7 years ago
No Player Wipes!
We’ve received a lot of feedback from our player community that they’re bummed we plan to wipe all player data sometime in the future. While this was originally intended so that we could gather your ...
Hello there EA team! I recently purchased a brand new phone. So i redownloaded the Alpha for C&C Rivals in the hopes of picking up where i left off. However i was prompted to create a new member ID/username, so I did, but i used the same exact name that i had on my first phone. "Manslauder", hoping the system would be like "Oh, this must be that guy" So now you have two "Manslauder" usernames floating in your servers. One is level 8 or 9 and is the leader of "LEGION" alliance with "CoNmander" as an officer and the other is level 1 with... Nearly nothing. Is there anyway that i will be able to get it back so i dont have to start over from scratch! Alliance/Friends/Medals/Diamonds/etc. Pleaaasssseee!!! Oh please!!!