[PC Bug] Cant swim forward during campaign mission
So I saw this t hread https://answers.ea.com/t5/Battlefield-4/cant-pass-swimming-part/td-p/4793328/page/6
it seems this bug is still a thing and the community manager 2 years ago said to make a new post so here I am.
On the mission "South China Sea" where you board the crashed USS Titan and need to swim to the next part, some kind of invisible barrier is preventing me from swimming forward during normal gameplay.
The bug did not come accompanied with any frame drops, crashes or freezes. Aside from a split second player model/camera bug from the previous level i've not had any other bugs.
Platform: PC, latest Windows 10 update.
Playing on: XBOX Gamepass for PC via EA Play Desktop app.
Peripherals: Using Wireless Logitech G305 Mouse + Wired Corsair K63 80% Keyboard
Steps to reproduce:
1) After opening hatch G-46 and diving into the water, attempt to swim forward with W key.
Expected result:
My character would swim forward at a reasonable speed until the end of the sequence
Actual result:
My character either does not move at all as if blocked by some collision, or swims forward INCREDIBLY slowly, like 1 unit per second.
Steps taken to resolve:
1) Restarted game x1 times
2) Restarted from checkpoint x2 times
(I'd do more but I am not being paid to QA test a 6 year old bug so this is my limit)
Bug appearance rate: 100% (4 times total)
Attempts to fix:
1) Pressing ESC to bring up the pause menu and pressing ESC again to unpause allows me to swim forward at a normal speed for 5-10 seconds, then i'm back to snail speed/not moving at all. Pausing and unpausing 3 times was enough for me to make it past the water section.
DxDiag attached