Game Disconnected: You have lost the connection to the session.
Every BF V match that i start, 5-10 minutes in, i am disconnected.
First I was getting issues with this error "Game Disconnected: You have lost the connection to the session."
Last few attempts to play a single match through, i was getting bumped offline EA servers.
"You have lost connection tot he EA Servers. Online features will be unavailable. Please try again. Please check for more information"
Steps i've taken so far:
Tried all setups from here:
Restarted my home network
Factory reset my router
Run both origin.exe and originhelperservice.exe as admin
Removed and re added local firewall ports for BF V
Tried clean boot to run only essential Microsoft services.
At at my wits end. What else can I do to improve this?
Are EA Services still under maintenance?