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Kicked to lobby after loading screen of UT online squad game
I’ve been having this issue for the last couple of weeks when loading into an Ultimate Team online squads game. After readying up I’ll get the loading screen, and then it will send me back to the main lobby. Issue doesn’t happen to my squad mates, and I can’t seem to find anyone else who’s having this problem. Any ideas?NattyHawk16 hours agoNewcomer7Views0likes0CommentsDoes EA even read these?
I’ve posted several times and never see one response. Just wondering if EA even cares? There are so many glitches. I have 6 Rising Star players in my lineup yet nothing tracks in Fraternities objectives. How do I have wins in Frats but not track where I can win coins and an upgrade token? Makes it feel all the money I spent a waste and then slap in the face is the EA people don’t even respond. I’m 99% positive I won’t get NCAA 26 due to these glitches.benny24ben21 hours agoRising Novice4Views0likes0CommentsUltimate Team Squads and Regular Season is down.. again
Squads was down for the entire Sunday last week when I tried to play with my friend and apparently it’s down again when I tried today. We both restarted and tried several times. Your servers say they’re not down, but everyone is reporting on reddit and x that they are. Fix your game please this is ridiculous, it’s the weekendholyrattlecake4 days agoSeasoned Newcomer33Views0likes0CommentsTwitch drops not working
Don’t know if this is the right place but let’s give it a shot… Today’s twitch campaign for the EASportsCollege stream didn’t work for anyone who watched. Wondering if it was an EA issue or a Twitch issue. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advanceCaptainJimerica4 days agoRising Newcomer11Views0likes1CommentEa server dropping
So every time I log onto ncaa 25 I have to relogin to my ea server and then when I get into a game about 2nd to 3rd quarter my ea server drops and I have to restart game and then usually makes it through the second game I’m just wondering what is going on? And if it can be resolved?824Views1like5CommentsMadden/cfb h2h do not work
H2h modes across quickplay/mut/ franchise are unplayable Hello all + Ea Been having an issue regarding H2H modes since Thursday 2/27. Game will load up normally in the lobby. But once launched, the game will play intro commentary, and then it will show the stadium slowly spinning (like it usually does before you pick a play) and thats it. It only stops when I close out the game completly from the PS screen. I've attempted to relaunch the game. Change DNS settings to 8888- 8844, reload default settings, reinstall the game, re activate the license, clear caches and reload databases via safe mode, and finally factory reset my ps5 only to have the same issue occur. Could you please help me with this issue? And escalate internally? Anyone else experiencing this? Thank you.xx1derboixx4 days agoRising Rookie11Views0likes0CommentsCollege Football 25 PS5-EA Server keeps Disconnecting Mid-Game
College Football 25 PS5-EA Server keeps Disconnecting Mid-Game in dynasty Mode. Game and system are up to date. I checked the Playstation network and it's working. Happening on different wifi addresses. What to do?Lightsout20477 days agoSeasoned Newcomer81Views2likes0CommentsChallenges Legends Aqib Talib A Jayhawk Giant Incompletion Star?
Under the ultimate team feature. One of the Aqib Talib challenges is bugged. The first one in the list is titled “a jayhawk giant.” I have completed it several times with the same issue. There are the three stars for completing on “hard” and two bonus stars. One for “don’t allow more than 15 passing yards this drive” and the other is for “force an incomplete pass this drive.” The issue is with the incomplete pass bonus star. I have swatted away passed down field, I have blocked a pass with a rushing lineman, I have forced a throw out of bounds, and I have even gotten an interception. Each of these immediately turns the “challenge goal” red as if it has failed. Usually when you accomplish a goal it turns green. For this reason I cannot obtain the final star to complete the challenge.MillersKillers97 days agoRising Newcomer24Views0likes0CommentsHaving trouble connecting to my EA server on NCAA 25
I preordered NCAA Football 25 Deluxe Edition on PS5 and I have never been able to connect to the EA server. It says the server is not available and when I try to reconnect it says my account is already connected to my profile name and can only be connected to one account. This happened with Madden 23 when I switched from PS4 to PS5. Can you please help resolve this?1.4KViews0likes3CommentsTerrible servers
I would like to say how is it that when your game disconnects me i still receive a loss this needs to be resolved immediately. The amount of times that i have been disconnected from the game due to your terrible servers and lost important games is ridiculous. I was in a online h2h and was in the second game in the playoffs and was WINNING and out of nowhere the game stops and sits still like it does all the time and i was waiting for it to go back and then to no surprise your terrible servers kicked me out of the match i go to load into another game and guess what i received a loss becuase your game doesnt function. Its really pathetic that in 2025 on the newest xbox in the newest game theres network issues like this game has get your game fixed ea your always find a way to ruin somethingkfkae5j5ffq610 days agoRising Newcomer27Views0likes0CommentsCF25 CUT Weekly Objectives Not Refreshing
I logged in to CUT to complete my weekly objectives and they are still stuck on last week's objectives, which I have already completed. I was able to complete the daily objectives but that's it. We are 2 weeks away from season 5 ending and I am about to score the big packs and coins for season 5. Please help!! I include some details below and a screenshot to help resolve. Platform: PS5 Platform ID: JS2025GOAT Last Login: Logged in now.JS2025GOAT10 days agoSeasoned Newcomer59Views0likes2CommentsCollege Football 25 controler freezing
Hi team, my controller keeps freezing. The same thing is happening to my opponents. I have a ps5 and I gave the early release version. here is a video: Anyone having the same issue?6KViews0likes21Comments- 4.6KViews20likes29Comments
Ultimate Team Counting Games My Opponent Leaves/Dashboards as a Loss
Recently I’ve noticed on quite a few occasions I have been attributed a loss for games that my opponent quits/dashboards. This happened to me on my National Championship game a few weeks ago and I tweeted EA/CFB Support and got no reply below is the link to the tweet. This happened to me again a few minutes ago when I got a loss attributed to me after my opponent left. Below is the recording from the most recent issue as well. Not sure how to officially reports this or where to report it but this is now more than 2 times this has happened to me. Is there anyway to recover my lost rewards? — Xbox Gamertag: GangstaTacticsX — National Championship Issue (with screenshots): Screenshot of 8 straight wins and screenshot of 2 additional wins after that: — Recent Issue (with video): to heat cut issue
the past 2 days ive been trying to play CUT champs and head to head games and everytime i get a game i get kicked tot he home screen witht he message "our servers cannot process your request at this time. please try again later" i dont know what to do801Dubz16 days agoRising Newcomer38Views0likes1CommentServer error during Frat Booster Pack opening....refund?
I spent 990 points buying a Frat Booster Pack, and ran into a Server Can't Process Your Request error DURING the pack opening. Now my 990 points AND the pack are missing.....can I somehow get a refund or the pack back?Solveda06ba0fd9e4cf81716 days agoSeasoned Newcomer30Views0likes1Comment