Forum Discussion
Product: Battlefield V
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox One
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Single Player War Story
Which part of the mode? The Last Tiger
Please select your region North America
On which server did this happen? N/A
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) N/A
Summarize your bug When I try to complete a challenge for a mission it won't let me complete the challenge even though I did the Steps to achieve it.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By playing turning point mission in the last tiger war story
What happens when the bug occurs? It says I completed it on the home screen but when I go into the mission it says its not complete
What should be happening instead? It should complete the challenge
Look at pictures.
- Anonymous7 years ago
The same has happened to me in the start menu it says i dont have the strp but ingame i did it.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Même problème sur plate forme ps4, le problème est récurrent et me déçois de l'expérience battlefields 5.
- 7 years ago
The same happens on PC
- Anonymous7 years ago
I have the same bug with you , I had played for many times in chapter 2 to get the classified papers not alarmed to kill the enemy , I really did , not to let them alarmed , all of them were kill in silence, but when I got back to the menu of The last Tiger chapter 2 it said I haven’t done yet .
- 7 years ago
have you found out a way to fix this, I have the same problem as well.
- 7 years agoIt happends to me too. In the first chapter of The Last Tiguer I reach the end of level without repairing and in-game it appears to me complete from the beggining of the level, but I completed too many times without reapiring and I cant get that achiev.
- 7 years ago
Same here.
I've done the first chapter, the second chapter, and the final chapter. In-game it shows that I completed it without repairing, but when I get to the menu, it still shows 8/9.
Very frustrating completing the whole story, 2-3 times, finding all the items, doing all the required assignments, only to be told that I haven't completed it.
Grrrrrrrrrr Come on EA/Dice. Get your act together!
- Anonymous7 years ago
I agree, I have exactly the same problem!!
- 7 years ago
I have this same issue
- Anonymous7 years ago
I am having same issue. Start of story challenge beat chapter without repairing says completed but at the menu it says it is not completed. Was like this from the first playthrough I am now unable to get a skin I worked very hard for. Xbox one gt:theycallmedarko
- 7 years agoSame here for ps4 in the first chapter when it says not repair for the whole chapter it won’t work I did it 10 times even tried not get shot through the whole mission I have every other challenge done but that’s the only one not working another thing for that glitch is if I press start it says I did it but when you go back to select act it says you didn’t plz fix
- Anonymous7 years ago
Nearly The same bug, but i have completed all Tasks including The letters and it says 3 out of 6 letters. But i cant go and do it Again because The letters disapeared in The game After i collected them. ... so i have no way to complete the Mission
- Anonymous7 years ago
Same here it tells me I have found 5/6 letters but have found them all.
- 7 years ago
Did you try what he suggested?
Just replay it after renaming the folder and see if that works. Worked for me even though I had Cloud Storage disabled(is enabled now though).
Good luck!
- 7 years agoSame Problem on ps4 (europe)
- 7 years ago
Since that bug still occurs, I can propose, at least for PS4, a solution which worked for me:
-Get a usb stick. Go to settings=>saved data management
- put the usb stick in and copy your saved data from storage to usb
- put the usb stick out an delete saved data on storage and online Storage both
- start the game, you'll have to adjust brightness e.t.c... you can quit the prolog from Narvik on. Then go to war stories and start the mission on any difficulty. The game still shows your previous achievments, that's normal ignore it.
- now the letters will be there you can get them. You won't have to do the challenges you already completed again! You can quit when you got the letters, to be sure do it when you're at the cathedral.
-put the usb back in and copy your saved data to the ps4 storage. Overwrite it yes.
- now you'll have the 6/6 letters and if you've done all the other challenges, the tiger skin
PS: it's possible to get the last 3 letters without fighting. After you shot down the planes, take the bazookas lying around to take down the shermans an kill all soldiers, don't enter the Tiger! Now you can simply walk to the letters, the game won't load any enemys now 😉 afterwards just get back in the Tiger an complete the mission normally
- 7 years ago
I´ve found a solution for the problem with the Last Tiger Missions. For far as I know it works on PC.
1.- Disable Cloud Storage and close Origin. Search for Battlefield V save folder (located in My documents), and rename the folder "Battlefield V" with another name ( I just use Battlefield 5). And don´t forguet to disable Cloud Storage or the old data will still be there (dont be panic you dont loose your progress...)
2.- Complete the missions where the achievments was bugged (in my case in the first one when you need to complete without repairing).
3.- Go to your armory in the game and reclaim the Tiger Skin "The Last Tiguer".
4.- Quit game and rename to the original name the "Battlefiled V" folder you just changed name before and reactivate Cloud-Storage.
5.- Now skin should be in your inventory. Works for me.
Let me know if it works for you too.
- 7 years ago
My Cloud Storage was already disabled.....I did rename the file in my Documents though. Played the first chapter without repairing and got the Special Skin for the Tiger.
Thanks for the suggestion....even though mine was the opposite, it appears to work. And yes, I didn't lose anything.
+1 for ya!
- Anonymous7 years ago
I have the same problem on the ps4
- 7 years agoWorks perfectly ^^
- 7 years ago
Pero que solucion nos da EA para este problema yo quiero mi skin
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