The script requests the size of the nonPagedPool every second (by default) from the system.
It then calculates the difference between the current and previous messurement (delta-value). If this delta gets up to 10MByte or more (by default) the programm "assumes" that there is a memory-leak and kills the bf4-process.
I've tested alot with the size of this delta-limit and my system was always leaking memory when the 10 MByte-Cap was reached. So this assumption might not be 100% accurate - but nearly 😉
As a "fallback" there is second limit: When the general size of the NP-Pool reaches 500MByte (by default) then the program also assumes that there must be a memoryleak and kills the BF4-Process.
This fallback prevents the system from out-of-memory, when the delta-limit is set too high.
To your question: Yes, the NP-Pool will still raise with this workaround activated - but much less than without it 😉
As an example: Normally when I experienced a memory-leak on my pc while playing bf4, the NP-Pool raised up to 6 GByte (75% of my total memory) until I realized it.
No with the script running in the background, I experienced 3 memory-leaks, but my NP-Pool only raised to 270MB without restarting my pc!
But to make this clear: This is not meant to be a total solution for this issue - it's more like a firefighter (just "extinguishing the fire") 😉