5 months ago
Ea server dropping
So every time I log onto ncaa 25 I have to relogin to my ea server and then when I get into a game about 2nd to 3rd quarter my ea server drops and I have to restart game and then usually makes it thr...
For the past 2-3 weeks I keep losing connection to the servers in the 3rd or 4th quarter. I have excellent internet connection and it doesn’t happen on any other game. This is frustrating to lose all progress and take losses due to server issues. When I go look at ea servers status it always shows online. What is going on!?!?!?
Same thing has been happening to me over the last week on CFB 25, playing Road to CFB Playoff online. There's absolutely nothing wrong with my internet connection, hence everything else running smoothly, and yet I conveniently have this happen late in the games after it's clear I've won -- and it gives the message that MY connection is having issues, then swiftly exits the game in predictable fashion to this error message empty ranking list, before having to reconnect to EA Sports servers. Only this time tonight, just a few mins ago, it won't actually reconnect, as if the servers legitimately went down this time. But still I'm sure this will somehow result as a loss, as usual, despite it having NOTHING to do with me. This is the reason I'm about to NEVER play this game or any product by EA Sports ever again. And I'm going to be EXTREMELY vocal about promoting others to boycott CFB25 and EA Sports in general. I dare you to make it right. I dare you to make me reconsider.... because this most certainly isn't an isolated incident, and I'm really at a breaking point here.....