7 months ago
Servers down
I tried to log into college football 25 and it says unable to at the moment but i got onto the Madden server just fine what's going on did they take the servers down to fix the issues in CUT
I tried to log into college football 25 and it says unable to at the moment but i got onto the Madden server just fine what's going on did they take the servers down to fix the issues in CUT
still wondering how anyone could have abused a mode (solo battles) I couldn't access since the release of the game :/ ... even when solo battles still were there I always got a server error, accessing them.
Me too but EA must have beefed up the packs by accident and now they're punishing the players who haven't had a chance to play the mode
No - I haven’t been able to play for three days and am about to get a refund - through PlayStation if EA refuses to do so. This is an absolute scam.
@Brosandwhich Is this true? I’ve read about some exploit or glitch on UT but didn’t know this. How can you exploit solo battles? They pay only a few coins.
However, why would head to head and other gameplay in UT be disabled also? You can’t even Practice in Ultimate Team right now. Only thing you can do is Virw Lineup or Auction House. Why would they close everything?
This happening to me on Saturday, July 20th, too. On EA FC the server loads up fine without any issues. I've been waiting for CFB 25 since 2009, this is RIDICULOUS!
Nothing is fixed still says “ours servers cannot process your request at this time”. Pay 100 bucks for this game that I can’t even play.
I constantly am getting the reset your password to log in page with a QR code and ultimate team just won’t work cause it is saying the servers are constantly down. What is going on ea.