@LilXRican wrote:
Just want Orgin/EA to know I also am having this issue. I got my dad the game as a gift and he downloaded it on his laptop but his laptop wasn't strong enough to play the game. He gave me the game because my PC is stronger and now I can't play the game. So no one is able to play this game. Your attempt to control your game has prevented me from wanting to continue using Orgin or playing EA games. This is because this was the first game I tried to play from Orgin and EA and the outcome was terrible. Due to your greed I will not give orgin or EA a cent until this hoax is fixed. Which is a shame because there are titles by EA I would be interested in playing. I have used Steam for a long time and have been very pleased so they will now get more of my family and friends business. Even though I am one person I hope I bring attention to this hoax and Orgin or EA decide to fix it to at least allow transfers between accounts.
This isn't greed, it's standard industry practice on Steam, Uplay, PSN, and even Xbox Live that once a game or DLC is redeemed on an account or purchased by a specific user account it cannot be transferred to another account. As a PC gamer it is also your responsibility to check the minimum and recommended specs for a game before purchasing in order to ensure that your machine can run the game.
If you purchased the BF3 for your father from Origin you may be entitled to the Origin "Great Game Guarentee" which would refund your purcase, please read here to see if you qualify: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Origin/IMPORTANT-Great-Game-Guarantee/td-p/1418236
Should you be elgible for the Origin Great Game Guarentee be advised that you should have your father present so they can establish that you are trying trying to invoke the guarentee on his account with his blessing.