. If you’re on PC, please also list your OS and system specs.

Miscellaneous Audio Bugs
We are aware of the issues with missing/corrupted audio in multiplayer and have created a fix for them. This fix is planned for release in the next PC client patch (see “Upcoming Updates” below.)

Magazine Reload Bug on Normal
On all platforms, some players were experiencing a bug when playing on Normal servers. The bug caused the reload setting to incorrectly mimic the behavior from Hardcore servers. This was fixed in our fourth and latest server update.

Xbox 360 Missions not Working as Intended
There was a bug preventing Xbox 360 players from creating MISSIONS. This should now work properly, as we made some necessary changes to the backend infrastructure.

Battlefield 4 Premium “Reset Stats” Feature Not Working
Battlefield 4 Premium members have the option of resetting their multiplayer stats. This feature has not been working as intended. We have now identified the cause and solution, and Battlelog will perform a zero downtime fix for this that should roll out very soon.

Server Queues not Functioning
Players haven’t been able to join queues for servers, and we are actively working on the issue. We believe we have a solution to this, pending a future patch. We disabled server queues as we found a bug in the queue system, and we are working to isolate the real issue and find a solution for it.

Promotional Battlepack Items Not Appearing In-game and/or on Battlelog
We are aware of this issue, and are working on a solution for it. Note that in some cases the Battlepack items will actually show up after a delay. If you’re still not seeing your items after 12 hours or so, please reach out to EA Help at [].

What’s Next? Upcoming Updates
We are working on a PC client patch at the moment and hope to release it soon. We will share the patch notes once we have the patch contents finalized. The main focus is to fix as many crashes as possible, starting with the issues affecting a large number of players. We will update you once we are ready to release new server updates. We are currently working on server update #5, with four being released so far.


Keep the Gameplay Feedback Coming!

We are hearing your feedback regarding gameplay balance and other tweaks to classes and weapons, and are actively discussing these with the designers.

One subject that’s been generating a lot of feedback is the controller layout in Battlefield 4. An in-depth look at the controller options in Battlefield 4 will be published later on the Battlefield Blog at [].

Thanks for your Patience

We would like to thank all players who have been reporting their issues to us – your feedback is invaluable when making sure we can deliver the Battlefield 4 experience you all deserve. In true DICE fashion, we will keep supporting Battlefield 4 for a long time, and we appreciate your feedback and patience as we work these issues out.

/The DICE team

Note: As always, you can find the latest info here:

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