Hi Res01ution, give this a try please if not done ...
In game video settings right side set to custom and set everything to medium or low but last three turn them off ....
1-antialiasing deferred off
2-antialiasing post off
3-ambient occlusion off
on left side be sure vertical sync is off
Edit... Also do a clean boot if the ingame video settings do not help as this will rule out a program on your pc is making this problem ...see below...
Try a clean boot : run a Clean Boot: http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-clean-boot-your-pc/
This should ensure that no programs are interfering in the background.
Below are programs known to make issues in BF4
Disable Mantle if you have it and try Direct X, Turn OFF Anti-Aliasing Deferred in video card settings in game. If you have page file turned off then turn it back on as this can make errors even with 32gigs ram.
Others have said if they uninstall MSI Afterburner issues / crashing is stopped. So if you have this installed remove program and test BF4. Also look at other programs as Asus Game First Service, Razer synapse, Razer Cortex, Qualcomm Killer Service , Fraps, EVGA Precision, Geforce experience, be sure to turn off the streaming function that is enabled by default ,Raptr, RivaTuner , ASRock eXtreme Tuner, Steam, Skype, aero ,Overwolf extra program in teamspeak and xfire are known to make issues as well. And I am sure more programs not in my list yet turn one off at a time and test BF4.
Uninstall the HD Audio Driver from the video card driver install add/remove programs. This silly thing makes issues in BF4 for some. Reboot then repair BF4 to be safe.
If all this fails to fix it then try this...
C:\Users\your PC Name\Documents\Battlefield 4
BF4 folder in my documents holds game configs and screen shots even if BF4 is installed on different drive. When you uninstall BF4 it does NOT remove this folder. So when you install the game again you can still have the same issues. Even if its not a new install it is still worth trying as the game cfg could be mucked up.
1- Go to my Documents and remove BF4 folder place it on your Desktop for now.
2- Be warned you do have to set up your in game settings again.
3-Repair BF4
4- When done go test your game. If it fails reboot your PC and run repair game again and test BF4.
If all this still fails to fix it then I think you need to look at the video card driver as it could be doing this as well so if you need it..
Video Card drivers and doing a clean install.Credit goes to aT1C for his steps
Note.. with the video card driver it installs so much junk :womanfrustrated: and some of it just makes issues so if you want it this is how I do my driver now as I have my BF fully stable and I want to keep it this way .
First I only install two things from it 1- Graphics Driver 2- PhysX System they can keep the rest :womanlol: See steps below.
This is how you do a clean graphic driver clean install:Credit goes to aT1C for his steps
Start by downloading your graphic card drivers from here,
AMD; http://support.amd.com/en-us/download
NVidia; http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
Download the one you have and save it on desktop, you are going to need it!
After downloading the video card driver follow these instructions to the letter,
1- press windows button,
2- right click my computer,
3- press property’s, you will get a new window here.
4- in the new window click device manger on your left side of the screen, you will get another new window here,
5- you will see in the latest window a list of devices you have in your computer, click on the arrow beside Display driver and a small fall down menu will show you what kind of graphic card you have.
6- left click on your (graphic card name) so it’s highlighted in blue,
7- right click (graphic card name) and press property’s, you will get a new small window here,
8- in the new small window click on Drivers, you will see the name between the tabs,
9- in the driver menu click on uninstall, you will now get a really small window that ask you if you’re really sure that you want to uninstall you’re graphic card drivers,
10- click ok,
11- after you have uninstall you’re drivers restart you’re computer,
12- after you have started up your computer, click on your graphic card install file,
13- follow the instructions of your graphic card installer, Pick Custom / Advanced and only check off for Nvidia 1- Graphics Driver 2- PhysX System and for AMD card only check off display driver and catalyst control center.
14- when you have Install your graphic card drivers, restart / Reboot your computer,
15- you’re done.