7 years ago
No Player Wipes!
We’ve received a lot of feedback from our player community that they’re bummed we plan to wipe all player data sometime in the future. While this was originally intended so that we could gather your ...
@EA Dance. I understand that alpha is to test the system you all have in place. But it should also you to wipe the accounts for players that test your system and found bugs and glitches.
So players did not par take in the survey that granted them 1000 gems to forward there advancements. that gives unfair balance to new players and even a few week old players.
With the no wipe system you have no room to test or try things knowing that the game is set in stone now. So players like myself who have tested different units places gems and gold in different upgrades now find our selves at a lose because we could have tested or done things differently.
The no wipe players is wrong on many lvls. We are testers not a live beta. "Live beta" is where players keep the progress of the accounts not a PRE ALPHA.
Players who found glitches and exploited them have an upper advantage over other players. Players who found bugs inside troop balance now have a higher medal and advancement over all players as well.
You cant allow players who are testing and finding the bugs and fixes to keep the accounts that might have exploited these at the time before any fix was done.
I would love to hear good reasons to why you want a NO wipe is not in the future because as a player I would like to have EQUAL opportunity as every other player does when it launches to the world.