7 years ago
No Player Wipes!
We’ve received a lot of feedback from our player community that they’re bummed we plan to wipe all player data sometime in the future. While this was originally intended so that we could gather your ...
If you are not willing after "alpha" you must wipe after "beta" most developers wipe progress after each test session if you don't wipe after "beta" if you even go to beta since this alpha is more beta than alpha, anyone joining on official launch would be too far behind to even attempt to get on the leadership board y'all caving in and not wiping because people don't jmderunder how testing sessions work is just bad buisness
Hi guys,
I'm seeing a lot of concerns about the lack of wipe making the game less competitive. I'm assuming most, if not all, of these concerns stem from the leaderboard and higher medal count from players already in the game. Would that be correct? If so, would it also be correct that these concerns are valid for post-launch, when new players continue to enter the game and see others high up on the leaderboard?
If that's not correct, or not the only issue, what other competitive concerns do y'all have?
My concern is not based towards medal count. I personally do not care how high the top player is. My enjoyment comes from being equal to all players. Every player should have the same advantage from Alpha to live beta. The problem stems from EA not wiping accounts and giving ALL players the same and equal ability to play the game. Our job as testers right now is to find bugs glitch's and hidden gems deeper inside coding and advancement.
I applaud the players who spent countless hours to better your end game product to find those glitchs in the high lvl of troops and upgrades and maps. But when you label a game PRE ALPHA it means wipe before a live beta launch. Our job as testers is exactly that TEST. Find the bugs (EA fixes the bugs) you wipe, you launch to live beta where everyone has equal play to keep progress now.
Medals and rankings mean nothing to most players, its glorified you spent X amount of time on a game thats it. I find myself quitting the game already from the in balance of GDI vs NOD.
The game right now is souly based on luck towards the units you can get inside boxes for upgrades. I lack several units still to compete vs higher players of NOD or even GDI.
Competitive gaming is also equal gaming. Yes pre alpha will have advantage over players of launch because of the game experience we get in pre alpha. But i should be able to play players and get ranks fairly. Not from a player disconnecting at the start of a battle because network issues or unstable networks. Not the ideal way to achieve medals and rankings.
If I was to enter the game after pre alpha as a new player and see no wipe and someone with heavy medal count and leadership i would prob delete the game right away knowing the right steps were not takin from the Management side of the game which shows a lack of direction from the developer.
Like i said the game is based off luck on opening those crates to get your units and able to upgrade them. I know i spent my gems and gold stupidly on units that meant nothing but thats part of testing right knowing at the end you get that 2nd chance to not make the same mistakes again.
A few really negative voices complaining on a forum is considered a lot?
The argument here is purely semantics and being really serious about the principle of testing order for a game that's supposed to be fun.
I've had a lot of fun playing this game, and I'm a casual enough gamer where if I had to restart my progress I'd probably quickly lose interest.
"A lack of a player wipe means that new players will quickly get discouraged in the face of massively leveled-up pre-alpha players."
BUT, a wipe means that new players will get quickly destroyed in the face of playing alpha/beta players who have way more game knowledge and developed strats than them.
I think not wiping is better for the new playerbase when it launches since that means its more likely they play each other and not us. They won't play us until they've played for a while, learned the strats, and levelled their units. Meaning when they do finally face alpha players, its more likely they are on full even ground.