Forum Discussion
\o/ Its always good to know you guys are on this.
Dont forget the APPCRASH!!!
- 12 years ago
Hi thanks for addressing our issues i have one a major one on the man menu for the xbox 360 version when I highlight my soldier ts states at bottom of the screen customize soldier and view stats and progression but when we enter into the menu there is no where at all that you can customize your soldier or his loadout before entering battle could this please be addressed m a major bf fan and this is most dissapointing that this can be aloud to happen
- Anonymous12 years agoHaveing the same problem on PS3. And I can't invite friends into a squad outside of a match. These are two very basic features that should be standard in any FPS game
- Anonymous12 years ago
I agree this Appcrash has made this game unplayable. It doesn't matter the server / map. I've tried several suggestions I've read about on the forums to try and resolve the issue. Hopefully this will be fixed soon or it will be time to move on.
- Anonymous12 years ago
did u get anywhare about the APPCRASH im still getting it
- EA_Nils12 years agoCommunity Admin
Battlefield 4 Top Issues Tracker - Dec 17 Update
With the latest batch of game updates, several additional items in the list have gone live or are being fixed.
We at DICE have a long tradition of supporting our games and our community well after the release of a title. While millions of players are enjoying Battlefield 4, we are aware that some players are experiencing issues with the game.
If you are one of them, this Battlefield 4 tracker will give you the latest updates in regards to some of the top issues we are going to fix and fan feedback we’re implementing in the game. We always work with trackers for our games internally which enables us to track and fix bugs as quickly as possible. We’ve never made it external before, but this seems like a great way to keep you constantly updated on how we’re progressing.
Before we dive into the tracker, please keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list – we’re working on some smaller fixes as well. Each of the issues in this tracker will have one of three statuses. We’re commited to fixing all issues in this tracker (and more.)
One-hit kill bug where players sometimes take damage twice from the same bullet
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live
Bug accounting for a quarter of the crashes on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live
Bug accounting for a majority of crashes on next-gen/PC
Platform(s): PC, PS4, X1
Status: Fix live
Loss of SP progress that can happen after quit and restart on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live
Incorrect matchmaking on Xbox One
Platform(s): X1
Status: Fix live
EMP blur effect
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live/in next patch
The "Sound Loop Crash"
Platform(s): PC, X1
Status: Fix live on PC, fixing on X1
Game Mode ribbons are counted twice
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live on PC, PS3, X360, PS4, fixing on X1
4X damage from miniguns when using Defensive specialization
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live on PC, PS3, X360, PS4, fixing on X1
Players sometimes get stuck in kill cam after revive
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live on PC, PS3, X360, PS4, fixing on X1
Players sometimes become spectators while still alive in Defuse mode
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live on PC, PS3, X360, PS4, fixing on X1
Players sometimes get stuck in revive screen
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live on PC, PS3, X360, PS4, fixing on X1
Join queue disabled on consoles
Platform(s): All consoles
Status: Fix live on PS3, PS4, X1, investigating on X360
Server browser filters are not fully functioning
Platform(s): Consoles
Status: Fix live on PS3, PS4, X360, fixing on X1
Squad spawn sometimes positions you under the terrain
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
Desynchronized game world where objects have different states for different players
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Bug accounting for a large amount of crashes on X360
Platform(s): X360
Status: Investigating
Hit markers and crosshairs sometimes disappear
Platform(s): PC
Status: Investigating
Rubber banding issues for some players with solid Internet connections
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Some instances of no hit effects and no damage to opponent in your sights
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Damage received is sometimes delayed by a few frames
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Sudden frame rate drops during certain in-game events
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Statuses explained
INVESTIGATING means we are aware of a specific issue and working to reproduce it. Often, getting a solid reproduction is what actually allows us to eliminate a bug in the end.
FIXING means that we have been able to reproduce an issue and are working on a fix. This might be a simple line of code or a larger task. Once we have the solution, we code, test and get it live. An issue with the label FIXING is on its way to being resolved.
FIX LIVE means that we have fixed the issue in a patch that has already gone live. For example, we had a bug that accounted for a quarter of all crashes on PS4. That issue was fixed in the latest PS4 game update that went live Dec 5. Many other issues are already addressed.
You can always find the latest information on game updates in the Battlefield 4 Control Room at Anonymous12 years ago
@eanils wrote:Battlefield 4 Top Issues Tracker - Dec 17 Update
With the latest batch of game updates, several additional items in the list have gone live or are being fixed.
We at DICE have a long tradition of supporting our games and our community well after the release of a title. While millions of players are enjoying Battlefield 4, we are aware that some players are experiencing issues with the game.
If you are one of them, this Battlefield 4 tracker will give you the latest updates in regards to some of the top issues we are going to fix and fan feedback we’re implementing in the game. We always work with trackers for our games internally which enables us to track and fix bugs as quickly as possible. We’ve never made it external before, but this seems like a great way to keep you constantly updated on how we’re progressing.
Before we dive into the tracker, please keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list – we’re working on some smaller fixes as well. Each of the issues in this tracker will have one of three statuses. We’re commited to fixing all issues in this tracker (and more.)
Bug accounting for a majority of crashes on next-gen/PC
Platform(s): PC, PS4, X1
Status: Fix live
Incorrect matchmaking on Xbox One
Platform(s): X1
Status: Fix live
Join queue disabled on consoles
Platform(s): All consoles
Status: Fix live on PS3, PS4, X1, investigating on X360
FIX LIVE means that we have fixed the issue in a patch that has already gone live.
You can always find the latest information on game updates in the Battlefield 4 Control Room at live...... Why don't the Community Managers come out to my house and see if the 'fixed issue' is actually FIXED. This is starting to sound cliche but i'm going to say it anyways. Why are you pumping out DLC left and right when the BIGGEST problems lie within the core of the game you sold to millions of people?? I jumped the COD ship after Black Ops 2 thinking that I would get a 'cooler' 'more fun' game in Battlefield 4. I'm sure they are having issues too but not to THIS extreme. EVERY SINGLE issue you stated above that is FIXED LIVE is not. Hell.... it's safe to say I'm having even MORE problems with this latest patch than I did a week ago. I know I'm not the only out there. I feel everyone elses pains across all platforms. I would only hope that you are putting aside more DLC to focus on your primary problems. Fixing the CORE of this game and make it PLAYABLE.... single player AND multiplayer.
- Anonymous12 years ago
Please help iv been kicked from a server THE UNIT ELITE HARDCORE 24/7 for Lang there was a guy that was using some kind of a cheat and I got mad and I swear at him
ErrorGame disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'V10-G-MAN' ... Prior Kick/BanPLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO PLAY - Anonymous12 years ago
any known fixes for appcrash?
- Anonymous11 years agoDude your dumb there never going to fix this game you got robbed for your money get it into your heads
- Anonymous11 years agoDice hasnt fixed **bleep** there lying to all you they said they fixed the rubber banding issue.... They didn't that's one of my biggest problems on navel strike get your **bleep** together dice!!!!! Cuz people will linch you out in the streets over less.
- Anonymous11 years ago
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