Forum Discussion
Cheaters in BFV......
Is EA/DICE going to do anything about the abundant cheaters, as of late, in Battlefield V? I am getting down right sick of having to leave servers because of BLATANT cheaters in the game. I played 2 rounds earlier today with a guy who went 107-3 one round and the next 106-4. I stood next to the player to witness his LMG snapping from player to player through smoke killing them as fast as he could push his mouse button! I reported him each round, but not like that is going to do anything.... right EA? (CAL-invite player back in the day, but who am I?}
Either you enable some code to catch this blatant cheating behavior, or I am done with the BF series! I have been on board since day 1 with BF, and love it to death as being one of/if not the best MP games out as of today! After my experiences this past week+, I am ready to give up on this franchise.
If you truly want to protect your games, you need to step up the anti-cheat system tremendously, or else start to hardware ban players like Blizzard does. You cannot tell me that you cannot monitor players kills per minute.(YOU RUN THE SERVERS!!!!)
It is one thing for a player to kill multiple people in a minute/or two even, but when they keep doing it for the whole round!!??? Uh..... put some measures in place to deal with this crap!
This is my 2 cents. If this continues, I think that I am completely done with EA. As stated earlier, I have been a FPS gamer since 1999 and played years of competitive online gaming , and at this point willing to turn away from EA all together because of their incompetence to deal with cheaters ruining their games. If they are not willing to take it seriously, then they can get their income elsewhere..........
Disgusted Gamer...........
- EA_Darko6 years ago
Community Manager
Hey @Slanty1 if you are in-game and suspect another user of cheating then you can report them by using the steps in this help article:
- 6 years ago
@EA_Darkohaha..there is no day for me not to meet a cheater, not one cheater, cheaters and many in one round a time, full clans, just aim, just wh, just cautious, not to remarkably
- Roadmay6 years agoNew Ace
@Skagen76 wrote:@EA_Darkohaha..there is no day for me not to meet a cheater, not one cheater, cheaters and many in one round a time, full clans, just aim, just wh, just cautious, not to remarkably
When I came back from Hell Let Loose , I just don't know how to deal with so many cheaters at these days . These guys look like zombies and turn people to their side . The free weekend trial is wild crazy , so I would just finish the daily assignments as soon as I can then leave BFV and go back to HLL .
- 6 years ago
Actually if you report too much dice will put your account in offline mode (even when online in game) so you cant report
- 5 years ago
IF there are too many cheaters will all reporters will we put to offline mode???
YO spectate asian servers so many hackers even we report they keep spawning
- 5 years ago@EA_Darko There are several hard violations (racism, insults, cheats) by several players within a very short time.
If you want to report everyone, you wouldn't be able to play the game anymore. Other, harder solutions are needed, EA!
- 6 years agoToo much data interferes, the machine he uses, the settings, the delay, the fps, the enemies can be late, but if a hacker really is just reporting it.
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